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Topics - johanr

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Developers / ruby initialise command vs receive buffer
« on: December 09, 2010, 11:04:36 am »


Starting off as always to excuse myself for posting, maybe even in the wrong section(?)
Anyway. a pointer to a page where these things are described would be as appreciated as giving pointers to what is not ok.

What is wrong with my initialise command?
I assume the answer from the device is handled correct, hence the device getting disabled upon quick reload(if power is on in this case) since I tried to change the first buf.index
 to 001 and then it does register ok.
Can the init command not put devices as enabled? (i.e unclick the disabled button)
Goal: when init send power question, if receive 000(power off)  set device as enabled
               if receive 001(power on)  set device as enabled
If no response at all, then disable device..
Code: [Select]
#31-Nov-10 14:13 init Panasonic AE3000


for iRetry in 0...4
print "Initializing unit\n"
buf = conn_.Recv(100, 500)
if( !buf.nil? && !buf.index("000").nil? )
print "Initialized ok\n"
if( !buf.nil? && !buf.index("001").nil? )
print "Initialized ok\n"
print "Didn't respond to command\n"

if initok==false
DisableDevice( device_.devid_, true )
print "The device wouldn't respond. Disabling it.\n"
if initok==true
DisableDevice( device_.devid_, false )
print "The device responded. Enabling it.\n"

print "Initialized ok, doing log\n"

Below is the receive command(also copied from onkyo template)
I am not sure it is correct either, seems like it is reffered to in the init command but then it seem to be misspelled?
I guess it listens for what comes but what is the things between supposed to do " " ?
I guess this what's expected from the device?

Code: [Select]
buff = conn_.RecvDelimited("\1a", -1)
print buff,"\n"


Users / AcerRevo 3610 atom330 ION MD on 8.10 core:
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:21:50 am »

Finally released some money and bought the above to have as a first MD to show the family and others more of the fancy stuff with lmce.
Read that this 3600 should work but it Must be based on ION..
Also have read about people having problems with pxe and the eth0.. But I dont think I have the same..

I get different problem than most guys seem to have during pxe boot.
The boot hangs sometimes complaining about acer-wmi interface..

If not complaining(visibly) on the above it hangs on "loading hardware drivers"

Tried acpi on/off in the 01-xxxxx.cfg file in the core.
Also changed amd64 to i386 in webadmin.
Will look around for new bios tonight forgot to check that yesterday.

Maybe someone has some input on what I can do to bypass this?
 Andrew@CHT perhaps
;) ?


Users / Panasonic AE3000 New device template, need advice
« on: February 25, 2010, 09:46:30 pm »
Hi, annoying me again!

I am working on a new template for the Panasonic AE3000 projector and I really want to get that controlled via serial.

So I have created a template under panasonic tv:s.

Defined the basic codes(on/off) as I have understood they should be written.(it's nicely documented in the manual)

Then I have copied the commands from Onkyo template for the Internal commands, But..I feel this is not right..

When you guys makes new similar templates. How do you know how to handle the messages that comes back?
I guess the DCE will route the messages based on the usb id. But then what?  ???
Do I need to debug the device to find this out? in that case how do I do that other than just "tail -f"

Thankful for all help or guidance or tip so I can get this one working so I can share it(somehow).


Users / rs-232 conflict(?) need guidance..
« on: February 25, 2010, 09:32:31 pm »
in my current setup I am controlling a Onkyo receiver over serial from the core. I am using the aten usb to serial converter.

Now I am working on a new template for the Panasonic AE3000 projector and I really want to get that controlled via serial.
So I have created a template under panasonic tv:s.
Defined the basic codes(on/off) as I have understood they should be written.
Then I have copied the commands from Onkyo template for the internal commands.

It seems like as soon as I connect the serial to usb adapter(same brand as the onkyo one) The core looses connection to the Onkyo and puts it into "disable" and not registered..

Even though the bus id is not the same, can it be so that there will be a conflict since they are using the same brand? not the same adapter but the brand is same..
If not, then I wonder if I have exceeded my powerlimit by using to many(only 3 though) usb devices. I just feel it is not very likely since rs-232 does not draw much current as I know..

1. based on the above explanation, can it be a conflict?


Users / 0810: Timed Events adding new entries by itself
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:57:44 pm »
me again
will try to be as precise as possible.
Tested with Mozilla Firefox and Internet explorer.

Go to timed events by clicking on the link on the left pane, then when there click the timed events link again on the left side pane and voila. A new empty event is created.
Saw these empty events being created in 0710 also but never found out from where they came, now I know.

Does this happen to others as well?
 i.e shall I open a trac for it? not really high prio stuff but worth noting :)


Users / 0810: respond to events: definition of NIGHT and DAY and use of <>
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:19:38 pm »

1. maybe this is clear to everyone but not me  :-[ what is the correct definition of night and day? i.e. when does night begin and day begin?

