for QOrbiter.
To be a tester, i require that you
*Have linuxmce installed.
*Have the target hardware.
*are willing to spend some time giving feedback.
The software to be tested
*QOrbiter for Android x86 devices (all 2 of them?)
*QOrbiter for Android Tablets
*QOrbiter for Android Phones.
*QOrbiter for Kubuntu / ubuntu linux
There will be no standalone pi version as I plan to work on following phenigmas work on creating the MD.
All Android devices must be Android 3.0 or later. This even rules out my phone at the moment. The reason for this is that I cannot provide media playback to devices earlier than this...for now.
I will be asking you to test Qt4 and Qt5 variants for these platforms. The skins will be in various stages of complete, there will be tons of ui bugs. However I feel that it is at a point where it needs to start meeting real world people.
For linux machines, I would _prefer_ nvidia graphics cards or even intel. Not so much ATI but if you have ATI bring it. I have two ati boxes which are being a pain in the video acceleration department.
Lastly, this is NOT testing for putting QOrbiter as an MD.
Thanks for reading this and please only volunteer if you have the time. My main goal with this thrust is to get a more universal version on the Android market. People have very mixed results.
Thank you.
Releases can be found here:
Setup Instructions for Android.
wget -O /tmp/
sudo chmod u+x /tmp/
sudo /tmp/./
*Note- tiny url used, but you can always see the download address in the console.
Setup Instructions for X11 (Very Unrefined!!)
*go into directory
** add -s for fullscreen
A note about linux version. it will be in heavy flux over the next few weeks. I intend to add a and some other things to make it smoother (especially on my bandwidth!) Right now all the skins and everything are all in one package.
*Now there is this for the setup scripts
*One is for preparing your core for android.
*One is for setting up qorbiter on an x86 based machine.
More coming soon as I bring other parts of the build factory online...
Good hunting :)
I would also add I would like to get a person with a MAC to generate builds for MAC as I dont have one, but I would require that you could commit to a new build every week at least.
Do Mac builds work? If they do, I can provide a builder for that, running OSX 10.6.something.
I'm interested. Have the ASUS EF201, HTC One, and HTC One X.
Gearing up to have a baby, so a little busy with "nesting" right now, but I usually have some time starting around 10:30PM EST.
Quote from: davegravy on August 12, 2013, 03:51:02 PM
I'm interested. Have the ASUS EF201, HTC One, and HTC One X.
Gearing up to have a baby, so a little busy with "nesting" right now, but I usually have some time starting around 10:30PM EST.
I understand. I have a little langston arriving in December. I can give you an email address so you can email problems you find. I still appreciate your patience from round one of this :)
Quote from: posde on August 12, 2013, 01:03:31 PM
Do Mac builds work? If they do, I can provide a builder for that, running OSX 10.6.something.
I dont know because I dont have a mac...
Hey ....
currently my core is out of service because the power supply is broken. Will get a now one by tomorrow.
Devices i can help/test with:
- MacBook (new), Qt SDK installed (almost clean install of MacOS 10.8), should be ready for building qOrbiter on Mac
- Android Tablet - ACER Iconai A210
- Android Phone - HUAWEI U9510E
I'm glad to help, but i'm not the most skilled guy around regarding this. ;-)
Would love to help out. I have no children on the way (that I know of). My devices include:
HTC Desire HD - Jelly Bean 4.2.2
Advent Vega - Honeycomb 3.2
x2 Ubuntu + fluxbox machines - netbook running 11.04 (no longer supported, need upgrading) with intel graphics, desktop running 12.04 with nVidia graphics
Joggler - does that count as a x86 device?
Quote from: purps on August 13, 2013, 11:07:48 AM
Would love to help out. I have no children on the way (that I know of). My devices include:
HTC Desire HD - Jelly Bean 4.2.2
Advent Vega - Honeycomb 3.2
x2 Ubuntu + fluxbox machines - netbook running 11.04 (no longer supported, need upgrading) with intel graphics, desktop running 12.04 with nVidia graphics
Joggler - does that count as a x86 device?
good question about the joggler..
Yes. It does. The device uses EFI for its boot firmware, but it does indeed count as an x86 device.
Count me in. I have the following:
iMac x86 running 10.6.8 Snow Leopard which also dual boots to Ubuntu 13.04
Nexus 7 - Cyanogenmod 10.2
2 off market 7" android tablets running android 4.0
Desktop PC running Ubuntu 13.04, Fedora 19, and Windows 8.1 preview
Laptop PC running Windows 8
Laptop PC running Ubuntu 13.04, Mythbuntu 12.04, Fedora 19, Windows 7, WIndows 8.1 preview
10" Archos 101 multimedia tablet running android gingerbread - cyanogenmod
Fully functional ( except incoming calls on the stinking asterisk (insert swear words here) )
3 Raspberry Pi's running xboxmc, and pidora, set up with berryboot, for times I feel like a change.
1 Raspberry Pi running raspbx for pbx server (see angry outburst above ;) )
And now I have real DSL internet, so I am no longer limited to the constraints of satellite internet bandwidth hell.
I can help...
Core 1004 (running good for about 2wks, w/ H.264 video files and ATSC TV Tunner)
Phone: Galaxy S2
Tablet: Asus TF101
Dont remember the versions of android atm but I know their at last 4.0.4
Quick note: Go and test the versions you can test on your devices, and report back your findings. golgoj4 already linked where you find the versions.
It's been a while but I have some time to test.
Android Phone: Razr HD (will check version and firmware)
Virtualbox: ICS - 1024 ram, 1 proc, virtual "sd card", working virtual "wifi" connection
Tablet: purchasing soon, most likely $100 range cheapo
Where do we download the non-android versions?
Some older version is available in the precise part of our repo for x86 and amd64. But the amd64 builds are currently broken. and it has been a while since the x86 version has been uploaded. They only get uploaded when the beta 1204 page in the wiki changes (and I become aware of that change... ;) )
Quote from: coley on August 15, 2013, 08:54:36 PM
Where do we download the non-android versions?
working on it :)
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 12, 2013, 05:04:10 AM
Releases can be found here:
Super... I haven't tried qorbiter for a while... I think the last one I downloaded was from the play store.
QorbiterQT5: On my phone (HTC one-v ICS) I tried to download and install QorbiterQT5 but when I run it there is simply a "Your appliation encountered a fatal error and cannot continue" with an OK button.
QorbiterQT4: On HTC one-v ICS: Downloaded, installed and ran (connected to my core) but functionality seemed rather limited. I'll post some details this weekend.
Will try on my cheap tablet and wife's Samsung S4 as well.
Do all the other config steps that are outlined somewhere on the wiki still apply? (skins, setting up the orbiter on the core, creating the config xml file on the device etc etc?) If we install a new version should we update all of that / redo it at all? Does the core need an update/upgrade to get the latest stuff on its side?
What is the difference between QorbiterQT5 and QorbiterQT4... in terms of requirements? Are there any pre-requisites for QT5 that I should install to prevent the fatal error?
many thanks and sorry for the ignorance.
Is there a video or wiki page I should look at to see how it is *supposed* to work in case I report things that are just user errors?
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 16, 2013, 02:17:33 AM
working on it :)
Cool - didn't want to go adding further complications by rolling my own. Best if testing is done on "gold" releases or at least silver ;)
Quote from: jamo on August 16, 2013, 08:54:43 AM
Super... I haven't tried qorbiter for a while... I think the last one I downloaded was from the play store.
QorbiterQT5: On my phone (HTC one-v ICS) I tried to download and install QorbiterQT5 but when I run it there is simply a "Your appliation encountered a fatal error and cannot continue" with an OK button.
QorbiterQT4: On HTC one-v ICS: Downloaded, installed and ran (connected to my core) but functionality seemed rather limited. I'll post some details this weekend.
Will try on my cheap tablet and wife's Samsung S4 as well.
Do all the other config steps that are outlined somewhere on the wiki still apply? (skins, setting up the orbiter on the core, creating the config xml file on the device etc etc?) If we install a new version should we update all of that / redo it at all? Does the core need an update/upgrade to get the latest stuff on its side?
What is the difference between QorbiterQT5 and QorbiterQT4... in terms of requirements? Are there any pre-requisites for QT5 that I should install to prevent the fatal error?
many thanks and sorry for the ignorance.
Is there a video or wiki page I should look at to see how it is *supposed* to work in case I report things that are just user errors?
No these are good questions. Im just not a good QA guy so apologies for not making stuff clear.
*Android Setup instructions can be found here:
**You should always make sure the skins are up to date.
*the config.xml is created automatically (or should be!)
*You only need to do the setup once. Subsequent updates wont delete the orbiter or reset your config settings.
The difference between Qt4 and Qt5 are pretty big. From a user perspective, Qt5 is supposed to provide
*Better integration with the Android OS
*Better graphics performance.
*No additional downloads / libraries (no ministro)
*limited to Android 3.0 or higher.
Qt4 is basically the 1st attempt to bring Qt (and thus QOrbiter) to Android.
*No native support for multimedia, but I am testing a path that would allow it. Api minimum level 12 however...
*Requires Ministro
*Graphics performance not as good as Qt5
Lastly, the issue with the force close may be related to the skins not being up to date. Make sure thats updated and report back when you can.
Please feel free to ask anymore questions. Im really trying to get better at this 'distributing software' thing.
I have tested the QT5 version on a Motorola Razr Maxx running android version 4.1.2. I keep getting an error `make sure you can connect to your core` - I can open a browser and pull up my core on from my phone...
let me know if you need more information or any insight.
Can the Qt4 version be used on phones with an OS lower than 3.0? Mine's 2.3.5 :-[
Have tested the QT4 and QT5 nightly builds on my HTC Desire HD (running Jelly Bean 4.2.2).
Installed and tried QT5 version first, but I also got the "make sure you can connect to your core" message. I use the Android touch orbiter as my main orbiter. Standard internal IP address. Set up a qOrbiter on the core. Skin folder is up to date.
Then installed QT4 version, and it loads up to show the 6 buttons with the power and exit bar at the bottom. The 'Advanced' button works to show the submenu, as does the 'Power' button. No response from the other buttons.
Went back to QT5 version, but now it shuts down straight away without showing the error message from before, I assume as a result of also having the QT4 version installed (don't know if that's relevant)
Quote from: bherbie on August 18, 2013, 05:07:01 PM
I have tested the QT5 version on a Motorola Razr Maxx running android version 4.1.2. I keep getting an error `make sure you can connect to your core` - I can open a browser and pull up my core on from my phone...
let me know if you need more information or any insight.
That sounds like it cant find the skins.
I updated the configuration process
the key bit is making them accessible via 'chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android'
Possy is helping me make a .deb package so this is less of a pain in the .... :)
Thank you for your time.
Quote from: bushtech on August 18, 2013, 06:08:27 PM
Can the Qt4 version be used on phones with an OS lower than 3.0? Mine's 2.3.5 :-[
The Qt4 version is specifically targeted at versions lower than 3.0. Im in the 2.3.5 boat myself with my phone.
i may have been confusing before but
Api level 3.0 or better should use Qt5 version
Api level 3.0 and down should use the Qt4 version
This stand for tablets and phones.
Quote from: purps on August 18, 2013, 07:45:04 PM
Have tested the QT4 and QT5 nightly builds on my HTC Desire HD (running Jelly Bean 4.2.2).
Installed and tried QT5 version first, but I also got the "make sure you can connect to your core" message. I use the Android touch orbiter as my main orbiter. Standard internal IP address. Set up a qOrbiter on the core. Skin folder is up to date.
Then installed QT4 version, and it loads up to show the 6 buttons with the power and exit bar at the bottom. The 'Advanced' button works to show the submenu, as does the 'Power' button. No response from the other buttons.
Went back to QT5 version, but now it shuts down straight away without showing the error message from before, I assume as a result of also having the QT4 version installed (don't know if that's relevant)
*Re: Qt5 5 version. Tablet or phone?
*If you svn up you may have better luck. im guessing phone versions for both of these
Have read your previous posts, understand now that I should be testing QT5 only on this device.
This is on a phone.
To begin with, as a precaution, I removed the contents of /var/www/lmce-admin/skins folder before running "svn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins". Also did the chmod on /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android.
I've uninstalled the QT4 version from my phone.
Unfortunately I'm seeing the same issue. This is the log for when I try to load it
Quote from: purps on August 18, 2013, 08:45:27 PM
Have read your previous posts, understand now that I should be testing QT5 only on this device.
This is on a phone.
To begin with, as a precaution, I removed the contents of /var/www/lmce-admin/skins folder before running "svn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins". Also did the chmod on /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android.
I've uninstalled the QT4 version from my phone.
Unfortunately I'm seeing the same issue. This is the log for when I try to load it
Interesting... This adds a whole other vector of device capabilities I had not thought of. Going through the logs, it throws an opengl error. And I see that its opengl-es1, not 2 as required by Qt5. But i was under the impression 3.0 going forward had gles2 available.
But where is DIES is all me ;)
t (3716): ../../datamodels/skinloader.cpp:30 (void SkinLoader::loadSkin(QString)): Processing Style:: QUrl( "" )
08-18 19:42:07.941 D/Qt (3716): ../../qorbitermanager.cpp:1903 (void qorbiterManager::setDceResponse(QString)): "Skin loader is loading Style.qml: default"
08-18 19:42:07.941 W/Qt (3716): ../../datamodels/skinloader.cpp:56 (void SkinLoader::loadSkin(QString)): ( File not found)
08-18 19:42:07.941 W/Qt (3716): ../../datamodels/skinloader.cpp:57 (void SkinLoader::loadSkin(QString)): Style.qml is corrupt for skin at index 0 of 1 , moving to next skin.
08-18 19:42:07.941 W/Qt (3716):
08-18 19:42:07.941 W/Qt (3716): ../../datamodels/skinloader.cpp:60 (void SkinLoader::loadSkin(QString)): Attempting to remove damaged Style.qml from list of availible skins
08-18 19:42:07.941 W/Qt (3716): ../../datamodels/skinloader.cpp:63 (void SkinLoader::loadSkin(QString)): Updated the list of skins to 0
08-18 19:42:07.941 F/Qt (3716): global/qglobal.cpp:2022 (void qt_assert_x(const char*, const char*, const char*, int)): ASSERT failure in QList<T>::at: "index out of range", file ../../../../../Qt5.1.0-Android/5.1.0/android_armv7/include/QtCore/qlist.h, line 452
Investigation continues.
hope to have answer soon. I dont have a 3.0 phone running qt5 orbiter, just a tablet.
Thanks for clearing that up golgoj4. I'll give the Qt4 version a go
Quotethe key bit is making them accessible via 'chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android'
I have done this and now get `|:-1 Timeout`...
Quote from: bherbie on August 18, 2013, 10:08:49 PM
I have done this and now get `|:-1 Timeout`...
Herb: Which one? Qt4 / Qt5? im guessing the qt5?
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 18, 2013, 09:25:43 PM
Interesting... This adds a whole other vector of device capabilities I had not thought of. Going through the logs, it throws an opengl error. And I see that its opengl-es1, not 2 as required by Qt5. But i was under the impression 3.0 going forward had gles2 available.
This phone originally had 2.2 or 2.3 installed, but I put the Jelly Bean ROM on. Could it be anything to do with that?
I will try on my tablet - however this also had 2.x installed originally, but was upgraded to Honeycomb.
Quote from: purps on August 18, 2013, 11:08:06 PM
This phone originally had 2.2 or 2.3 installed, but I put the Jelly Bean ROM on. Could it be anything to do with that?
I will try on my tablet - however this also had 2.x installed originally, but was upgraded to Honeycomb.
Its not an insurmountable thing to take into account, its just I had not thought about it. Ill need to do some research to come up with the best approach.
QuoteHerb: Which one? Qt4 / Qt5? im guessing the qt5?
ive found the issue with the qt5 skin, but its a bit unusable at the moment as my vm isnt registering the clicks.....
Just wondered, does the skin you select in webadmin for the qOrbiter need be anything specific? From memory I think the default option "Basic" was selected.
i got a samsung galaxy s4. no mods, no root (as of yet). tried Q5 (and wiki instructions) just for kicks. Times out and closes. Tried Q4 as well, but that is not supposed to work with my phone(tried just for kicks). Let us know when the new .apk is up. Thanks for all your hard work golgoj4!
Quote from: purps on August 19, 2013, 11:24:53 AM
Just wondered, does the skin you select in webadmin for the qOrbiter need be anything specific? From memory I think the default option "Basic" was selected.
It doesnt at the moment.
Quote from: Crumble on August 20, 2013, 06:19:40 AM
i got a samsung galaxy s4. no mods, no root (as of yet). tried Q5 (and wiki instructions) just for kicks. Times out and closes. Tried Q4 as well, but that is not supposed to work with my phone(tried just for kicks). Let us know when the new .apk is up. Thanks for all your hard work golgoj4!
New Qt5 apk is up.
A small note. The updates come in two forms. The Apk is really just an executable, and the skins are constantly updated as I work on them. So there maybe be improvements to the skins before there is an update. Once I get this thing rolling for a wider audience, we should be able to make the update process easier.
updating the ui files means doing an svn update on your /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android directory.
Oh and I answered a previous question pretty badly.
If you have an Android device 3.0 or better, you can run both.
If you are stuck on android 2.x.x (like me and my phone) you can only run the Qt4 version.
sorry for the confusion.
Ok, here is what i did. did a svn on my skins dir then reloaded router. downloaded qt5 and ran it. qt5 just closes. downloaded qt4 and same thing happened. then i tried deleting the previous qorbiter made reloading router, then making a new qorbiter reloading router and running qt4 again. This time is does not just close but stays on the screen that is trying to connect to the router. I let it try for about 10 minutes. Now I am trying the same thing with QT5 will let you know.
Quote from: Crumble on August 20, 2013, 02:02:30 PM
Ok, here is what i did. did a svn on my skins dir then reloaded router. downloaded qt5 and ran it. qt5 just closes. downloaded qt4 and same thing happened. then i tried deleting the previous qorbiter made reloading router, then making a new qorbiter reloading router and running qt4 again. This time is does not just close but stays on the screen that is trying to connect to the router. I let it try for about 10 minutes. Now I am trying the same thing with QT5 will let you know.
Crumble - presume the wifi for your device is on the internal (lmce) network? If not, you have to change a few things to point to the IP of the dcerouter and to allow the right ports through the firewall. Sorry if this is pointing out the obvious.
i jamo. Yes my wifi is just an ap using the lmce router at 80.1. So fo QT5 i i did the same thing only this time i got "I'm sorry I couldn't connect to a LinuxMCE Server at Please ensure you can reach your core. I will continue trying.
I thought the same thing jamo was saying. So i thought hrm ill create that qt5 dir which is not in my skins dir and copy that Splash.qml file see what it does.
Then i got the same message only module "QtQuick" version 1.0 is not installed
So i think it sees the router but that qt5 dir is not there and something else way over my head. QtQuick version 1.0? Hope that helps.
well, thats a good sign then its finding the skins.
I need to check some things, I feel like maybe i told you guys to checkout stuff to the wrong dir...
Stay tuned and thanks for your patience.
also, does it say your device name in the bottom left corner? i.e. LinuxMCE for you Nexus 7
qt5 says LinuxMCE for your
qt4 says LinuxMCE for your (whatever my device is, i cant remember heh)
Proline cheap 7" tablet with ICS: Qt5 launches... says connecting... and then dies... I think it said something similar to what crumble reported above regarding skin but it flashes too quickly to see.
HTC One V ICS: "Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue".
Guys, do you know how to use logcat? Try to get some logcat dumps for Langston to see!
Enable developer tools on your tablet in Settings, connect the tablet to your nearest computer, install the Android SDK, and run platform-tools/adb logcat
This will spit out all the internal foobage going on that you don't see on your tablet screen.
The app I use is "catlog" (free version!). Also has a record feature which is quite handy.
Now why would I do that when I can send cryptic messages with little to no value? Pfft you act like have done this before or something.
Quote from: Crumble on August 21, 2013, 01:28:38 AM
Now why would I do that when I can send cryptic messages with little to no value? Pfft you act like have done this before or something.
QT5 failure on Colby Mid8048 running Android 4.03. Gives this error
Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue.
debug log
Not sure if anyone has noticed this or not, but there are at least 2 different svn repositories in play here...
QuoteI updated the configuration process
this page states:
Quotesvn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins && chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android
while says:
Quotesvn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/
only the latter URL has the ../android/qt5 directory that the QT5 version I am testing is looking for...
or is this only me?
after running
svn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/
I can now get qorbiter to connect and I have menu options (lights,media,climate). there are no graphics however.
Nightly build QT5 version on Jelly Bean phone.
I updated the skins folder with this:
svn co /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/
App didn't shut straight down as before, now I get "Connecting to, please be patient" with the "LinuxMCE for your" in the bottom-left, but then it shuts down.
Quote from: bherbie on August 21, 2013, 06:49:25 AM
Not sure if anyone has noticed this or not, but there are at least 2 different svn repositories in play here...
this page states:
while says:
only the latter URL has the ../android/qt5 directory that the QT5 version I am testing is looking for...
or is this only me?
You are a god among men. thank you for catching this.
Im going to clean that up now.
After reviewing the logs provided (thank you again) you guys will need to remove your skins directory (to be sure) and then re-download the skins. I apologize very much for leaving the old 1004 reference out there and confusing people.
Im working on why its not giving me the name of the device at the moment as well, but thats more a vanity thing than a useful function. The Qt/JNI code to find the storage directories is seemingly working well.
Also looking into why images aren't there.
Removed old skin directory, downloaded new one with correct link, and re-downloaded app just to be sure. Same issue unfortunately.
Quote from: gbutters on August 21, 2013, 05:43:48 AM
QT5 failure on Colby Mid8048 running Android 4.03. Gives this error
Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue.
debug log
Im seeing some weird things relating to the media player on this. Need to investigate the cpu a little more. Doesnt appear to have a gpu which would limit it to no opengl, but that doesnt make sense for an Android 4.0 please bear with me on that one.
Quote from: purps on August 22, 2013, 02:04:46 AM
Removed old skin directory, downloaded new one with correct link, and re-downloaded app just to be sure. Same issue unfortunately.
Can you open this link?
it should open the style file on your core.
It seems that like some of the older android devices, some of the cheapie chinese devices have GPU issues with outright lying about what they can and can't do..same old story, huh?
Quote from: tschak909 on August 22, 2013, 02:54:24 AM
It seems that like some of the older android devices, some of the cheapie chinese devices have GPU issues with outright lying about what they can and can't do..same old story, huh?
Well the older devices get hacked by users its seems, which is understandable i kept my hp ipaq longer than it should have lived. The ones that come from OEM's it seems are a different story with all sorts of engineering trickery going. I noticed that it took a nosedive at trying to instantiate the standard video player classes, which is a big clue there is something custom going on. The situation with Qt5 demands opengl due to the way that its been implemented. To use QtQuick2 you need opengl. Otherwise its QtQuick1 which means Qt4 that can run in both opengl / non opengl contexts. I would more than likely rule out any attempt at bringing video to the device as well. I really wish they would stop making these damn things. But it is a challenge with a possible solution...
so i assume everything is working fine since no responses? *ducks*
I jacked up my core tinkering with tings :-\ Will try again tomorrow morning.
Quote from: Crumble on August 23, 2013, 04:41:30 AM
I jacked up my core tinkering with tings :-\ Will try again tomorrow morning.
No rush until there is a webadmin update. some necessary files were missing (because qorbiter is powered by json and xml)
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 23, 2013, 01:29:31 AM
so i assume everything is working fine since no responses? *ducks*
Last I checked, nothing was working for me I'm afraid.
I still get fatal error on the phone and it just dies on the tablet after doing the "connecting to" for a few secs. I will try to install on my wife's galaxy S4 over the weekend.
I've tried catlog on one device and logcat on the other but nothing seems to show up in the logs. Weird?
Golgog4, a couple of questions-
1. Presume it can work on the external network provided the right firewall ports are open (the ones in the wiki or have these changed) and provided you specify the IP of the core in the xml file. Is that stuff all the same as before? Same location of xml file etc?
2. Is there anything I need to do on the core side apart from creating the device and all that. I haven't done anything since I first tested the QT4 version a few months ago.
Matt... what android app are you using to get your logs off your android. I've tried a couple but the logs are colourful but nothing like the detail you have.
Quote from: purps on August 21, 2013, 11:17:02 PM
Nothing new from me either Langston, I thought we were waiting for you?
I'll update my skins folder and reinstall the app just in case I've missed a new version.
jamo, I'm using "catlog".
Just to reiterate - I am testing the qt5 version (nightly build from 19 Aug) on a Motorola Razr Maxx running Android version 4.1.2 and updated the skins folder with svn revision 27885 ( I think, not at my core right now).
qorbiter connects right away and I have the menu across the top of the screen with the connected to device 139 at the bottom. I have no graphics of any kind and the menu is not clickable.
I do not have any log files right now, I will work on that when I get off work.
Android Phone Droid Razr Maxx
Latest Skins (from trunk)
Android version 4.1.2
LinuxMCE v10.04
Loaded Ok, downloaded the new skins from the Core ok.
I like the reddish interface with the large buttons. I very much like the smooth scrolling across senarios.
The floorplans are very small on the screen. I still do not have an icon for the thermostat.
I know there is the 'home' button in the upper left corner, but could the device's 'back' button be mapped to not exit the app, but just go back to the home screen?
Also I have another request (which I could probably turn into a ticket if you like): Could the config file include a port field, so I could specify something other than port 80 to connect to the router? The reason being, if I am tunneling in through an outside device into the router, I map some high non-root port number to access the box. Mapping port 80 is a little tricky, since you need to have permissions.
I'll try and attach a screenshot.....
Quote from: Hackit2me on August 23, 2013, 07:17:17 PM
Android Phone Droid Razr Maxx
Latest Skins (from trunk)
Android version 4.1.2
LinuxMCE v10.04
Loaded Ok, downloaded the new skins from the Core ok.
I like the reddish interface with the large buttons. I very much like the smooth scrolling across senarios.
The floorplans are very small on the screen. I still do not have an icon for the thermostat.
I know there is the 'home' button in the upper left corner, but could the device's 'back' button be mapped to not exit the app, but just go back to the home screen?
Also I have another request (which I could probably turn into a ticket if you like): Could the config file include a port field, so I could specify something other than port 80 to connect to the router? The reason being, if I am tunneling in through an outside device into the router, I map some high non-root port number to access the box. Mapping port 80 is a little tricky, since you need to have permissions.
I'll try and attach a screenshot.....
Interesing, as that skin is designed for a tablet. Wonder why it keeps picking up that one and not the phone one.
Re: the webadmin thing, totally do-able. I just have other concerns because at the moment, there is no authentication. so anyone could theoretically connect to your home. vpn not so much i spose ;)
Quote from: jamo on August 23, 2013, 09:37:34 AM
Last I checked, nothing was working for me I'm afraid.
I still get fatal error on the phone and it just dies on the tablet after doing the "connecting to" for a few secs. I will try to install on my wife's galaxy S4 over the weekend.
I've tried catlog on one device and logcat on the other but nothing seems to show up in the logs. Weird?
Golgog4, a couple of questions-
1. Presume it can work on the external network provided the right firewall ports are open (the ones in the wiki or have these changed) and provided you specify the IP of the core in the xml file. Is that stuff all the same as before? Same location of xml file etc?
2. Is there anything I need to do on the core side apart from creating the device and all that. I haven't done anything since I first tested the QT4 version a few months ago.
1. The firewall information is still valid, please see my concern above.
2. qOrbiterGenerator.php needs to be updated as well as imdbImage.php. I think qOrbiterGenerator.php needs to be updated for everyone as I was having problems as well when i ran some tests yesterday.
For everybody asking,
Langston has checked in some needed fixes to 10.04 to help with the issues you all are experiencing. We are working with our wonderful and ever patient release manager to try and get an updated package out. :)
Quote from: Hackit2me on August 23, 2013, 07:17:17 PM
The reason being, if I am tunneling in through an outside device into the router, I map some high non-root port number to access the box. Mapping port 80 is a little tricky, since you need to have permissions.
You can use port redirection on a router, or iptables to redirect from your high port to port 80, but that would be a security risk with no authentication. A VPN would be more secure; that's how I use RoamingOrb on iDevices.
on the setup front
wget -O /tmp/
sudo chmod u+x /tmp/
sudo /tmp/./
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 24, 2013, 06:59:19 AM
on the setup front
wget -O /tmp/
sudo chmod u+x /tmp/
sudo /tmp/./
Was late when I did this
This basically takes care of *
*downloading or updating skins
*downloads latest qorbiter json related php files.
this is my attempt to make things a little more streamlined.
Thanks for your patience.
The script downloads everything into the skins directory and qt5 qorbiter is looking for the files in skins/android/ not skins/. Once I copied everthing into skins/android/ I am able to connect on my S4.
Quote from: gbutters on August 25, 2013, 04:19:12 AM
The script downloads everything into the skins directory and qt5 qorbiter is looking for the files in skins/android/ not skins/. Once I copied everthing into skins/android/ I am able to connect on my S4.
Thank you for finding this!
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 25, 2013, 05:44:51 AM
Thank you for finding this!
fixed in svn. anyone else should be good to go.
Both updated.
Hi golgoj,
I ran the script and installed qt5 on my S4. Had the same issue where had to copy skins directory to android directory. Then it pops up with a black screen with menu options. The exit button works. The User and location button bring up a green screen . I can hit the close button and that screen will go away. I will get you logs tomorrow. I am still learning how the log stuff works. Plus want to start from the beginning, I noticed a 404 error in the script. I would post the ip but then Thom would give me the banz. :-p
Using the setupQorbiter script (a couple of minutes ago) I didn't even get an android folder. However once I had created one, and moved the contents of skins into it, the orbiter loads up, see attached.
Strangely, at no point was I asked to enter a device number? Is that normal? Could this be as a result of having installed the Qt4 version previously - is it remembering that setting?
Quote from: purps on August 25, 2013, 03:44:18 PM
Using the setupQorbiter script (a couple of minutes ago) I didn't even get an android folder. However once I had created one, and moved the contents of skins into it, the orbiter loads up, see attached.
Strangely, at no point was I asked to enter a device number? Is that normal? Could this be as a result of having installed the Qt4 version previously - is it remembering that setting?
yeah if you had a previous version of config.xml in there, it would use the device number from that.
Gotcha. So why is my screenshot different to Hackit2me's?
Quote from: purps on August 25, 2013, 07:43:28 PM
Gotcha. So why is my screenshot different to Hackit2me's?
He is using the qt4 version, you are using the qt5 one?
Also its becoming painfully clear that im going to have to rework my code for detecting screen sizes. It seems the phones are getting the tablet UI's as they have much larger resolutions than android did when I started :). Ahh progress...or something.
Right now there are
2) Skins for Qt4 tablet :: "Default, Smokey"
1) Skin for Qt4 Phone :: "Default"
1) Skin for Qt5 Phone :: "Default"
1) Skin for Qt5 Tablet :: "Default"
And thats just android.
on x86 there is
4) Skins for Qt4 :: "STB", "Aeon", "Default", "Noir"
1) Skin for Qt5 :: "Default"
and the rpi form factor is basically going to clone STB.
i will take a look soon at this issue with the ui's, but at the moment im working on implementing the config screen when you run the app the first time. it will allow you to set some options without needing to edit the config manually.
That's good to know, was just wondering. Yeah I've got the QT5 version on my phone.
So is the idea for detecting whether it's a phone or a tablet purely from the point of view of defaulting to an appropriate skin? And certain skins lend themselves better to certain screen sizes?
If you have an x86 machine
1) need you to post the output of
sudo find /usr/lib -name libQtCore*
2) Linux Version
3) If its fresh or upgraded version
This will help me figure out how to best target things. Basically, what im looking for is the existing qt versions on your machine.
If you dont find anything, qt may not be present, in which case, apt-get install libqt4-declarative and try again. thanks.
ex, on mine its /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
then i can start producing builds for x86 linux targets.
raspberry pi is a known qtversion, just gotta get it back up and running!
Quote from: purps on August 25, 2013, 11:23:04 PM
That's good to know, was just wondering. Yeah I've got the QT5 version on my phone.
So is the idea for detecting whether it's a phone or a tablet purely from the point of view of defaulting to an appropriate skin? And certain skins lend themselves better to certain screen sizes?
You got it. Different screen sizes correlated to form factors when i started, and just shrinking the UI doesn't work in many cases, you have to re-lay the whole thing out. So that's why im trying to provide ui's for different form factors. not to mention the concept of rotation on the device itself and how that affects the ui. This is why you come across really small text in some places and over-sized things in others. Lucky for me, these things are all governed in one place :)
So now, another diversion to update the form factor code because its no longer engineering eyes only so to speak.
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 25, 2013, 11:27:52 PM
You got it. Different screen sizes correlated to form factors when i started, and just shrinking the UI doesn't work in many cases, you have to re-lay the whole thing out. So that's why im trying to provide ui's for different form factors. not to mention the concept of rotation on the device itself and how that affects the ui. This is why you come across really small text in some places and over-sized things in others. Lucky for me, these things are all governed in one place :)
So now, another diversion to update the form factor code because its no longer engineering eyes only so to speak.
Interesting. Tell me to mind my own business, but...
In a world where resolutions on phones are getting bigger and bigger, and the phones themselves are getting bigger (these silly "phablets" for example), and then there's 7" tablets which I can barely use for anything and would clearly benefit from a 'small screen style' skin, how on Earth are you going to keep up with it?
Perhaps a skin that is too small and fiddly for a ham-fisted person with sausages for fingers to use effectively, is absolutely fine for another. Could the skin names themselves state whether they are for large screen, small screen, high res, small hands, etc etc, and then the user chooses?
Anyway, just an off the cuff thought, obviously it's entirely up to you!