2. been trying to get the respond to events working like " media on before 17:30 do not turn ambient lights on" and off course another even for "after 17:30 turn them on" by using the ">" "<"

 tried in 0710 but never managed to get it working with the >17:30 or the <17:30.
And from what I have been reading in different posts it seems like this will not work in 0810 either.
 If this is the case also in 0810 is there another way of making this?


Users / [solved]select hdmi in 8.10 fails ok in 7.10
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:28:09 pm »

Bought a new hdd and swapped it with my old 7.10 hdd just to have a fallback plan since apparently this is a live system and needs to be working 24/7 (or at least when my son and wife is awake)  ;D

Using same hw as I had on 7.10 (which works)
Mobo is ABIT AN-M2HD with one Hdmi and one VGA
Kernel version:2.6.27-17-generic

I am confused.
I have a panasonic ae 3000 connected to the hdmi via an onkyo 906. same bios settings as before and Nothing changed except the hdd and off course the new 8.10.

When I try to choose the hdmi(720p 60hz or 50hz) via avwizard using temporary monitor connected to Vga. It just fires up the higher res. settings on the VGA output.

- I have tried using HDMI-2 option
- I can disable the hdmi audio in the bios and tried that one.(same bios settings though as being used currently in the 7.10)
- Tried changing the settings to what I want and then after lmce was up restarting and having only the hdmi connected.
- connected the Pana directly to the hdmi on the mobo
- been playing around with EDID(true and false) in the Xorg conf files
-changing xorg conf vertikal and horisontal freq. values to same as in 7.10
- hdmi connection works when using hdmi -> dvi cable connected to PC monitor..

I just dont understand this, I am now running the other hdd with 7.10 and that one works just fine..

Kernel, am I using the latest and greatest?
I attach a cropped version of the printout from when I was remotely logged into the system and started the avwizard, changing settings to my liking to log and see what was going wrong and in the end killed it(?) by hitting ctrl-c but I cannot find anything weird..

why work in 7.10 but not at all in 8.10?

Users / zwave tricklestar include problem
« on: July 07, 2009, 09:19:11 pm »
Hi again been busy with the family and new garden lately.

Have done a duct tape solution including zwave relays (on off devices) to control the watering valves.

Now I wanted to add these devices to the zwave network and doing as should with the tricklestar in config mode press and hold, green light, release and press again, blinking.. Now to the device (holding the tstar next to it) doing the include(3 quick presses) also tried doing the 4 press procedure which does a reset.

Nothing.. the tricklestar doesn't even try to zoom in on the device.. usually this can be seen by faster blinking and then lock on.. =)

I have reloaded the router(just in case) and have tried this a few times with both devices and looking at the log(level 36,40,41) but I start to wonder if the remote is not even in the network?
 how can I check that?

Does the tricklestar needs to be connected 24/7 to the usb?
 I have not had it connected in a while before now since I only use it for inclusion. Connected it a day before though to charge it...

I have seen this before and then I solved it by adding all devices once again but surely there must be a simpler way since there starts to be a few devices now in our home..

Thankful for all inputs


Users / add a harddrive
« on: February 09, 2009, 08:08:59 pm »
simple task I thought. Just buy one and plug it into one of the free SATA ports.
But the Core doesn't recognise it  :-\ it's a brand new unformatted(!) 720Gb Samsung. I guess I have to format it, but then I need to mount it right?

In Kubuntu I did the same(have a computer that will be using FreeNas) but there I had to manually format and mount it. However doing this in LinuxMCE I have understood is Not the way to go.

I have done similar with an IDE disk and that one was found instantly, however that had been used before but with windoze format.

So, what is the Right(read, how would you do?) procedure to do it, don't want to mess this up.


Users / Zwave Tricklestar procedure check
« on: February 09, 2009, 07:50:28 pm »
Hey! now it works better. Reset of the Seluxit and the Tricklestar did the trick.
 Added the dimmers and other plug-in switches that I have.
 Made a quick reload of the Core. Made function check and all works well. and abit faster response can be noticed indeed.(or it may be psychological since I know it should be)

Then I installed new switches and wanted to add those as well but now the Tricklestar behaves like that again.. (flashing red)

This never happened with the other driver so I wonder if it could be the driver or (more) possible me doing it wrong?

When adding a new switch/dimmer I simply do:
Send download config to the Seluxit
Press and hold the upper button until green, then quick press on the same button, tricklestar blinks green and I press the include combination on the switch/dimmer, tricklestar then starts to blink red.
Is this the right way(at least thats how it's done in the wiki)

Off course a reset of the tricklestar will help but then also all the config will be lost(?) and I need to go around and add all the switches again.

Not sure if I should post this in the drivers thread but instead of destroying that thread I choose to start another. It's probarbly just me doing wrong anyway?