This is why people can make their own skins. ;)
Quote from: tschak909 on August 25, 2013, 11:52:25 PM
This is why people can make their own skins. ;)
I was dipping my oar in regarding the qOrbiter guts really, but you do make a good point, perhaps I will. :)
Quote from: purps on August 25, 2013, 11:39:49 PM
Interesting. Tell me to mind my own business, but...
In a world where resolutions on phones are getting bigger and bigger, and the phones themselves are getting bigger (these silly "phablets" for example), and then there's 7" tablets which I can barely use for anything and would clearly benefit from a 'small screen style' skin, how on Earth are you going to keep up with it?
Perhaps a skin that is too small and fiddly for a ham-fisted person with sausages for fingers to use effectively, is absolutely fine for another. Could the skin names themselves state whether they are for large screen, small screen, high res, small hands, etc etc, and then the user chooses?
Anyway, just an off the cuff thought, obviously it's entirely up to you!
Im not! Hehe. I intend to provide the user with:
*the ability to choose what form factor they prefer
*the default skin
On the splash screen. So there will be large screen ui's and small screen ui's. They can choose which set suits them the most.
Eventually it can be made to provide a wider range not dependant on the criteria i mentioned, but for now that how im going to roll. I do note that the skins now (should be updated) to represent in the description when switching what they are designed for.
Quote from: golgoj4 on August 25, 2013, 11:04:24 PM
He is using the qt4 version, you are using the qt5 one?
I feel so behind! :)
At this point, in order to upgrade to qt5, is it necessary to use the SDK and compile manually, or is there an install package, or does it come with your latest nightly builds?
Just curious. Or would it actually be more helpful to you if I just stayed with qt4 for testing purposes?
Qt5 is the future as it has more features
Qt4 has more stuff actually implemented because its what I started with
As far as how to get it, just get the apk. teh Qt5 version ships with the libs.
Updates for the qt4 phone skin. update your skins directory.
Updated apk's on both Qt4/Qt5 Versions
Recommend deleting existing LinuxMCE directory on SD card, letting it create a new one.
Most changes resolve around minor ui issues while floorplan views are implemented.
Also, and this will sound shitty, thank you to the jerks who write 1 star reviews because you decided to setup your linuxmce different from the way its designed to run. You are truly awesome people.
No really, I mean that. Can I get links to your work? I promise to be as fair.
That's pretty sad. Unfortunately those who are going to be downloading it from the market generally aren't going to be the ones to understand that this is undergoing testing. And they have the "power" to rate it, so if it doesn't work, bam 1 star. Why don't you take it down off the market for now? We should be using the nightly build anyway right?
Golgj4 I find The work around for live testing my apps on the Android market is to prefix it with testing... Or beta or something then releasing a separate app once you get to the release stage.. Kinda ala chrome and chrome beta. That way you can minimise bad comments on the main release. On your main release you then reply to the idiots comments and tell him he didn't set it up right :-)
I guess my thinking was I didn't want to keep showing videos without having something to put in peoples hands. and the answer to most of their problems was
1) edit the config file...something we do a lot around here. haha
2) samsung galaxy III guy im guessing hit one of those problem releases before they had proper beta testing.
lesson learned and do you think i should remove it from the market? Seriously an option if the end result is a bad image for linuxmce (what I want to avoid)
also, working furiously on the floorplans and configuration file editor. will post update later
thanks for your input guys.
seems like I can't get it to start. I received the update via playstore. Deleted the linuxmce folder on the sdcard...I see a green bar, but nothing is happening.
Got an htc evo3d with ics
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 03, 2013, 11:31:12 AM
seems like I can't get it to start. I received the update via playstore. Deleted the linuxmce folder on the sdcard...I see a green bar, but nothing is happening.
Got an htc evo3d with ics
*Is your core up to date?
*what ip does it say its connecting to?
okay...I did a little follow-up on this thread...moved the skins to the android folder.
Now qt5 dies upon starting. qt4 has now connected, but so far I only see the bottom menu:Advanced, power, sleeping...and exit
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 03, 2013, 05:36:45 PM
okay...I did a little follow-up on this thread...moved the skins to the android folder.
Now qt5 dies upon starting. qt4 has now connected, but so far I only see the bottom menu:Advanced, power, sleeping...and exit
Sorry this is such a hassle...
Setup Instructions
wget -O /tmp/
sudo chmod u+x /tmp/
sudo /tmp/./
i would do those steps, then run it again. a lot has changed in how it gets its startup information.
I deleted my LinuxMCE folder and then updated everything I could, ran the script you just mentioned, and I get a screen that looks like this:
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 04, 2013, 02:42:44 AM
I deleted my LinuxMCE folder and then updated everything I could, ran the script you just mentioned, and I get a screen that looks like this:
Did you have any 404 errors while downloading? earlier when I was helping maverick, we ran into problems related to linuxmce dns. im in irc now if you'd like speedier assistance.
6:00pm pst
stuff in progress.
I don't have IRC available right now so here goes: - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:48 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 969 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:51 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/Splash.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 2131 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:51 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/qmldir HTTP/1.1" 200 505 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/SplashView.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 2093 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/fonts/Sawasdee.ttf HTTP/1.1" 200 86410 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/tablet/default/img/icons/backgrounds/bedroom.png HTTP/1.1" 200 1038673 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/StatusRow.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 2937 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/ConnectionBox.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 5094 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/ExistingOrbiters.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 2618 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:21:52 -0700] "GET /lmce-admin/skins/android/NewOrbiterButton.qml HTTP/1.1" 200 2255 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [03/Sep/2013:18:22:05 -0700] "-" 408 0 "-" "-"
Looks like all 200's and a 408. I am 100% up to date too.
i noticed the ip Are you running the setup script on your core?
on way to test that everything updated fine is that
should give you a result like
{"device":{"device":null},"params":[{"type":"int","Command":"192","CommandParameter":"97","CommandHint":"Normally when a device is turned on all the inputs and outputs are selected automatically. If this parameter is specified, only the settings along this pipe will be set.","CommandDescription":"PK_Pipe"},{"type":"string","Command":"192","CommandParameter":"98","CommandHint":"Normally when a device is turned on the corresponding \"pipes\" are enabled by default. if this parameter is blank. If this parameter is 0, no pipes will be enabled. This can also be a comma seperated list of devices, meaning only the pipes to those devic","CommandDescription":"PK_Device_Pipes"}]}
It seems like the orbiter qorbiter generator is outdated as the app is connecting to the right place (hence the image) but the logic it communicates with it out of date.
That's the requester IP address and yes, all on my core.
This is what I get and it looks like yours.
{"device":{"device":null},"params":[{"type":"int","Command":"192","CommandParameter":"97","CommandHint":"Normally when a device is turned on all the inputs and outputs are selected automatically. If this parameter is specified, only the settings along this pipe will be set.","CommandDescription":"PK_Pipe"},{"type":"string","Command":"192","CommandParameter":"98","CommandHint":"Normally when a device is turned on the corresponding \"pipes\" are enabled by default. if this parameter is blank. If this parameter is 0, no pipes will be enabled. This can also be a comma seperated list of devices, meaning only the pipes to those devic","CommandDescription":"PK_Device_Pipes"}]}
ok ive totally been barking up the wrong tree. after you confirmed the freshness of the files, i went back and looked @ the screenshot. it seems the entire page layout is collapsed into that top left corner!
What happens when you rotate it?
On my side, im looking into it.
I also checked that screenshot...I had the same at the beginning, after deleting the orbiter from my phone and from the webadmin, and recreating it, it worked with your help. So I guess in this case it might be the same.
im just trying to duplicate on my end so i can fix...but cant. ack!
Apk for Qt is updated
*added floorplan controls
*back button bug fixed
*datagrid back button fixed
*basic config file editor added. shows when you cant connect, will extend to inside app editing as well.
and now im going to take a while and just zone supposed to be on vacation or something..
expect x86 version tomorrow, and hopefully raspberry pi as well!
OK, sequence of actions:
Loading screen with throbbing green bar and status "Connecting to"
Controls all load in top left corner
More throbbing
Rotate screen and background shows up (controls in new upper left corner)
Even more throbbing
Hit back button and it exits with an Android error
Also, your beta testing link in the first post in this thread gives a 404:
Yesterday I received a Samsung Galaxy Tab2. Today I apt-get upgraded pluto-website-admin to the latest and greatest, and svn checkedout the android skins directory (svn co into /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android. I needed to be in the skins dir to checkout the repo path, otherwise it would fail with some obscure error message. After that I connected to and clicked on the QOrbiterQt5-debug.apk. From the download list I opened the apk, and the tablet complained about some security. I enabled the installation from unknown sources (even though I do know the source ;) ), and the apk installed. Clicked on open at the end, and it connected to my core, found an existing qOrbiter device, I selected it, and Voila! saw the qOrbiter main screen.
Thank you golgoj4 for your hardwork. It worked ootb so to speak, i.e. just following the instructions splattered around in the forum and the wiki.
If you have a need for additional information, let me know.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 05, 2013, 06:15:49 PM
OK, sequence of actions:
Loading screen with throbbing green bar and status "Connecting to"
Controls all load in top left corner
More throbbing
Rotate screen and background shows up (controls in new upper left corner)
Even more throbbing
Hit back button and it exits with an Android error
Also, your beta testing link in the first post in this thread gives a 404:
doesnt seem like you are doing anything wrong. for some reason, its freaking out and cant set the proper height width... as a workaround you could set the device number manually in the config.xml located on your SD card to teh proper device number. Still trying to determine why THAT freaks out but the initial splash screen doesn't.
I already tried that but to no avail. Hmmm....
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<firstrun id="true" />
<routerip id=""/>
<routerport id="80" />
<externalip id="" />
<externalhost id=""/>
<device id="60"/>
<routeraddress id=""/>
<skin id="default"/>
<qt5skin id="default"/>
<enablescreensavermode id="false"/>
<defaultview id="flat"/>
<phone id="1"/>
<mobile_storage id=""/>
<networkload id="true" />
<debug id="false"/>
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 05, 2013, 08:05:21 PM
I already tried that but to no avail. Hmmm....
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<firstrun id="true" />
<routerip id=""/>
<routerport id="80" />
<externalip id="" />
<externalhost id=""/>
<device id="60"/>
<routeraddress id=""/>
<skin id="default"/>
<qt5skin id="default"/>
<enablescreensavermode id="false"/>
<defaultview id="flat"/>
<phone id="1"/>
<mobile_storage id=""/>
<networkload id="true" />
<debug id="false"/>
Thats your config.xml? Its totally empty?
Well, now it has phone id=2 and firstrun id=false but that's it. It also crashes now all by itself after loading the throbbing bar and the upper left corner jumble.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 06, 2013, 06:04:29 AM
Well, now it has phone id=2 and firstrun id=false but that's it. It also crashes now all by itself after loading the throbbing bar and the upper left corner jumble.
which one are you using? Qt4 or Qt5 ?
The one off the play store. You mentioned a beta on the store but I can't get to it. Just the 9/1 release. I can download and install version you put up. Which do you want me to test?
try the qt4 one found in this link if ya dont mind.
what type of device
just a mentioned a is it coming along?
The 32bit version is already in our repo for precise, iirc.
sounds nice...i just need to play a little more with the qorbiter, since its a bit different from the one I'm used to. So far I haven't had real luck with getting to the proper episodes of my tv-shows. With the classic orbiter I just sorted with filename, but that doesn't seem to be quite possible with qorbiter
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 07, 2013, 01:21:06 PM
sounds nice...i just need to play a little more with the qorbiter, since its a bit different from the one I'm used to. So far I haven't had real luck with getting to the proper episodes of my tv-shows. With the classic orbiter I just sorted with filename, but that doesn't seem to be quite possible with qorbiter
I should add that. I totally forgot about browse by file...
And recently used, and recently added.
I think i am missing the the qt5 directory in the android folder again. Tried both ways, script and manual svn instal.
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 07, 2013, 01:21:06 PM
sounds nice...i just need to play a little more with the qorbiter, since its a bit different from the one I'm used to. So far I haven't had real luck with getting to the proper episodes of my tv-shows. With the classic orbiter I just sorted with filename, but that doesn't seem to be quite possible with qorbiter
Apk's updated, functionality to sort by filename should be there now.
for the next couple hours
please dont update or try to install.
thank you :)
If you already have set this up, delete the skins/android directory and run the setup script
thanks :)
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 06, 2013, 08:06:03 PM
try the qt4 one found in this link if ya dont mind.
what type of device
I've got the Nexus 4 and I've just installed the qt4 one from your link and deleted skins and re-ran the setup script on my server. Now for a completely different failure.
I wiped out the config files and it prompted me to configure it. Then it went to a funky background and did nothing more.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 09, 2013, 02:00:40 AM
I've got the Nexus 4 and I've just installed the qt4 one from your link and deleted skins and re-ran the setup script on my server. Now for a completely different failure.
I wiped out the config files and it prompted me to configure it. Then it went to a funky background and did nothing more.
i pushed some svn updates.. see if that helps sounds like its a bluish bg?
Updated and no change.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 09, 2013, 06:59:45 PM
Updated and no change.
can you install some sort of logging program so i can see whats happening? I really cant guess, i have a suspicion, which is that you are somehow missing files. But cant confirm without logs
ive deleted my checkout and run the setup script multiple times so im a little confused by this.
in the /var/www/lmce-admin/skins there should be
If thats not there, something is not being setup right.
i just deleted my checkout, ran the setup from the instruction at the beginning of this thread and it is up and running. Is it possible you are using the old one and not the latest script?
golgoj i am getting 404 errors when trying to update my skins directory. Even if i svn up /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android it says "latest #(whatever the latest release is)". Script is the same thing. It is just the android directory, everything else seems to be there. I don't know where the logs for that would be. Let me know and I will post them.
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 10, 2013, 01:25:24 AM
can you install some sort of logging program so i can see whats happening? I really cant guess, i have a suspicion, which is that you are somehow missing files. But cant confirm without logs
ive deleted my checkout and run the setup script multiple times so im a little confused by this.
in the /var/www/lmce-admin/skins there should be
If thats not there, something is not being setup right.
OK, so what kind of logging can I install? What do you mean? Also, I found out a problem in your script that was directly affecting me (and probably causing my problem). I must have downloaded an interim version of your setup script as it was missing the skins-common code. I deleted the skins stuff earlier and ran your setup script. No problem there, but it was not current. The new version tests for the android folder only and then skips the skins-common code. I read the script and deleted the android folder again and am now updating.
Oh, now that's different! It looks like it is working!
Yes, it is working. I've been testing it out now and it crashes when I go to the remote control. I start a song playing and it immediately crashes but the song starts. I go back in and it crashes again since it goes right back to the remote control. Stopping playback allows it to start working again.
Otherwise, so far so good...
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 11, 2013, 12:33:59 AM
Yes, it is working. I've been testing it out now and it crashes when I go to the remote control. I start a song playing and it immediately crashes but the song starts. I go back in and it crashes again since it goes right back to the remote control. Stopping playback allows it to start working again.
Otherwise, so far so good...
I removed a library that was potentially causing a problem. let me know.
And please everyone, note that the link address has changed! It is not the same one so please try and use the new one. If you can get to, then you should be able to dl the correct files. I realize I made a mistake in the initial link so please make sure you arent going on auto pilot!
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 11, 2013, 01:44:54 AM
I removed a library that was potentially causing a problem. let me know.
And please everyone, note that the link address has changed! It is not the same one so please try and use the new one. If you can get to, then you should be able to dl the correct files. I realize I made a mistake in the initial link so please make sure you arent going on auto pilot!
Um, what link? Every single link I can find is to and that one has the same problems.
Hey ...
i Tested following my Tablet and Phone.
- Acer Iconia A210: Qt5 build tested and worked nice (some buttons ands screen are missing but i reckon this is normal at current state). Qt4 worked as well
- Huawei U9510E Ascend D1 XL: Qt5 Build crashed when starting. Need to get some log Messages. Qt4 Build worked
Try to provide some logs for QT5 Build crashing on my phone.
hey everyone, i figured out where to find the logs to post for golgoj. once you turn on dev mode for your android. my s4 is /storage/emulated/some number
There will be a LinuxMCE folder with a config.xml, qorbiter-command.log, qorbiter-qml.log, & qorbiter-gui.log. if you install pastebin just hold your finger on the log and select share, then select pastebin.
I would post mine golgoj but i can't get the skins dir to work. so I know what my issue is.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 11, 2013, 08:07:31 AM
Um, what link? Every single link I can find is to and that one has the same problems.
Thats the only place to dl it.
Thats what ive been testing for the last 4 days.
I dont know how you are getting a broken version.
Quote from: polly on September 11, 2013, 09:22:18 AM
Hey ...
i Tested following my Tablet and Phone.
- Acer Iconia A210: Qt5 build tested and worked nice (some buttons ands screen are missing but i reckon this is normal at current state). Qt4 worked as well
- Huawei U9510E Ascend D1 XL: Qt5 Build crashed when starting. Need to get some log Messages. Qt4 Build worked
Try to provide some logs for QT5 Build crashing on my phone.
Huawei makes crappy devices and im surprised qorbiter v4 even runs on it. Run away from Huawei. Fast.
can you see if what you have looks like this?
Haha! I iz dum. Using the wrong script. Orbiter opens but buttons dont work.
give the qt4 version a spin if you please. Im looking into this problem people are having with the qt5 build.
im happy we got the right version of the script. next time ill try not to move it around so much / make it less confusing.
I forgot to mention I have flickr on my orbiter. Is that normal?
The qt4 version came right up. I have my res set to 1080p which makes this version too large. Does not have the same effect on the qt5. Qt5 looks and fits great. Qt4 I can get to all the menus. Playing movies did not work. I dont have any audio to test. Cant wait till your finished, these are gonna be great! Only thing with qt4 it does not select the room. The button for selecting the room is blank as well. I set that up in webadmin so should be my family room by default. Once the room is selected all the buttons are there. Bit different from android orbiter. Instead of every category I have every option like audio,video,etc. Qt5 version is exactly like the home screen on the tv. I will post logs in a bit.
I downloaded both QT4 and QT5 versions from your site and they both exit hard when I bring up the remote. They work just fine otherwise. Strange. The errors I've found so far are tons of undefined index errors in /var/www/lmce-admin/qOrbiterGenerator.php as well as PHP Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /var/www/lmce-admin/qOrbiterGenerator.php on line 164. Plus the following don't exist:
No other errors were found in any other logs. :(
Also, it doesn't matter which skin I attempt to use.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 12, 2013, 08:06:32 PM
I downloaded both QT4 and QT5 versions from your site and they both exit hard when I bring up the remote. They work just fine otherwise. Strange. The errors I've found so far are tons of undefined index errors in /var/www/lmce-admin/qOrbiterGenerator.php as well as PHP Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in /var/www/lmce-admin/qOrbiterGenerator.php on line 164. Plus the following don't exist:
No other errors were found in any other logs. :(
Also, it doesn't matter which skin I attempt to use.
Not really sure what to say. you seem to be having a unique problem.
I always seem to! I don't know why, but I always squeeze out the bug juice.
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 13, 2013, 12:56:47 AM
I always seem to! I don't know why, but I always squeeze out the bug juice.
you verified the setup script? That was one of crumbles issues.
Downloaded fresh. I can try to walk through the script to see if anything got missed. Do you have a wipe out and fresh start procedure?
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 13, 2013, 01:23:40 AM
Downloaded fresh. I can try to walk through the script to see if anything got missed. Do you have a wipe out and fresh start procedure?
Do you see any 404 errors when it runs?
what i do is
rm -rf /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android
rm -rf /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/skins-common
rm /tmp/
re-run setup instructions.
For everyone who is dealing when a crash when they go to the now playing remote. Im still trying to figure out what it would be. it happens to some, but not others.
I have a log with some errors this time from my phone:
Check it out and see if there is anything there that makes sense to you. I'm perplexed. Also, can I hook up a debugger onto my phone and see where the error is occurring? If so, does it require anything special since it is QT?
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 13, 2013, 02:14:49 AM
I have a log with some errors this time from my phone:
Check it out and see if there is anything there that makes sense to you. I'm perplexed. Also, can I hook up a debugger onto my phone and see where the error is occurring? If so, does it require anything special since it is QT?
you would need to install the android sdk ( and run the android monitor or ddms (2 applications that it comes with)
Errors yes, crashworthy, no. This is very odd..
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 13, 2013, 02:18:55 AM
you would need to install the android sdk ( and run the android monitor or ddms (2 applications that it comes with)
Errors yes, crashworthy, no. This is very odd..
phenigma was very helpful in narrowing down the problem to the setBoundStatus() function. but i still need someone to let me connect with my own and see whats triggering the crash.
What do you need to connect to exactly? I'm sure we can arrange this. :)
Yeah, just let me know and I'll arrange anything you need on my side.
maybe is a bad day.
So everyone using it has a crash when they try to switch to a remote screen?
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 14, 2013, 08:40:51 PM
So everyone using it has a crash when they try to switch to a remote screen?
nm i figured out how to replicate it locally and am working on fixing it.
thanks again for you guys patience :)
the error is in how im retrieving the ip address. weird...
Ok new build for Qt4 is uploaded.
Based on the poll:
Qt5 is going to be put on the backburner for now. Its main advantage was media integration. Also, it supports less devices.
The binaries actually arent the hard part so much as maintaining the UI. A lot of screens to write and it makes more sense to get a few full ones working.
The crash error was related to time code. Latest build is up, please let me know if this fixes your crash / force quit.
So far so good on my phone (SGH-i927). It's showing me that my wife is watching 'PS3' right now. When I go to the Audio datagrid it crashes before showing the list. Video list worked, but dropped to the main menu a couple of times during scrolling. I have > 1400 video files and even with sorting by attribute the lists can be _extremely_ long to navigate, any way to incorporate quick selects for the alphabet (A,B,etc) to jump to the first title in the list with that starting char, or am I just missing that somewhere? My artists list for audio is >1400 too. :)
Love the look of the video datagrid with the images in the background of the titles. Very slick.
Hmm, trying to access audio datagrid caused a router reload that time.
/me didn't update qml, was I supposed to?
Quote from: phenigma on September 14, 2013, 11:33:54 PM
So far so good on my phone (SGH-i927). It's showing me that my wife is watching 'PS3' right now. When I go to the Audio datagrid it crashes before showing the list. Video list worked, but dropped to the main menu a couple of times during scrolling. I have > 1400 video files and even with sorting by attribute the lists can be _extremely_ long to navigate, any way to incorporate quick selects for the alphabet (A,B,etc) to jump to the first title in the list with that starting char, or am I just missing that somewhere? My artists list for audio is >1400 too. :)
Love the look of the video datagrid with the images in the background of the titles. Very slick.
Hmm, trying to access audio datagrid caused a router reload that time.
/me didn't update qml, was I supposed to?
Which skin are you using?
Menu button brings up filtering options
Not sure why its dropping back to the screen_1
Im abusing the hell out of mine atm to try and replicate the crash.
about 2275 video files and only 473 audio performers. I switch it to title and that about 8.5 titles, but still no disconnect.
Ill keep looking and in the meantime add a prototype for the lists.
Here is a question for everyone
*The datagrid can get everything, or certain chunks at a time
*When it gets everything (its current setting) you have to wait for everything to load before you can get to the bottom.
*If I enable the paging mechanism (its already there and active) it splits things up and you can jump around by page or letter immediately.
*Some people like one free flowing grid
*Some people like expeditions navigation
Awesome! You nailed it perfectly. Now I can finish testing a few more areas. I noticed a few things now I'm going to see if I can replicate it.
Oh can you make paging an option so that we can make our own judgment or at least play with it to see which works better?
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 15, 2013, 03:40:12 AM
Oh can you make paging an option so that we can make our own judgment or at least play with it to see which works better?
technically it is an option at the moment i just have to make it smooth. if you have the tablet UI going, the option to change the paging is already there in the top (updated earlier this week)
I just added a way on the phone UI to jump by letter, because Phenigma had a great point: who the heck knows whats on page 847?!
Im assuming that now its not crashing when you switch to a remote?
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 15, 2013, 02:28:37 AM
Here is a question for everyone
*The datagrid can get everything, or certain chunks at a time
*When it gets everything (its current setting) you have to wait for everything to load before you can get to the bottom.
*If I enable the paging mechanism (its already there and active) it splits things up and you can jump around by page or letter immediately.
*Some people like one free flowing grid
*Some people like expeditions navigation
Both. The entire list should be able to load (titles) quickly and easily? Then as I scroll around, or select letters to jump around, it should load the images for the most immediate items. Essentially, don't load things unless they are with 1 or 2 scrollable screens of the currently displayed items. Dynamic, little waiting, less transfer required as you only grab what the user is close to. Perhaps more difficult to implement. Am I making any sense here? :P It's past my bedtime.
Not a single crash yet and I'm trying.
Quote from: phenigma on September 15, 2013, 06:33:10 AM
Both. The entire list should be able to load (titles) quickly and easily? Then as I scroll around, or select letters to jump around, it should load the images for the most immediate items. Essentially, don't load things unless they are with 1 or 2 scrollable screens of the currently displayed items. Dynamic, little waiting, less transfer required as you only grab what the user is close to. Perhaps more difficult to implement. Am I making any sense here? :P It's past my bedtime.
I think this is the same technique Androids native listview implements. The downside is that you get the scroll locking effect if assets are still loading from the core. Might be worth looking at listview to see if we can use its methodology in orbiter
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 15, 2013, 08:56:12 AM
Not a single crash yet and I'm trying.
thats not something i hear a lot. haha
Quote from: phenigma on September 15, 2013, 06:33:10 AM
Both. The entire list should be able to load (titles) quickly and easily? Then as I scroll around, or select letters to jump around, it should load the images for the most immediate items. Essentially, don't load things unless they are with 1 or 2 scrollable screens of the currently displayed items. Dynamic, little waiting, less transfer required as you only grab what the user is close to. Perhaps more difficult to implement. Am I making any sense here? :P It's past my bedtime.
Consider on old orbiter there is a set amount. 16 and 25 i believe. So it never really loaded anything close, just what is requested next. I would love to cache the different parts, but some experimentation would need to be done because while i could manage it in qt, i think you would lose the play-all feature as it relies on the last requested grid chunk (which has an associated identifier)
So you're using the existing datagrid fetches? That would explain lots to me.
Quote from: phenigma on September 16, 2013, 12:32:59 AM
So you're using the existing datagrid fetches? That would explain lots to me.
yessir. i wanted to see how the existing dg fit into the scheme of things.
As a side *thing* ive also been looking at how
*qorbiter could be used to bring a more robust tv channel grid to bear
*what the best way of fetching data is, and is the concept of the existing datagrids behavior something we want to keep (im not a fan of keeping). I think a new one should be made, but one that keeps the old functionality so its not a shock to the system, but provides added benefits or being targeted at a newer technology.
Did you ever look in DCERouter to see how long the relevant datagrid generation takes? I was surprised how fast it is...
its really fast. cramming it into a gui is the slow part. the only way not to freeze it is literally throttle the data. Im still looking for solutions but
On a desktop, its instant, even over the wire. But lower power devices, well, have lower power. I could take the brakes off ;)
Granted, I have an ssd in my core for the lmce-operations part. IO is king!
been rather quiet in here. Whats going on folks?
People are using it?
People gave up?
It is working rather well.
Problemn so far:
Display power crashes it
Security panel seems non-functional
Oddly capitalizes buttons that were pressed
I'm still testing...
Quote from: WhateverFits on September 20, 2013, 01:48:59 AM
It is working rather well.
Problemn so far:
Display power crashes it
Security panel seems non-functional
Oddly capitalizes buttons that were pressed
I'm still testing...
Looking into the power crash
Security panel is non functional. i should really reconnect that.
the random capitalization's are a hold over from touch areas where hover is enabled and i was doing random things to test how well it dealt with text changes and stuff.
I was the Advanced Menu is there a restart...or reset for Core an Md? So far the letters dont fit the buttons, so its a bit hard to read. The other thing is when browsing does take a little to I was wondering, if its due to lack of processing power perhaps of the core, since I experience severe performance hit lasting a good two hours, when starting my md.
I have 2 android phones, a Nexus 4, and a HTC Desire HD
On the Desire HD, qt4 is working and qt5 is not working. if i start qt5, i only get a black screen
I have to say, i have a custom rom on the Desire HD
On the Nexus 4, qt4 is working, but qt5 is not completly working. in qt5 none of my media gets displayed, or qt5 crashed when i press the media button. and i have some rotating issues with qt5
If i play media while the qt5 orbiter is running on my phone, qt5 crashes, and i cannot start it again until media playback has finished
I've tried several times to reinstall the skins, and running the script from
I love the smokey skin on my nexus!!!
For me, the media browsing is terrible on my nexus, because for every episode of a TV show i get a hit in the first screen, with just the title of the show, if i click that, it seems i get a randomly generated number, if i click that, i get into a season folder for that tv show.
I would like to see the Viewed/Unviewed options added, is this a possibility?
This would already help a lot.
imho the performance could be better, perhaps it is an option to throttle the data based on the processing speed of the device?
I found a strange feature, that if you use the back button in media browsing, it jump back to (for me) a random location
If i need to somehow make logging, or screenshots, tell me how i can make them, and i will)))
Keep up the good work!
Quote from: Dap-P on September 21, 2013, 12:09:00 AM
I have 2 android phones, a Nexus 4, and a HTC Desire HD
On the Desire HD, qt4 is working and qt5 is not working. if i start qt5, i only get a black screen
I have to say, i have a custom rom on the Desire HD
On the Nexus 4, qt4 is working, but qt5 is not completly working. in qt5 none of my media gets displayed, or qt5 crashed when i press the media button. and i have some rotating issues with qt5
If i play media while the qt5 orbiter is running on my phone, qt5 crashes, and i cannot start it again until media playback has finished
I've tried several times to reinstall the skins, and running the script from
I love the smokey skin on my nexus!!!
For me, the media browsing is terrible on my nexus, because for every episode of a TV show i get a hit in the first screen, with just the title of the show, if i click that, it seems i get a randomly generated number, if i click that, i get into a season folder for that tv show.
I would like to see the Viewed/Unviewed options added, is this a possibility?
This would already help a lot.
imho the performance could be better, perhaps it is an option to throttle the data based on the processing speed of the device?
I found a strange feature, that if you use the back button in media browsing, it jump back to (for me) a random location
If i need to somehow make logging, or screenshots, tell me how i can make them, and i will)))
Keep up the good work!
Qt5 is going back to the barn. it seems to only work on selected devices, and this kinda annoys me
The media grid should see some evolution to being more useful in the next week.
*The numbers you see when selecting by program are the attribute numbers of the season's. I need to translate that to the actual db value.
Back button is something i should have fixed. trying to decide what it should be used for. I did many experiments on loading and its a matter of how fast the android device is. Im still researching this area but right now it runs on a loop. I throttle that loop so the gui doesnt freeze because even though the processing is happening in another thread, depending on the processor it can still slow the gui down.
Its something thats been tricky since day one since we have a more free flowing implementation as opposed to the more static legacy one.
ill see about the viewed /unviewed
Bug found?
In qt4, when i press "Media", "Video", then press "Filename sort" before "TV Shows", "Movies", etc are displayed. qt4 crashes.
My Razzr met an untimely death and I now have a Motorola Moto X running android 4.2.2 and testing the qt4 nightly build. This is a screen shot of what I get, nothing more and nothing less.
Quote from: bherbie on September 26, 2013, 03:22:52 AM
My Razzr met an untimely death and I now have a Motorola Moto X running android 4.2.2 and testing the qt4 nightly build. This is a screen shot of what I get, nothing more and nothing less.
my initial guess would be a skins downloading issue. Have you successfully completed this process before?
If not, or if its been a while, i recommend following the (now updated!!) setup instructions at the 1st post of the thread.
New Builds!
qml fixes!
I reinstalled qt4 and qt5 on my Nexus4, and reinstalled the skins
But sadly, i cannot choose the smokey skin in qt4 anymore...
Quote from: Dap-P on September 30, 2013, 01:13:41 AM
I reinstalled qt4 and qt5 on my Nexus4, and reinstalled the skins
But sadly, i cannot choose the smokey skin in qt4 anymore...
can you be more specific?!
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 30, 2013, 03:43:28 AM
can you be more specific?!
if i select the smokey skin, the loading screen is black with the buttons on top, but the main screen is the default skin
Quote from: Dap-P on September 30, 2013, 11:50:59 PM
if i select the smokey skin, the loading screen is black with the buttons on top, but the main screen is the default skin
Did you download it from the new location? see:beginning of the thread.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 01, 2013, 02:10:12 AM
Did you download it from the new location? see:beginning of the thread.
Oops, i didn't... However, now i just downloaded both the qt4 apk's, but both don't start on my Nexus4, crash at startup.
I did already update the skins again... (with the script
Before i updated to apk's from the new location ( i had similar issues to 'bherbie'
But i noticed it only if i was playing media, and then start qorbiter, i get an empty screen. (only the background)
Quote from: bherbie on September 26, 2013, 03:22:52 AM
My Razzr met an untimely death and I now have a Motorola Moto X running android 4.2.2 and testing the qt4 nightly build. This is a screen shot of what I get, nothing more and nothing less.
Ok well I think I fixed the crash problem. Somehow my testing box and builder got some building options out of sync. it should be good now.
The other problem seems like its the skins, but I cant quite figure out why. Will test it more later today.
Just downloaded the new APK (opengl) this is working for me
Even the skin problem is fixed! Thnx, will continue testing
As a side question, is it somehow possible to use the smokey skin on lower resolution devices?
The only current problem I haven't yet reported is that it crashes when I exit. I click Exit and I get an error that the application has stopped. True, but not 100%. :D
The Linux desktop qorbiter segfaults on exit, related?