Users / control onkyo receiver via ethernet
« on: January 15, 2009, 07:16:36 pm »
Been looking at this and read the wiki about how to control via serial etc but I don't get how I can control the Onkyo using the ethernet.

 I have been playing abit with the device template already in the LMCE(need to make a copy of it before continuing) but it seems like even I set the onkyo to be IP based the Core/hybrid still want's me to use serialport when sending commands.
 Where do I define where the commands should be sent out and to what ip?

Then the more I think about I wonder how to send serial commands via ethernet(ip)  ???

Do I need to setup a new device template or how should I do this? anyone else been tried doing control via ethernet?

Off course I can go and buy a usb->rs232 dongle but since the onkyo can be controlled via ethernet I was thinking it should not be needed.


Users / Zwave necessary components for easy integ
« on: December 09, 2008, 09:28:27 pm »
as the topic describes I have now moved from plcbus more or less completely due to the uncertanity to speak between phases.And the selling arguments in Every plcbus vs. thread since hari started to work at the driver

I am in the mode of ordering the needed components this week. For starters I am planning just to control lights, inside and outside. Also turning on the engine heater is a must this time of year.

 From what I understand you off course need the seluxit controller to connect to the core.
 But then it's abit unclear.
* Do I need the remotecontrol still as well to add the dimmers/switches etc to LMCE?
* Can I buy whatever Merten switch/dimmer I want and it can be controlled hari-magically ;) without support/compability issues?

In case not, Anyone has a list over "supported" switches and dimmers?
 I will then add it to the wiki since I can only find controllers there.

Btw I live in EU..


Users / Plcbus latest news
« on: December 09, 2008, 12:25:29 am »
I have read until my eyes bleed and I have a few Q's regarding this. Silly questions maybe..

What is Not working today with Plcbus hw? what can I expect?
Does the 2-way communication work?
I will have to talk between the phases and could not find anywhere how that is being done, just that there needed to be an modification to the command being sent(?)

I plan to buy alot of insert modules(alot of money) and start to wonder, are there any plcbus hw that may not work well?  My guess is that as long as it is Plcbus then it should be fine, right?

I am seriously thinking of Maybe.. Zwave afterall depending on the status of plcbus (damnit hari.. I thought had it all figured out..)  ;)

Users / Multiple users vs DVB-S/T
« on: December 05, 2008, 08:25:58 am »
Hi, have so many questions.(sorry)

I have been reading alot, searching alot and I get more and more confused about how to set things up if you have multiple users wanting to watch different DVB-S or DVB-T channels.
I know about the hw restrictions of having a need for many LNB's but what I do not understand is how is this working right now in LMCE.

In case I have multiple DVB-S cards in the Core and multiple LNB's and that thing sorted.
 Can my son watch one channel in his room and me watching one thing in the living room?
I read somewhere that multiple DVB-S or T cards in the core currently may not be supported/working?

So how have you guys set this up? (been looking at some of your setups but cannot get an answer on How things are tied together and how it is working)


Users / back again:Slow Orbiter, N810. Network or Core issue?
« on: December 05, 2008, 07:58:48 am »
Hi, after a few days of trying to get the root cause found I have to ask here.

Lmce is now setup as should be and as recommended. I use Core/hybrid and an N810 setup as an orbiter. I noticed however that it since the last sw update with the exit button thingy that the orbiter now is Really slow(I have had it working and being faster before)..

For example when from the start view pressing Video, it takes up to 6 seconds sometimes even more before it finally shows the video's.
Then when pressing the Option(to do filtering) it takes another 6-xx seconds. When pressing Go another 6-xx seconds.
This behaviour is constant. However it seem that when a movie for example is started I can press the >>| button and it instantly skips to the next chapter.

From the Startpage I have also noticed that when pressing the LMCE button (lowest to the left)  it takes long time before the next page occurs, but pressing Home from that screen(applies to other pages as well) goes instantly.

I have made pingtests from and to the orbiter and the RTT(roundtriptime) is around 20ms. Not bad I think.
Tried changing the frame interval in advanced(lmce admin, orbiter) no change in behaviour.
My feeling is (after watching the core interface led and hdd led) is that the orbiter is not sending the command instantly. But waiting.. which is weird.

Did some Tcpdump on the eth interface in the core and found that for some reason I do not get realtime update when doing that.. sometimes I can see traffic and sometimes not(when going to different pages in the orbiter)
Even when there Should be traffic on the eth interface, the tcpdump doesn't output it so I don't really trust it or should I ?
I found that making a tcpdump on the lo interface(looback) is more reliable.

What can be the issue? has anyone else noticed similar behaviour?

->BTW, when clicking the ping every 5 seconds in the lmce admin, orbiter setup as instructed in the wiki. I cannot get the N810 to load. It always stops at a pink screen saying user.. something in the top. Then when unclicking that box(5 sec ping) it starts to work(after full regen and router reset) but very slow..


edit. changed the title to a more describing one

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