Sent from my SGH-I927 using Tapatalk 4
Quote from: phenigma on October 02, 2013, 09:40:06 PM
The Linux desktop qorbiter segfaults on exit, related?
Sent from my SGH-I927 using Tapatalk 4
totally related..
to me not shutting threads down properly on exit
there, i said it...
A little lazy on the thread management, huh? ;)
I've noticed one small problem when I rotate the screen: it hours to a black screen and can take upward of 10 seconds to return to a functional state. Sometimes it never returns or I get too impatient and never see it return. Is there any option that forces the screen into landscape mode?
Quote from: WhateverFits on October 04, 2013, 04:53:45 PM
A little lazy on the thread management, huh? ;)
I've noticed one small problem when I rotate the screen: it hours to a black screen and can take upward of 10 seconds to return to a functional state. Sometimes it never returns or I get too impatient and never see it return. Is there any option that forces the screen into landscape mode?
what skin?
as far as the threads, well its a lot of moving parts and im still not settled on the current implementation.
On my Nexus4 this also happens, and i use the smokey skin. But when i rotate again, most of the times it comes back.
On My Desire HD i use the default skin (the only one i can choose), and the screen blacks out when i rotate, but come back fairly quickly (within 1 second). Pretty normal i think. Sometimes after rotating the buttons are displayed multiple times, the disappear after a new background has been loaded.
Another few small things that i have noticed on the Nexus with the smokey skin.
- If in portrait, the exit button is almost not visible, it falls of the edge of the screen, and only the "E" is showing.
- While in portait the photo's seem to get streched to fit in the screen
- The power button is not (yet) working
- Maybe it is because i only have 1 user defined, but if i select the user menu, i get only a blank green screen with a close button.
- When i select a different room, for example, change from living room to bedroom, i tap location, i see the screen with all location, then select bedroom, then i get another screen where i can only select my bedroom.
- When selecting media, then video, it takes some time to display the "TV Shows" and "Movies" buttons (about 2 seconds), while the "Filename Sort" button is displayed instantanious.
- qt4 always crashes when i press "Filename Sort" before the other buttons (TV Shows, Movies, etc) are displayed
- Often i see crashes when selecting "TV Shows". The crash happens while loading all shows. The crash happens at about 950 of 1389 shows. Maybe i somewhere have a problem in my tvshows. I dont use this view function, because it is not the most handy view for me. If i have 200 episodes of the same TV Show, i get 200 items with only that shows title. I hope this could be reduced to 1 item. Mostly i use "Filename Sort" and it is
- While in a Media view (TV Shows, Movies, Audio) i cannot press the back button to go back to the main screen.
- While in a Media view, when i press the home button, the main screen comes up, but still with the media menu pressed (the buttons Video, Audio, Radio, etc are still displayed)
I already requested this, but i want to write it again, to keep all things in this post
- I hope to see the smokey skin working on more devices (my HTC Desire HD), if there is anything i can do to help with this, please point me into the right direction.
- A Viewed/Unviewed function for media
Keep up the good work!
Qorbiter is very snappy and reponsive. and imho very good looking with the smokey skin
Quote from: Dap-P on October 07, 2013, 03:18:07 AM
On my Nexus4 this also happens, and i use the smokey skin. But when i rotate again, most of the times it comes back.
On My Desire HD i use the default skin (the only one i can choose), and the screen blacks out when i rotate, but come back fairly quickly (within 1 second). Pretty normal i think. Sometimes after rotating the buttons are displayed multiple times, the disappear after a new background has been loaded.
Another few small things that i have noticed on the Nexus with the smokey skin.
- If in portrait, the exit button is almost not visible, it falls of the edge of the screen, and only the "E" is showing.
- While in portait the photo's seem to get streched to fit in the screen
- The power button is not (yet) working
- Maybe it is because i only have 1 user defined, but if i select the user menu, i get only a blank green screen with a close button.
- When i select a different room, for example, change from living room to bedroom, i tap location, i see the screen with all location, then select bedroom, then i get another screen where i can only select my bedroom.
- When selecting media, then video, it takes some time to display the "TV Shows" and "Movies" buttons (about 2 seconds), while the "Filename Sort" button is displayed instantanious.
- qt4 always crashes when i press "Filename Sort" before the other buttons (TV Shows, Movies, etc) are displayed
- Often i see crashes when selecting "TV Shows". The crash happens while loading all shows. The crash happens at about 950 of 1389 shows. Maybe i somewhere have a problem in my tvshows. I dont use this view function, because it is not the most handy view for me. If i have 200 episodes of the same TV Show, i get 200 items with only that shows title. I hope this could be reduced to 1 item. Mostly i use "Filename Sort" and it is
- While in a Media view (TV Shows, Movies, Audio) i cannot press the back button to go back to the main screen.
- While in a Media view, when i press the home button, the main screen comes up, but still with the media menu pressed (the buttons Video, Audio, Radio, etc are still displayed)
I already requested this, but i want to write it again, to keep all things in this post
- I hope to see the smokey skin working on more devices (my HTC Desire HD), if there is anything i can do to help with this, please point me into the right direction.
- A Viewed/Unviewed function for media
Keep up the good work!
Qorbiter is very snappy and reponsive. and imho very good looking with the smokey skin
1) Thank you for doing so much testing
2) User menu is a known issue
3) I will look into and see if I can track down the issues related to the crashes
4) Do you know about autotagger? It helps with assigning meta data to media. (ie breaking tv shows down into episode & season, setting media subtypes for movies and other video media. only for videos)
5) I will look into the weird behavior you are experiencing on the different sorting options.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 07, 2013, 05:31:39 PM
1) Thank you for doing so much testing
2) User menu is a known issue
3) I will look into and see if I can track down the issues related to the crashes
4) Do you know about autotagger? It helps with assigning meta data to media. (ie breaking tv shows down into episode & season, setting media subtypes for movies and other video media. only for videos)
5) I will look into the weird behavior you are experiencing on the different sorting options.
1) No problem, i use qOrbiter every day
2) Good to know
3) Thank you
4) Yes, but lately it seems to hang also. i did not have time to check what is happening.
5) Today the weirdest thing happend, i connected to my open wifi, and via a vpn connected to my linuxmce network, and the waiting problems didn't exist... i will look into it why this is happening.
When qorbiter is running on my phone, and i get an incoming call, qorbiter crashes when hanging up the call.
Still working on things, updates soon.
Anyone here know javascript?
merkur2k does.
In general, it makes more sense to state the problem, than asking if someone knows a specific tool.
I want help with qml dammit! And since its basically js, i thought I would ask.
Also looking for reviews / improvements of my java code, so if you know java but not Qt, let me know.
This weekend I was working on a top secret thing...and fixing auto tagger. back to working on QML.
added power selector. changed how room selection is handled. please confirm you can access all your ea and such still.
Downloaded todays APK
Room and entertainment area selection, all working for me
Dont see what is different with the power button, it is not working for me
Langstonius, I have a basic understanding of java / javascript, but fairly good scripting skills. Just very little time.
Do you have a small task that i can try to do?
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 05, 2013, 02:42:35 AM
what skin?
as far as the threads, well its a lot of moving parts and im still not settled on the current implementation.
Smokey mostly. It works fine sometimes but generally is very slow. It is happening right now with the latest version. It looks like it switches but forgets to do a redraw until the next background image shows up. That's been my experience and what is happening at the very moment.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 12, 2013, 05:01:20 PM
Anyone here know javascript?
I do quite well. I had no idea that QML was similar. I'm rather unfamiliar with the technology. What can I do? I have no clue about this tech whatsoever.
Quote from: WhateverFits on October 18, 2013, 05:56:42 AM
I do quite well. I had no idea that QML was similar. I'm rather unfamiliar with the technology. What can I do? I have no clue about this tech whatsoever.
Long story short, QML is essentially Javascript. which mean that the entire UI really javascript. Im just looking for people who know JS and would be willing to take a stab at helping fix minor ui bugs, etc.
If I may interject:
QML is a declarative language, first and foremost. So you specify Items, and give them properties, and react and emit signals.
Rectangle {
width: 400
height: 400
x: 4
y: 300
color: blue
in addition, you can use JavaScript, any time that an imperative section is needed (such as for a signal callback):
onClicked: { doSomething(); }
There's more, but that should give you an idea. Plenty of example code in the qml folder for qOrbiter, as well as plenty of introductory material on the Qt site, (google can find it).
Updates for x86 and android
Added ui, functionality to select private media on x86
*need ui on android
*added experimental android media player. More of a test of other possibilities in the domain.
*changed throttling speed on android to slow down. Previous speed caused crashes on long runs. (tested with 8,687 audio titles.))
upcoming priorities
*Implement private media selection, viewed/unviewed selection.
*Implement different item views for media types (movies, music, tv shows)
*Normalize small screen, tablet UI (smokey on small screen) as much as possible.
*Add missing functionality to media screens (missing ui, backend exists) on tablet, phone UI
*implement screensaver for phone / tablet UI (onscreen elements go away _except_ for actual screens saver.)
*Fix bugs found by people.
*RPI target
*semi-related work on autotagger.
*find someone to help with screens. there are already examples for everything including dvd playback. just need UI assembly.
oh, and i may be MIA as Qt DevDays is coming up Nov 6 - 8 and ill be attending.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 23, 2013, 06:50:13 AM
Updates for x86 and android
Added ui, functionality to select private media on x86
*need ui on android
*added experimental android media player. More of a test of other possibilities in the domain.
*changed throttling speed on android to slow down. Previous speed caused crashes on long runs. (tested with 8,687 audio titles.))
upcoming priorities
*Implement private media selection, viewed/unviewed selection.
*Implement different item views for media types (movies, music, tv shows)
*Normalize small screen, tablet UI (smokey on small screen) as much as possible.
*Add missing functionality to media screens (missing ui, backend exists) on tablet, phone UI
*implement screensaver for phone / tablet UI (onscreen elements go away _except_ for actual screens saver.)
*Fix bugs found by people.
*RPI target
*semi-related work on autotagger.
*find someone to help with screens. there are already examples for everything including dvd playback. just need UI assembly.
oh, and i may be MIA as Qt DevDays is coming up Nov 6 - 8 and ill be attending.
Downloaded new apk, and new skins, and run new
I noticed there are still qt5 stuff downloaded via the setupqorbiter script
few small issues...
- Start qorbiter, i get a new screen, asking for a router reload. i have this problem on all my systems. but i cannot read the text on the buttons, both buttons just say 'Reload'. i found out the left button is yes, and the right button is no
- cannot select the smokey skin, i see it, but when i want to select it, nothing happens.
- Power menu is available. but if i press the display on, or display off buttons, qorbiter crashed
- I normally do not use the default skin, but now, i notice if i play any media, on qorbiter the screen just goes blank. only the background (blue/red pixels) is there.
- Definitly notice qorbiter is slower. the datagrid loading speed is now about the same as when i previously connect over 3g with a vpn from workplace, to show my colleges my new cool toy ;)
- Dont know if this is skin related or new version related, but i have difficulties selecting rooms. it's to easy to swipe the room left and right, and then it is not possible to scroll up and down.
- In the new security panel, the pincode that you enter gets displayed. And the buttons for selecting the security mode do not work
- While browings media (video), i notice that the A-Z button do not work right from the start. you have to wait until all media is loaded. is it possible to show these schortcut letters, when media is found that start with that specific letter?
Just a short check of functions, i will report back if i find new problems, although i really not like the default skin, i will put myself through this horror ;)
Quote from: Dap-P on October 24, 2013, 12:14:09 AM
Downloaded new apk, and new skins, and run new
I noticed there are still qt5 stuff downloaded via the setupqorbiter script
few small issues...
- Start qorbiter, i get a new screen, asking for a router reload. i have this problem on all my systems. but i cannot read the text on the buttons, both buttons just say 'Reload'. i found out the left button is yes, and the right button is no
- cannot select the smokey skin, i see it, but when i want to select it, nothing happens.
- Power menu is available. but if i press the display on, or display off buttons, qorbiter crashed
- I normally do not use the default skin, but now, i notice if i play any media, on qorbiter the screen just goes blank. only the background (blue/red pixels) is there.
- Definitly notice qorbiter is slower. the datagrid loading speed is now about the same as when i previously connect over 3g with a vpn from workplace, to show my colleges my new cool toy ;)
- Dont know if this is skin related or new version related, but i have difficulties selecting rooms. it's to easy to swipe the room left and right, and then it is not possible to scroll up and down.
- In the new security panel, the pincode that you enter gets displayed. And the buttons for selecting the security mode do not work
- While browings media (video), i notice that the A-Z button do not work right from the start. you have to wait until all media is loaded. is it possible to show these schortcut letters, when media is found that start with that specific letter?
Just a short check of functions, i will report back if i find new problems, although i really not like the default skin, i will put myself through this horror ;)
looking into it. Thank you for your dilligence in testing. Posde mentioned this as well and I suspect I know the cause, but im a bit confused since you downloaded the latest.
*The Qt5 stuff is considered 'common' so its downloaded with the rest
*The datagrids are a work in progress. i have ideas across all the skins, just needs to unify them which is high on my list. Frankly its been a learning process in UX and software design going from the paradigm of the exising to Orbiter to something as dynamic as qOrbiter.
Im working on all of this stuff as fast as I can as SCALE 2014 is in Feb and I want people to think we are running XBMC. ;)
Then I get to do my LOTR schtick
"That UI was broken long ago..."
"It has been remade!"
*epic music*
-QA Dept.
oh and do you see 'Audio Service Started' when qOrbiter starts?
If not, you arent running the latest. Please let me know if I have a bum link out there.
I saw nothing that said "Audio Service Started" and I just downloaded the latest moments ago. Open-GL version posted 23 hours ago. Fully up to date with latest orbiter and setup script.
It does seem to change orientations nicely.
I cannot select a different skin.
Power button craps it out pretty badly.
Cannot show remote screen. Just goes to background. I can hit back to go back to the main screen.
Media grids load.
Many other functions seem to work.
So, going to San Francisco in a couple weeks? Sounds like fun! I'm just down the road a little from there and spent the day there during the America's Cup on one of the final days. That was fun.
ok thats totally weird...
*goes to figure out what he is doing wrong*
And its been located. Long story short, something important wasnt being built on the build server (a lib) so the qml that depended on it wouldnt load which made it fall back to default. the qml fix is in svn already, looking into the build server fix.
Build 70 looks the same.
I tell ya, its those missing svn files that kill ya...try again at your leisure sir.
Good Day.
Downloaded the new APK, script, etc.
connected with the new qorbiter, i get the default skin. saw nothing about "starting audio service" selected smokey skin, saw "Starting audio service"
In the power menu, i still get crashes when selecting "Display on/off" but none when i select "Turn MD on/off"
Defintly have a more stable (and slower) datagrid. and the same speed when i sit at home via wifi, or at work, via 3g and vpn
When i press Advanced, Media test, from my work (over vpn/3g) i get media playback, and at the same time qorbiter crashes.
Tonight, i will try this via wifi.
Langston, keep up the good work!
Quote from: Dap-P on October 25, 2013, 12:57:11 PM
Downloaded the new APK, script, etc.
connected with the new qorbiter, i get the default skin. saw nothing about "starting audio service" selected smokey skin, saw "Starting audio service"
In the power menu, i still get crashes when selecting "Display on/off" but none when i select "Turn MD on/off"
Defintly have a more stable (and slower) datagrid. and the same speed when i sit at home via wifi, or at work, via 3g and vpn
When i press Advanced, Media test, from my work (over vpn/3g) i get media playback, and at the same time qorbiter crashes.
Tonight, i will try this via wifi.
Langston, keep up the good work!
Not really so good if it always crashes. :-\
Thanks for your patience.
Langston, did you also change something with the screen rotation? (landscape/portrait)
This seems to go much better for me.
Quote from: Dap-P on October 25, 2013, 04:59:24 PM
Langston, did you also change something with the screen rotation? (landscape/portrait)
This seems to go much better for me.
Yeah I had to take the nasty step of forcing a repaint on rotation. Something weird going on with the qt / android integration on rotation. Forcing a screen redraw solves it, but its not instant.
Yeah! Skin loads appropriately now, orientation changes work correctly, audio starts streaming on button push (but it crashes the orbiter). The screen rotation works really well. Odd about having to force a redraw.
I've never had problems with a buggy data-grid so I can't test that one.
All this on Nexus 4 over WiFi.
Yeah, I've had problems where I checked in files I shouldn't or forgot to check in some I needed. I ended up putting in a continuous integration build system (CruiseControl.Net) at one of my jobs that would completely wipe out the entire source tree and check it out fresh every time just to ensure that this problem wouldn't occur past a single checkin. :)
Is there any particular area of code you need help with? Just let me know a small area I can get my feet wet in and I'll check it out.
Thanks for all the hard work!
I have the same as WhateverFits, Audio plays, but qorbiter crashes. At home, over wifi
For me the screen rotation is working perfectly, almost instant, just like other apps. This is running on my Nexus4
On my Desire HD, it's a little slow. But also about the same as other apps.
Just the redraw is not a pretty sight...
Langston, thank you for you patience with us lousy and lazy testers (yes i speak only for myself) ;)
Quote from: WhateverFits on October 25, 2013, 05:57:03 PM
Yeah! Skin loads appropriately now, orientation changes work correctly, audio starts streaming on button push (but it crashes the orbiter). The screen rotation works really well. Odd about having to force a redraw.
I've never had problems with a buggy data-grid so I can't test that one.
All this on Nexus 4 over WiFi.
Yeah, I've had problems where I checked in files I shouldn't or forgot to check in some I needed. I ended up putting in a continuous integration build system (CruiseControl.Net) at one of my jobs that would completely wipe out the entire source tree and check it out fresh every time just to ensure that this problem wouldn't occur past a single checkin. :)
Is there any particular area of code you need help with? Just let me know a small area I can get my feet wet in and I'll check it out.
Thanks for all the hard work!
My problem was more not checking myself. I QtCreator setup so i can push right to devices, and a local jenkins instance that does the builds people download from the web (builds locally then pushes to server). I was missing one freaking manifest file that I forgot that I had pushed over.
Anyways, try not to press that button that says media test (likely going away anyhow this weekend). Going to just try and do as much as possible this weekend.
As far as stuff to do, there is tons. But the stuff that needs the most attention is the actual qml pages.
Updated pushed...
now if i could remember what i did.
*changed the phone homescreen to make buttons bigger
*added ability to get screenshot to smokey
*added zoom & aspect for video in smokey
*added a fallback screen for mediatypes that dont have a details page implemented yet.
*added support for browsing photos.
*found ugly bug that happens when its reset repeatedly.
*so far unable to reproduce the crash when power button is pressed.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 29, 2013, 12:00:06 AM
*changed the phone homescreen to make buttons bigger
*added ability to get screenshot to smokey
*added zoom & aspect for video in smokey
*added a fallback screen for mediatypes that dont have a details page implemented yet.
*added support for browsing photos.
*found ugly bug that happens when its reset repeatedly.
*so far unable to reproduce the crash when power button is pressed.
Power screen is working fine for me now. You must have fixed it by accident. ;) Looks great! I think it might even work. My boxes are a little nit-picky on WOL stuff so it is hard to test properly.
Where is the zoom & aspect in video? I don't see it.
Photo screen shows that I have 7,405,615 photos but doesn't show any. I have doubts about me actually having that many photos. I have a ton, but not that many.
I started some audio, hit "Play All" (several hundred to a few thousand songs, I didn't check). The display never showed the remote nor any feedback that it was playing. I might have hit "Play All" twice due to no feedback. Then it attempted to draw the main screen's mini status and crashed. I started it back up and it displayed just fine. At the moment of crash, it was drawing the status and I tapped on "Media" simultaneously. My guess is that it was the two events together that caused the crash.
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 29, 2013, 12:00:06 AM
Updated pushed...
now if i could remember what i did.
*changed the phone homescreen to make buttons bigger
*added ability to get screenshot to smokey
*added zoom & aspect for video in smokey
*added a fallback screen for mediatypes that dont have a details page implemented yet.
*added support for browsing photos.
*found ugly bug that happens when its reset repeatedly.
*so far unable to reproduce the crash when power button is pressed.
Things i notice:
- Start of app is faster
- Still a crash when i use Display On, or Display Off from the power menu
- Media test button does not work anymore
- Dont see any pictures / photos
- Buttons are the same size
- Screenshots work
- Zoom and Aspect work
- In general the app feel much faster
I saw this before, just never said it here, but i like to use the "filename sort" browsing, but when i am in some folder, i cannot get back to the upper level. i just get an empty screen with only a back button, and qorbiter often crashes.
Maybe it is my setup, because i only have nfs and smb fileshares connected, and no local media on my core.
Found a bug :
While i was connected to my other wifi connection, i started qorbiter.
It couldn't connect to LMCE, which is correct, cause it is on another network.
While qorbiter is running, i changed my wifi connection to the LMCE network.
qorbiter connects, but doesn't display all the letter on the buttons,
Button's would read "L ghts" "Me a" for the "Lights" and "Media" button, other buttons do this also
And even some buttons don't have text at all
Still in San Fran, but ill be looking at these issues when i get back as well as posting a new Qt5 build.
Awesome! I hope you enjoy my neck of the woods.
hmmm...running the latest build (#76) and got no menu, only the bar at the bottom...advanced, power, etc. I deleted the skins, downloaded the orbitersetup again and ran it....deleted the linuxmce-folder on my change
Got some 404 , orbitergenerator.php and imdbimage.php
huzzah, the eagle has landed.
Back home, nice a refreshed.
Some things...
*The way I handle QOrbiters location is changing. The reason for this is kinda long and suffice to say thanks to you guys testing this, ive gotten a lot more insight into how we move into this new area. From now on, Mobile QOrbiters will live in a new room, which will be created when you create one. This room is called Mobile QOrbiters (god how many times can i say the word Orbiter...derp!). This room will serve as the anchor point for these devices for entertainment purposes, while separating them from automatic 'media started / stopped' events connected to physical rooms in the home. I.E. no light dimming when you stream a playlist to your tablet at work, etc. I have been testing this for about 2 weeks from work and even San Fran.
*The setup script has been updated to reflect the new location (our hosting slightly shifted while i was gone) I have also employed tinyurl to try and make it easier to just type the instructions. Please note:
While it might be a huge pain, i recommend deleting any existing qorbiters, and doing a full update, including sqlcvs
I have updated the device template to try and provide better integration with existing orbiter variables and such, also added some other device data related to ui selections. Its better to be in sync than not is all i can say.
After updating, re-create the qorbiters. Like i said, i realize its a pain, but it needs to be done to make it as simple as possible. We are in new territory in many ways, so I believe caution is in order.
So, to recap, things that need to be updated on your next go-round are
-linuxmce in general, apt-get update, sqlcvs update (i realize may be tricky for some)
-the setup file '' itself. Please use new link, it points to updated version
*Had to re-install my linuxmce system due to wanton abuse and neglect. did that today, with 1004. with an ssd and the dvd installer, was reinstalled in 45min, another hour because i didnt commit device templates. that mistake has been rectified.
*Linus may like giving NVIDIA the finger, but I also have some choice *ahem* gestures for ATI. I only mention this because I was trying to setup up a proper MD on a nettop with ati embedded graphics. 1204 and Qorbiter, it works, albeit with some nasty graphic artifacts if I get too fancy with animation. Here, as an MD on 1004, the screen saver takes over and doesnt go away..even though its actually passing button presses through. as i found out when I stopped Iron Man 2 in the other room...the guests were less than amused.
*I wont say anything about the rpi beyond im still working on it. had i not messed up my system....yeah.. anyways.
*Will be trying Qt 5.2beta this week. Hopefully some issues have been addressed. Its also the reason i keep mentioning iOS. Qt 5.2 make the first appearance of QML with iOS appstore guidelines met, and xcode integration. Needless to say, this is very good to hear, and if anyone know the cheapest route to getting a mac environment going, let me know.
*We continue to hurtle towards SCALE 2014, and my number one goal is to get an onscreen qorbiter running as an MD.
good day!
okay...I admit, I'm not sure how to do the sqlcvs...webadmin? what do I have to check- everything, or only selected items?
I downloaded the new script and so far got one thing, that seems not quite okay:
Quotesvn: REPORT of '/svn/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size: connection was closed by server (
Ok, i deleted qorbiters,
Did apt-get update, upgrade
Did sqlcvs update for device templates? is it correct?
downloaded the new
got an error, typo on line 13... 1 too many spaces... fixed that, ran the script
dcerouter_1037024:~# sudo /tmp/./
/tmp/./ line 13: export: `=': not a valid identifier
Tried to find a new qt build, but it wasn't there. so i connect with build 76.
enter new device ID, eveything connects. Only notice that when i now start qorbiter, it starts in room ::
Will test, and report back if needed
Edit: stupid me the room problem existed because i didn't reload the router) now fixed
There is no Mobile Qorbiters room, do i have to manually add this room?
afaict, you just need to create a qOrbiter, which later should autocreate the room.
Tried to access : (138 is my new qorbiter device)
Installation is 1037024
Connection Found, Starting
Checking for existing mobile orbiter room
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Room' WHERE PK_Room = '7'' at line 1
Deleted the qorbiter device again
so i did a full sqlcvs update
Made a new qorbiter device, now i have a Mobile Orbiters room.
Still have the EA in the room i select in the webadmin, should this be set to Mobile Qoribters room?
Quote from: Dap-P on November 11, 2013, 11:05:42 PM
Tried to access : (138 is my new qorbiter device)
Installation is 1037024
Connection Found, Starting
Checking for existing mobile orbiter room
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''Room' WHERE PK_Room = '7'' at line 1
Deleted the qorbiter device again
so i did a full sqlcvs update
Made a new qorbiter device, now i have a Mobile Orbiters room.
Still have the EA in the room i select in the webadmin, should this be set to Mobile Qoribters room?
Will check on that issue shortly. Man you are fast!
I think that there need to be a good set of instructions on how to do the 'upgrade'
With that, most issues would/should not happen
Ok, i see that the mobile orbiters room is the type : Foyer/Entrance
Shouldn't this be better set to the type Unmanaged? Or create a new room type, specially for the Mobile orbiters?
Quote from: Dap-P on November 13, 2013, 12:19:12 AM
Ok, i see that the mobile orbiters room is the type : Foyer/Entrance
Shouldn't this be better set to the type Unmanaged? Or create a new room type, specially for the Mobile orbiters?
This falls under my needing help from developers thread. you are correct, it should be set to unmanaged.
The idea behind the script is it takes a device number input and then
*creates the Mobile Orbiters Room if it doesnt exist (setting it to the right type as well)
*Find the name of the mobile orbiter, and uses that as the EA name.
*Performs checks and such to make sure no dupes are made, etc
Im not sure where this bit would fall in normal orbitergen.
people should just get the script mentioned in the 1st post. Its been updated to include the updated setEa2.php
sqlcvs update.
delete any old qorbiters (sorry about this again.)
get the latest releases
re-add your qorbiters.
One last bit to add, I installed Qt 5.2 beta. Unlike 5.1 beta, I was able to get it running on my 2.3 (api level 10) android device. I will keep testing and alert people when there is a build available.
if anyone wants to speed this along, it basically involves copying and pasting from one folder to another in this instance with some deletion of elements that are now built in as opposed to my building them by hand.
Some random feedback:
* latest build seem to crash on exit (log displays segfault)
* It would be nice to be able to force a device to use the tablet skins (ie. a table with 800x400 resolution will now use the phone skins, but I think the table skin would be more fitting)
* The floor list on the floorplan is only high enough to contain one list item. So when I have three floors, I only see the first one and have to scroll to reach the others.
* In the tablet default skin, when you are in a room without any lighting scenarios, there are no way to open the lighting floorplan.
I think i will totally reinstall my system, i keep having the weirdest problems.
Now i have 2 phones, with 2 qorbiter installs, yesterday i had 2 extra EA's, in the mobie qorbiter room, today i have 1 extra, in the default room i selected this qorbiter via the webadmin.
If i place the 2 qorbiters in the same room, and start to play media, only 1 qorbiter displays this...
Thank you Dap-P for being the sacrificial lamb of sorts. Long story short, google changed some down below in the engine room and qorbiter will crash on 4.4 devices. There is a patch in the pipe, but its not availble yet. so if you have the option to update, know that qorbiter will stop working when you do.
Sorry for the pita this causes and thanks again to Dap-P for finding out the hard way and letting others know.
ps. still waiting for said update here. though now installation will be waiting.
I believe i found and fixed the source of the crash when hitting display off over the weekend
new builds are up. Working on skins / Datagrids controls / navigation controls for the next few days.
still working on the correct ea setup, but the following should happen
see thread in dev section if you want to help with this. needs mysql lovin
*it creates an ea for the orbiter - this ea should be hidden if possible for to annoy people using legacy orbiters less. needs help on the hiding part.
*set the ea to the proper one, but starts it in your preferred default room.
oops, forgot to upload builds ;D
building and uploading now (aint jenkins great?)
Will try on my old phone tonight ;)
Missing footer element added.
Good news and bad.
bad news, Still no luck on Android 4.4
good news, Found no problems on Android 4.3
Quote from: Dap-P on November 29, 2013, 10:37:30 AM
Good news and bad.
bad news, Still no luck on Android 4.4
good news, Found no problems on Android 4.3
About that
On the Android 4.4 device
*Check if ministro has an update
*If so clear the application data from the applications menu and then retry qorbiter.
Tried clearing the app data, start qt4, got the error "ministro stopped"
Perhaps fully uninstalling and reinstalling?
Update: Tried Clearing qt4 app data, Ministro app data, and removing and reinstalling qt4,
Now wants to download extra ministro libraries, but when i tap OK, ministro crashes
Quote from: Dap-P on November 30, 2013, 01:06:16 AM
Tried clearing the app data, start qt4, got the error "ministro stopped"
Perhaps fully uninstalling and reinstalling?
Update: Tried Clearing qt4 app data, Ministro app data, and removing and reinstalling qt4,
Now wants to download extra ministro libraries, but when i tap OK, ministro crashes
*hmm* Ok thanks. I will do more hunting to see whats going on. Thanks
Raspberry PI
Quote from: golgoj4 on December 01, 2013, 07:19:56 PM
Raspberry PI
really cool! ...
is there a guide howto set it up on a Pi?
Quote from: polly on December 02, 2013, 10:05:12 AM
really cool! ...
is there a guide howto set it up on a Pi?
The moonpi will be converted to use qOrbiter and there will be an easy installation at that point. :) Xmas goodies!
Quote from: golgoj4 on November 30, 2013, 05:27:50 PM
*hmm* Ok thanks. I will do more hunting to see whats going on. Thanks
Bug in Ministro II. Check it out as it work great on my Nexus 4 with 4.4.
Quote from: WhateverFits on December 07, 2013, 01:19:01 AM!topic/android-qt/kfqHcwUdIcs
Bug in Ministro II. Check it out as it work great on my Nexus 4 with 4.4.
New build out
too much to type when there is a shiny list!
On my Xubuntu box, i can get it to load and then it shows the orbiter for a split second, and the crashes saying that there are reference errors: can't find variable. There are a lot of them.
Quote from: iberium on December 29, 2013, 11:41:45 PM
On my Xubuntu box, i can get it to load and then it shows the orbiter for a split second, and the crashes saying that there are reference errors: can't find variable. There are a lot of them.
Holy Crap someone is running the desktop version?
Sounds like it cant find the skins.
1) Have you downloaded the skins to your core
2) How are you installing it?
Yes, I have the skins installed on my core and updated them yesterday. I used the install script from the Web Installer. I realized that I had to run it from my home directory, as if i wasn't in my home directory, then it couldn't locate AudioVisual 1.0 (or something like that), even though it was calling the full path.
Still looking into it. You helped me uncover another bug (since fixed). Will let you know when I have an update.
fixed some .sh mistakes, recommend removing the QOrbiter-Dev directory, regrabbing script and running it.
It actually does much less now, this is what the script gives me when it runs:
01 01/01/14 7:24:38.494 Connection for client socket reported NOT IN THIS INSTALLATION IP=::ffff:, device -1 last error 3
"07:24:38::Found installation, connecting."
"07:24:38::Connecting to router"
"07:24:38::Starting dce initialization"
"07:24:38::Initialization IP::"
05 01/01/14 7:24:38.995 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0xaa002538 (m_Socket: 22)
"07:24:38::Device ID is invalid. Finding Existing Orbiters of this type"
05 01/01/14 7:24:39.005 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0xaa001c88 (m_Socket: 22)
98 * ::ffff: Olga's Samsung Galaxy Orbiter (Living)
170 * ::ffff: qOrbiter (Living)
01 01/01/14 7:24:39.005 Bad Device
"07:24:39::Returning List of Orbiters"
showing List
"07:24:39::Bad Device"
I should be using device #170. It's also loading full screen by default it seems, but I don't know for sure because it doesn't finish. I have to alt+tab to get back to console and kill it. The whole screen goes white and a black box takes up the top left side. It does let me run it from anywhere now though.
Happy new year.
I love what you did with the orbiter. The only thing, that I find a bit hard to adjust to, is the media list....those long bars with the covers are a bit hard on the eyes. Other than that : thumbs up!
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 01, 2014, 10:42:20 PM
Happy new year.
I love what you did with the orbiter. The only thing, that I find a bit hard to adjust to, is the media list....those long bars with the covers are a bit hard on the eyes. Other than that : thumbs up!
Thats understood and a known issue. An example of my design failings. BUT i am pretty good at turning a screenshot into reality, so any suggestions (photoshop mockups or otherwise) are welcome.
Quote from: iberium on January 01, 2014, 02:31:30 PM
It actually does much less now, this is what the script gives me when it runs:
01 01/01/14 7:24:38.494 Connection for client socket reported NOT IN THIS INSTALLATION IP=::ffff:, device -1 last error 3
"07:24:38::Found installation, connecting."
"07:24:38::Connecting to router"
"07:24:38::Starting dce initialization"
"07:24:38::Initialization IP::"
05 01/01/14 7:24:38.995 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0xaa002538 (m_Socket: 22)
"07:24:38::Device ID is invalid. Finding Existing Orbiters of this type"
05 01/01/14 7:24:39.005 void ClientSocket::Disconnect() on this socket: 0xaa001c88 (m_Socket: 22)
98 * ::ffff: Olga's Samsung Galaxy Orbiter (Living)
170 * ::ffff: qOrbiter (Living)
01 01/01/14 7:24:39.005 Bad Device
"07:24:39::Returning List of Orbiters"
showing List
"07:24:39::Bad Device"
I should be using device #170. It's also loading full screen by default it seems, but I don't know for sure because it doesn't finish. I have to alt+tab to get back to console and kill it. The whole screen goes white and a black box takes up the top left side. It does let me run it from anywhere now though.
1) I would run the installer again so it will update
2) You can bypass the loading screen by editing the config.xml and replacing -1 with your device number. config.xml is located in ~/QOrbiter-Dev
3) the fullscreen thing was probly a bad assumption on my part. I removed it, so when you update it shouldnt happen anymore.
Im familiar with the small black box inside of larger white box. Double check the skins on your core as i've updated a bunch of stuff since yesterday.
Cheers and thanks for working with me on this!
just a question- the TV-controls are not working/present? I can start TV from qorbiter, but not change channels.
What PVR are you using?
I'm running mythtv
What skin are you using?
Default skin
i shall investigate
hmm...curious...I deleted the config.xml on my phone, thinking there was a problem with that one and it will be recreated. As it turns out, it stays at 0 bytes. When I try to set options in qorbiter, it seems they don't stick. I can put the IP ( by the way, I forgot what webport is needed), devicetype stays a 1. Anyways, when I close that window, it tries to reach the core, but it never uses the IP-Adress. Am I doing something wrong?
ok, maybe I'm a bit early with this....I just saw there is a new build (#98). It just produces a screen with a green gradiant...and not much more.
Just tried build #99 and made some screenshots:
I also tried build #99, and it is working for me.
Then I must be missing something...I don't know
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 06, 2014, 07:23:36 PM
ok, maybe I'm a bit early with this....I just saw there is a new build (#98). It just produces a screen with a green gradiant...and not much more.
Try #99 - I broke some things and didnt notice until this morning. Still working on fixing the connection options.
Like I said, I must be doing something wrong, as you can see in the screenshots made from build #99. I can put the ip of the core, but upon hitting the close button, the Ip doesn't show up in the url.
The phone is a htc evo3d with ics, fresh after a complete reset. I deleted the Linuxmce-folder, which gets recreated, but the config.xml never gets populated and stays at 0 bytes.jm7
The difference that i see in your screenshots, is that i have web-port 80 configured.
Perhaps you can try that?
And ofcourse, make sure your phone IS connect to the internal LMCE network
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 07, 2014, 01:17:39 AM
Then I must be missing something...I don't know
You arent. for some reason its not dealing with the config properly. Looking into it and thanks for being so persistent. you helped me find something else :)
new update
Please let me know if the
config options
logs should be in the right place and working
should load instead of the hanging seen recently.
figuring out i can code burping teh baby.
I tried build #101. it successfully connects, but there were some peculiar hiccups. When connecting the first time, I get to choose, which qorbiter I want to use, or create a new one. However, I got only one qorbiter, but I'm being presented with to identical entries.
At first it seemed very reluctant to do anything...pressing buttons resulted in no reaction. Also, when the router requests a reload, the buttons for "reload now" and "reload later" don't seem to work.
I ran the setup-script again, after deleting the skins on the core- and things were better. On the other hand, getting the video listing, qorbiter crashes halfway through. I also had a problem after starting qorbiter for the 4th or 5th time, the option-screen poped open, all entries gone and they wouldn't stick at all. Deleting the linuxmce folder on the sdcard helped with that.
I don't know, if its by design, or another remnant lurking in my system, but you went back to the previous design?
I'm also guessing you like to see logs and such from my phone, so here they are.
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 08, 2014, 12:44:31 PM
I tried build #101. it successfully connects, but there were some peculiar hiccups. When connecting the first time, I get to choose, which qorbiter I want to use, or create a new one. However, I got only one qorbiter, but I'm being presented with to identical entries.
At first it seemed very reluctant to do anything...pressing buttons resulted in no reaction. Also, when the router requests a reload, the buttons for "reload now" and "reload later" don't seem to work.
I ran the setup-script again, after deleting the skins on the core- and things were better. On the other hand, getting the video listing, qorbiter crashes halfway through. I also had a problem after starting qorbiter for the 4th or 5th time, the option-screen poped open, all entries gone and they wouldn't stick at all. Deleting the linuxmce folder on the sdcard helped with that.
I don't know, if its by design, or another remnant lurking in my system, but you went back to the previous design?
I'm also guessing you like to see logs and such from my phone, so here they are.
Ok, thanks for the feedback. It almost feel like its time to abandon the fricking config.xml on android because its so problem-matic.
In the mean time i sounds like i need to add some user feedback at that selection screen and fix the double orbiter bug (woudlnt cause a problem if you clicked on either)
Re: design, its more trying to fix some of the race conditions on startup without making the user wait for android.
More updates soon, need to go fix the hue controller...
I've been having fun with the orbiters on android. Thank you for all of your hard work. I have it on three devices; My SG2, my wifes SG3 and the first edition Nexus 7. So far I'm mainly using LMCE for lighting, but soon my MD and external USB sound card (for Squeeze Slave) will arrive so I'll be able to test much more with media.
Floorplan does not fit onto the screen. This is definitely due to the size of my floorplan image. Any plans to scale or zoom in and out?
When accessing a light through the floorplan, the On and Off buttons don't work and the screen shows "PK_Pipe" and/or "PK_Device_Pipes" inside of the pressed button. The Set Level seems to work very well but always shows at the current level of 14 regardless if the light is on or off. Is there a way to report the current level in the set level slider?
On my GS2 I'm in a style that looks different from the style on my wifes GS3 or the Nexus 7. It still has the background images but the buttons are in the middle of the screen and not along top as in the others. I go into “advanced” to change the style and clicking on the gray box for “change styles” doesn't do anything. I did notice that the style of the GS2 has more options (pending tasks, network settings, avwizard, regen all orbiters) to choose from than the style on the other devices. I also noticed that in the style that the GS2 is using,that sometimes I get in a state where I can't change rooms or choose exit.
I noticed that even when gracefully exiting from my other devices that I always get the popup “Unfortunately, qOrbiter4 has stopped”
Thank you!
I just tried the latest build (#103) on Nexus7 2013. When I press video it starts loading and then gives me: Unfortunately, qOrbiterQt4 has stopped.
Quote from: B34N on January 19, 2014, 10:36:38 PM
I've been having fun with the orbiters on android. Thank you for all of your hard work. I have it on three devices; My SG2, my wifes SG3 and the first edition Nexus 7. So far I'm mainly using LMCE for lighting, but soon my MD and external USB sound card (for Squeeze Slave) will arrive so I'll be able to test much more with media.
Floorplan does not fit onto the screen. This is definitely due to the size of my floorplan image. Any plans to scale or zoom in and out?
When accessing a light through the floorplan, the On and Off buttons don't work and the screen shows "PK_Pipe" and/or "PK_Device_Pipes" inside of the pressed button. The Set Level seems to work very well but always shows at the current level of 14 regardless if the light is on or off. Is there a way to report the current level in the set level slider?
On my GS2 I'm in a style that looks different from the style on my wifes GS3 or the Nexus 7. It still has the background images but the buttons are in the middle of the screen and not along top as in the others. I go into "advanced" to change the style and clicking on the gray box for "change styles" doesn't do anything. I did notice that the style of the GS2 has more options (pending tasks, network settings, avwizard, regen all orbiters) to choose from than the style on the other devices. I also noticed that in the style that the GS2 is using,that sometimes I get in a state where I can't change rooms or choose exit.
I noticed that even when gracefully exiting from my other devices that I always get the popup "Unfortunately, qOrbiter4 has stopped"
Thank you!
*Added buttons for on / off for floorplan
*Set level is a matter of me being less lazy and retrieving the value. That whole list is dynamic madness and i need to extend it a bit more. It bothers me too and is duly noted!
*The style discrepancies are a result of me not being a designer, combined with realizing that different ui layouts worked better with different dpi devices. Im trying to rectify this to make everything follow smokey's UI scheme for consistency and my sanity. But for example, the buttons in the middle make them easier to access on a smaller phone, while a tablet has more UI real estate. Its a trade off between death by a thousand clicks or squeezing as much as possible on screen. *There are a lot of UI ideas ive not even touched on between the c++, platform porting, etc*
*It crashing on exit seems to be my curse. heh. if it doesn't bug you too much im going to keep it low priority to ui and runtime functionality.
Thanks for testing, sorry for the headaches, and thanks again for being patient while i try and bring this thing to heel.
hmm..getting the videolist still crashes the qorbiter on my phone
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 24, 2014, 11:50:26 AM
hmm..getting the videolist still crashes the qorbiter on my phone
Do you have a lot of videos?
Quote from: golgoj4 on January 25, 2014, 05:17:08 AM
Do you have a lot of videos?
As you can see in a few post ago I have the same issue and I indeed have quite some entries.
I love it, when people are sooo specific
I have around 700+ Movies...getting the videolist on earlier builds was never an issue
I think I have more. Here getting the list has always crashed.
Anybody knows the correct query to show the number of movies?
mysql> select count(*) from File where EK_MediaType=5 and IsDirectory = '0';
| count(*) |
| 2019 |
1 row in set (0.08 sec)
select count(*) from File where EK_MediaType=5 and IsDirectory = 0 and IsMissing = 0
should be a bit more accurate.
thx posde. It's Missing instead of IsMissing I saw:
mysql> select count(*) from File where EK_MediaType=5 and IsDirectory = 0 and Missing = 0 ;
| count(*) |
| 2018 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
It might be because i removed the throttling on android. its been restored.
Oh , also added zoom controls for people who have super large floorplans. Still working out the concept but at least you can zoom now.
Still the same.
Also the Audio list crashes. More songs than movies so that makes sense.
Yup, still crashes...sorry
Installed 105 on a Samsung Galaxy S2 and Nexus 7 (1st edition). I see the zoom buttons on the floorplan for the Nexus 7 but they don't seem to do anything. I don't see any zoom buttons on the GS2 and the ability to pick a different floorplan is pretty tricky. See the screen cap.
Sorry, didnt realize you were using the phone skin.
Update for that coming
/me is kinda sick today so please pardon my slowness.
ok. added some changes
*Zoom buttons
*its now contained in a flickable element which should let you scroll the large size
*re-organized the layering to prevent image from covering menu
In other news, increased throttling timer. hopefully this fixes some crashes.
Quote from: golgoj4 on January 26, 2014, 02:00:38 AM
ok. added some changes
*Zoom buttons
*its now contained in a flickable element which should let you scroll the large size
It might be operator error but I installed the latest and the zoom doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out what is "flickable"
Quote from: B34N on January 26, 2014, 03:23:49 AM
It might be operator error but I installed the latest and the zoom doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out what is "flickable"
We got it working in irc. need to svn update /var/www/lmce-admin/skins-common folder as well as the android one.
we are working to add a page in the webadmin to make this more straight forward.
just to let you more crashes in the video-list with build108.
you must be doing something wrong. Can't happen that the thing isn't crashing ;D
/me runs
Quote from: posde on January 29, 2014, 01:24:19 PM
you must be doing something wrong. Can't happen that the thing isn't crashing ;D
/me runs
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 29, 2014, 11:43:55 AM
just to let you more crashes in the video-list with build108.
Yay. Is the loading still pretty snappy?
Quote from: golgoj4 on January 25, 2014, 07:43:54 PM
Langston, is your site down?
Quote from: Esperanto on January 30, 2014, 01:07:19 PM
Langston, is your site down?
Yes, working to resolve this.
its snappy enough :-D
site is working again!
I just installed version 109. It still crashes when requesting the video list. (Audio did not crash this time)
#110 still crashes.
By the way: in portrait mode most of the words overlap.
Quote from: Esperanto on January 30, 2014, 07:27:40 PM
#110 still crashes.
By the way: in portrait mode most of the words overlap.
Ok, something else seems to be going on.
What is the device again?
Quote from: golgoj4 on January 30, 2014, 07:45:26 PM
What is the device again?
Nexus 7 2013. let me install on my galaxy S2 also.
On my galaxy S2 it crashes sometimes when using the video list.
Also in the video list when I press the menu and select users I get the media type list not a user list.
Quote from: Esperanto on January 30, 2014, 08:15:36 PM
Nexus 7 2013. let me install on my galaxy S2 also.
That is indeed very odd. My main test hardware is a nexus 7 2012. Ok thanks i will test more here.
#116 still crashes. it crashes around 900/~1700
Quote from: Esperanto on February 06, 2014, 10:56:28 AM
#116 still crashes. it crashes around 900/~1700
This isnt a modded or rooted device?
I wanted to install QOrbiter on my wife's old Samsung Galaxy S(1). I get a Parse error when trying to install. Is this due to the phone or some other issue?
Quote from: B34N on February 09, 2014, 04:00:22 AM
I wanted to install QOrbiter on my wife's old Samsung Galaxy S(1). I get a Parse error when trying to install. Is this due to the phone or some other issue?
Parse error?
Yes, It says "Parse error" and then "There is a problem parsing the package". It's the original Samsung T959 running un-rooted Android 2.2. It's an old phone. Would be nice to use, but not necessary.
Would using a custom ROM with a newer Android OS be a good or bad idea?
/me would upgrade the Android OS to something a little less ancient.
Quote from: B34N on February 09, 2014, 08:25:49 PM
Yes, It says "Parse error" and then "There is a problem parsing the package". It's the original Samsung T959 running un-rooted Android 2.2. It's an old phone. Would be nice to use, but not necessary.
Would using a custom ROM with a newer Android OS be a good or bad idea?
Well, 2.2 is going to be a problem. Minimum support for QOrbiter is 2.3. There is a non opengl build for older devices, but its not been tested.
Quote from: golgoj4 on February 10, 2014, 01:54:38 AM
Well, 2.2 is going to be a problem. Minimum support for QOrbiter is 2.3. There is a non opengl build for older devices, but its not been tested.
Looks like I'll be upgrading then. 2.2 is the highest official version supported. Is there anything that I should look out for when doing a custom build? It looks like CyanogenMod is a popular choice.
Quote from: B34N on February 10, 2014, 02:06:08 AM
Looks like I'll be upgrading then. 2.2 is the highest official version supported. Is there anything that I should look out for when doing a custom build? It looks like CyanogenMod is a popular choice.
Honestly, I normally say get a new device. This is just because my experience with custom mods has been somewhat nightmare-ish.
Quote from: B34N on February 10, 2014, 02:06:08 AM
Looks like I'll be upgrading then. 2.2 is the highest official version supported. Is there anything that I should look out for when doing a custom build? It looks like CyanogenMod is a popular choice.
I've run loads of custom ROMs. Some are good, some are bad. Get an old/and or small SD card, backup your current ROM, and then try a couple out. I have no experience of your phone, but on many it's very straight forward to install them. You need to do you research though, just to make sure there's nothing involved that could potentially brick it.
I've recently moved to a CyanogenMod ROM and I really like it. It's not the "official" version as that one was too old (I wanted Jelly Bean), but it is a "stable" version and I've not had any problems. I think it's a safe option. In the past I have used ROMs based on CM, and others that are nothing to do with it, all with vary degrees of success. Have a play.
This would be a good place to start
I'm running the Nexus 7 on build 118 and it seems that the video screen is not working/there. I am current with the SVN update. Anyone else having this issue?
#118 still crashing
Got me new phone (the new padfone infinity) and the new qorbite looks quite far I haven't seen graphical glitches again, but I'll keep my eyes peeled.
this issue will be the death of me. Im wondering if its not the throttling, but something else at this point.
So to be clear
QOrbiter crashes on your device when:
*You click video
and then it
*Goes to a certain amount of media and then crashes?
*Crashes immediately?
sorry for being mia. i have been doing a crash course in opengl to improve graphics efficiency.
I Installed the March 6th on my SGS2 and I can't connect. I get an error "Im Sorry I coudlnt connect to a LinuxMCE Server at Please ensure you can reach your core. I will continue trying.
http://lmce-admin/skins/android/splash/Splash.gml:-1 Host not Found"
I updated the skins using " sudo svn up /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android"
Can I just revert back to an older version that works?
Quote from: B34N on March 13, 2014, 02:22:45 AM
I Installed the March 6th on my SGS2 and I can't connect. I get an error "Im Sorry I coudlnt connect to a LinuxMCE Server at Please ensure you can reach your core. I will continue trying.
http://lmce-admin/skins/android/splash/Splash.gml:-1 Host not Found"
I updated the skins using " sudo svn up /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android"
Can I just revert back to an older version that works?
I ran into something similar yesterday - can you check the file permissions of the LinuxMCE directory under SDCard, where the config file is stored if it is
d--------- LinuxMCE
then qOrbiter cannot access the xml config file.
Quote from: coley on March 13, 2014, 12:32:10 PM
I ran into something similar yesterday - can you check the file permissions of the LinuxMCE directory under SDCard, where the config file is stored if it is d--------- LinuxMCE
then qOrbiter cannot access the xml config file.
I reverted back to the previous version so I could watch some videos last night. I'll try the newer version if I can tonight when I get home from work. My LinuxMCEconfig.mxl in on my phone's home directory and not the SD card. How do I check its permissions? When I go to details it just shows size and last modified date.
BTW: I had the same problem with my nexus 7 v 1.0
hmmm I'm currently on build 130. I have been away for a while...not I could not get a videolist at all. I just deleted the linuxmce-folder on my phone, but the screen stays black.
Trying build 133, no more black screen, but still no videolist either.
build 134 is still the least with the videolist
I hate to be such a partypooper, but build 135 still doesn't get a idealist. Additionally, I'm experiencing problems with tv-control. So far the only thing seems to be the Next-button, that lets me go to the next channel, but all the rest doesn't do anything.
when you talk about TV remote, please always specify what PVR you are using.
alright, I forgot...I'm using Mythtv ;D
Quote from: maverick0815 on March 30, 2014, 08:02:07 PM
alright, I forgot...I'm using Mythtv ;D
/me wonders how much you hate him right now.
Sorry for being mia. work has been...intense.
Really want to figure out this black screen issue.
What am I doing wrong? I had QOrbiter Android mostly working on my Nexus 7 and GS2, but after upgrading to more recent version I can't even get it to finish starting up on my devices. I didn't choose any of the failed versions. I tried to revert back to an older version and I could get it to start on my Nexus 7, it was missing controls for video playback.
No one hates golgoj4...actually I was getting worried, that something might have happened to you...
Anyways, I also looked at the qt5orbiter, which looks pretty good to me too....unfortunately not much seems to be working there yet.
I know that people have been super busy with work but I wanted to make sure I'm looking in the right places for updates. The last I saw was April 2nd and I couldn't get any of the "recent" versions to work. Is that the expected result? If so I'll be patient and will gladly test out when new versions come.
Thank you,
Indeed it is. I have been buried under supporting things @ work plus moving the family to new digs.
Quote from: golgoj4 on May 24, 2014, 05:33:32 AM
Indeed it is. I have been buried under supporting things @ work plus moving the family to new digs.
Understood...Is there a version that can be considered a "working" version that I should be using?
Re-organizing today, should have a more sane way to dl up by tonight (pacific time)
less confusing i think.
While I'm sorry not to be able to test the qt5 variant of qorbiter anymore, I am glad to test out the qt4. That being said, the latest build crashes immediately on my padfone
Have we ever had a build that didnt crash on your phone?
Oh, we did have such builds.Shortly before you disappeared for work, it was working so far, only the videolist did not show. Now it just crashes on startup.
Actually, the last build of your qt5orbiter works nicely, except for the problem with videolist
hrm. ok
Standard android correct?
Yup, it's jelly bean...kit Kat will be coming in third quarter this year. I just checkerboard 135 was at least not crashing..
Have a go at the latest
OS X users:
do you want the latest macosx build on deb as well?
Quote from: posde on June 26, 2014, 10:22:36 AM
do you want the latest macosx build on deb as well?
central place is better
and hopefully an ios version to add to deb :) is now updated hourly.
Sorry to dissappoint, but it crashes after I put the connectiondetails.
I assume you are talking about the MacOSX version?
I'm sorry, again, I'm talking about android
Quote from: maverick0815 on June 27, 2014, 12:11:51 PM
Sorry to dissappoint, but it crashes after I put the connectiondetails.
* it opens
* Tries to connect tries to connect and fails?
* You use the button @ the bottom, enter the connection details and (no to be too anal) but what is the action that makes it crash? starting to enter the info, after you close the window?
/me is assuming you were talking about android.
So far you are right, I'm talking android.
When I tried your latest build,I deleted the linuxmce folder on my ccellphone and started orbiters. I did no put a refinished,so it listed the orbiters and I selected mine...i could for moment see the background image from qorbiter and then it crashed. I tried again from the Beginning, this time I entered the devicenumber and it crashed again
Hi guys ,
the last build qorbiter is crash like maverick0815 said .
i remove skins directory and do a
svn co http:// /var/www/lmce-admin/skins && chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android
and now is working ...
i hope this help
Quote from: cfernandes on June 29, 2014, 06:12:00 PM
Hi guys ,
the last build qorbiter is crash like maverick0815 said .
i remove skins directory and do a
svn co http:// /var/www/lmce-admin/skins && chmod -R 777 /var/www/lmce-admin/skins/android
and now is working ...
i hope this help
Thanks for this info!
I give this a bit thumbs up. No more crashes, videolist is working too...very nice. Thank you very much!
Quote from: maverick0815 on June 30, 2014, 03:05:22 PM
I give this a bit thumbs up. No more crashes, videolist is working too...very nice. Thank you very much!
So like, what are people's biggest gripes / complaints at this point?
its tooooooo silent!
I have been:
Working on the disconnection / Reconnection code / Quick Reload code - all platforms
Working on Live Tv screen for small UI (phones)
Working on Qt5 STB skin which applies to RPI, OS X, Qt5 in general - keyboard handling
tons of other smallish things i dont remember.
Security screen for tablet / phone
Ok, since you are asking :
Booting/ shutting down md
Switching tv-channels..perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
My latest toy..IP camera. The old orbiters on Windows handles it nicely
Buttons for power need adjustment (display on, display off...I guess)
Handling for skin-updates...would it be possible, that for example qorbiter checks upon startup, if skins need an update and performs it, if needed?....I know I'm a spoiled brat...
If something else comes to mind, I'll let you know :-)
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 03, 2014, 07:02:49 PM
Ok, since you are asking :
Booting/ shutting down md
Switching tv-channels..perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
My latest toy..IP camera. The old orbiters on Windows handles it nicely
Buttons for power need adjustment (display on, display off...I guess)
Handling for skin-updates...would it be possible, that for example qorbiter checks upon startup, if skins need an update and performs it, if needed?....I know I'm a spoiled brat...
If something else comes to mind, I'll let you know :-)
Booting / Shutting off MD. Do you mean the buttons?
Ip camera - what specifically is going wrong? I will take a look as my latest pass on that screen wasnt exactly...detailed shall we say :)
Noted on power buttons
Not without doing some nasty things that probably shouldn't be done. ill try to see if there is a better way for updates to be initiated from the application.
Thanks as always for the feedback and testing.
booting/ shutting down md - seems I don't know where, or if it's possible at present
The IP-camera just lags controls to pause playback of a movie...the slider works nicely, but so far pausing seems not possible
So far:
- qt5 version crashes after the loading screen, does not work on my android tablets
- qt4 version runs ok with some issues:
-> conrolling tv ends in endless loop on the md (vdr). The vdr on the md tries to switch channels continously beginning with channel no. 1. Only after a complete restart of the md my vdr is controllable again.
-> no floorplans
-> the description of media files is too big (font size)
-> accesss to the media files is very slow
-> where are the scenarios (sleeping, lighting, security)?
-> only two working skins
Quote from: rebelkiller on July 06, 2014, 07:45:55 PM
So far:
- qt5 version crashes after the loading screen, does not work on my android tablets
- qt4 version runs ok with some issues:
-> conrolling tv ends in endless loop on the md (vdr). The vdr on the md tries to switch channels continously beginning with channel no. 1. Only after a complete restart of the md my vdr is controllable again.
-> no floorplans
-> the description of media files is too big (font size)
-> accesss to the media files is very slow
-> where are the scenarios (sleeping, lighting, security)?
-> only two working skins
I dont have vdr, but I will take a look and see what could be causing the issue. i dont send anything in a loop, so thats very interesting.
What device (s) are you using? i cant really diagnose without knowing that. Also, are you sure you are up to date? Maverick recently had an issue that sounds similar.
I will question the 'access to media files is very slow'. On my work machine 40 miles away, its pretty fast. Would you say its slower than the onscreen orbiter? How is your wifi?
Technically there are 0 working skins because none are complete. Ive done the hard work of implementing the interface, care to join in on the "easy" part of the UI? ;D
Scenarios. On the tablet form factor, there is a row at the top that says lights, media, etc. On the phone screen its right in front. Is the device set to a be in a room?
Floorplans. Press and hold the scenario buttons.
Phone :
Tablet :
Lastly, I recommend using the Smokey skin on android tablets. ill be changing it to the default skin soon.
Fix in svn
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 05, 2014, 10:34:20 PM to pause playback of a movie...the slider works nicely, but so far pausing seems not possible
I tried downloading from here (, which was unsuccessful.
By the way, if that is going to be your primary download-site, could you perhaps edit your first post in the thread? It would make it easier to find. In addition to that, could you also provide a link for the qt5 variant, unless you have reason not to do this at this time.
As for the qorbiter, when selecting a movie for playback, I get only a fileid displayed, instead of movie details....or this this skinning issue?
Anyways, thanks for the opportunity to test your software..always a pleasure.
The default download location for qOrbiter are: latest Qt4 android apk for the Qt5 version for the MacOSX version
Quote from: posde on July 08, 2014, 12:33:08 PM
The default download location for qOrbiter are: latest Qt4 android apk for the Qt5 version for the MacOSX version
Yes, please use these download locations. Sorry for any confusion.
I'll take a look at the file details screen when I get home. I must have bungled something up.
-golgoj4 and its not mine, its the LinuxMCE community's software...i just do a lot of um...tinkering.
Well, qorbiter is your baby, but I know lmce is a team effort.
I can confirm that qt5- version is crashing after the loading screen. I tried updating skins, but no change.
Qt4 works nicely
What is the correct way to change skin?
I just tried running on a xiaomi mi3 and on a nexus 7 and both give me a skin with what looks a bit to a stone background and overlapping fonts. When I try to create a new orbiter on the mi3 I cannot select the go button because the button to set the general settings overlaps it.
With all the positive comments I saw I must be doing something wrong ;-).
on that main home screen
Choose advanced in from the bottom menu
On the second row, to the far right, press 'Change Styles' *might need to press twice...long story
Scroll to the bottom. Do _not_ choose Data.
Choose smokey
Things should work better for you.
*Looking for android and iOS developers to go down the rabbit hole. Soon Qt5 shall be the only QOrbiter and we will need people with native platform skills.
So finally I am back on board with some time to test this...
Just gave QT4 a whirl on my HTC One
- Tablet UI seems to load. This was happening before and I think you said it was due to the high resolution detected which qOrbiter assumes means you are using a tablet. Is there a way I can force phone skin to load?
- Using smokey skin, I get "I cannot load this screen at this time. Please ensure that it exists and is error free." when I try to launch TV (MythTV). Not sure if this is expected, but if not let me know what debug info I can get you.
- Using default skin, I cannot change channels in TV using the scrollable channel listing (I can if I use previous and next buttons).
QT5 crashes on launch.
That's all for now, cheers!
I just downloaded the latest build of qt5 qorbiter. It downloaded ministro-libs again, but in the end said, ministro could not provide dependencies and closed
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 05, 2014, 05:09:09 PM
I just downloaded the latest build of qt5 qorbiter. It downloaded ministro-libs again, but in the end said, ministro could not provide dependencies and closed
Got this fixed with Thom last week. should be good now.
Sorry been out of town on work.
Quote from: davegravy on August 28, 2014, 04:40:10 AM
So finally I am back on board with some time to test this...
Just gave QT4 a whirl on my HTC One
- Tablet UI seems to load. This was happening before and I think you said it was due to the high resolution detected which qOrbiter assumes means you are using a tablet. Is there a way I can force phone skin to load?
- Using smokey skin, I get "I cannot load this screen at this time. Please ensure that it exists and is error free." when I try to launch TV (MythTV). Not sure if this is expected, but if not let me know what debug info I can get you.
- Using default skin, I cannot change channels in TV using the scrollable channel listing (I can if I use previous and next buttons).
QT5 crashes on launch.
That's all for now, cheers!
I cannot get this screen to load is a nice way of saying the screen isnt built yet. Trying to look into the tv stuff but last weekend was consumed fixing the qt5 build.
The tv channel list is being looked into as it affects live tv as well.
First, thank you to everyone who has spent a couple minutes providing feedback on qorbiter for android. After some serious thought and discussion as well as observation, I think its time to slow this train down a bit. I dont mean development will stop. Not in the least bit. But, I am guilty of jumping to the shiniest new object. Also, some other things need to be taken into consideration. Qorbiter now has binaries for:
*x86 Linux - Desktops
*Arm linux - Raspberry pi's
Other platforms:
Windows is touch and go at this time...
Sailfish ive just not gotten around to
Same with blackberry
Made my first iOs app yesterday
This means there needs to be both active skin development and testing for all these platforms (no, not right now!) But in light of this, I think I as a developer have a duty to take this a little more seriously, as its graduated far from a prototype toy. So, with all of that long winded statement out of the way, im proposing that we start working using the concept of agile development. There are many ways to do this, but I will share with you my understanding of this process.
1. Backlog - This is basically the entire wishlist of features. Everything you can think of. It supposed to be weighted by difficulty. A challenge here is to decide on how we deal with features across platforms.
2. Backlog Grooming - Taking stuff from the wish lists and putting it on the sprint task list. You are careful not to overload the sprint with too many tasks. the goal is to get things working within the sprint.
3. Sprint - Development time where things are developed. It could be bug fixes, new features, or a mix of both.
4. Sprint demo - Demonstration of sprint implementation
People involved.
Product Owners - This would normally be the client. They fill the backlog, weight the importance of features (1-5), and test features after a sprint. In this case, its the linuxmce community.
Scrum Master - This person directs the flow of traffic. Part project manager / Part developer the help with sprint planning and normally moderate daily standups (something we cant do)
Developer - Implements features and fixes bug according to the sprint plan.
SO, with all that said, basically I want to do something similar to this where...
*QOrbiter feature list / backlog is put in wiki.
*Tasks get groomed from feature list in wiki, to active tickets in trac.
*Tasks get completed over a 2 week sprint, people test
*Rinse repeat
The tasks could be picked by the community every two weeks for most important focus.
More stable releases
Targeted feature completion.
Easier update paths
Slower updates
Community decisions can be slow
Requires involvement of everyone (cause you know, its your product)
So, let me know what you think, but I seriously leaning this direction with the first tasks being
*Improve initial installation experience.
*Fix skin detection to properly detect phones / tablets
*Add remote screens
*Fix remote errors in sizing, commands sent.
Quote from: Esperanto on August 08, 2014, 06:06:03 PM
What is the correct way to change skin?
I just tried running on a xiaomi mi3 and on a nexus 7 and both give me a skin with what looks a bit to a stone background and overlapping fonts. When I try to create a new orbiter on the mi3 I cannot select the go button because the button to set the general settings overlaps it.
With all the positive comments I saw I must be doing something wrong ;-).
i would update your skins. The nicer skin is now the default.
Latest build is up
Tested on android 4.x
*Implements adding new orbiter from splash screen
*Implements switching between form factors. Ex: it is on the phone skin, but you want the tablet one.
-This is under the advanced menu on both Android Tablet and Phone UI
-Switched smokey skin to default for Android tablet.
*Added A-Z jumping functionality to Android tablet media grid.
*multiple other smaller fixes.
Please download the new build and update your skins.
This will be released to google play next Sunday barring any major showstoppers.
*issues found and fixed
-rotation got broken
Please test and give feed back on these new items.
Quote from: golgoj4 on September 30, 2014, 06:20:50 PM
First, thank you to everyone who has spent a couple minutes providing feedback on qorbiter for android. After some serious thought and discussion as well as observation, I think its time to slow this train down a bit. I dont mean development will stop. Not in the least bit. But, I am guilty of jumping to the shiniest new object. Also, some other things need to be taken into consideration. Qorbiter now has binaries for:
*x86 Linux - Desktops
*Arm linux - Raspberry pi's
Other platforms:
Windows is touch and go at this time...
Sailfish ive just not gotten around to
Same with blackberry
Made my first iOs app yesterday
This means there needs to be both active skin development and testing for all these platforms (no, not right now!) But in light of this, I think I as a developer have a duty to take this a little more seriously, as its graduated far from a prototype toy. So, with all of that long winded statement out of the way, im proposing that we start working using the concept of agile development. There are many ways to do this, but I will share with you my understanding of this process.
1. Backlog - This is basically the entire wishlist of features. Everything you can think of. It supposed to be weighted by difficulty. A challenge here is to decide on how we deal with features across platforms.
2. Backlog Grooming - Taking stuff from the wish lists and putting it on the sprint task list. You are careful not to overload the sprint with too many tasks. the goal is to get things working within the sprint.
3. Sprint - Development time where things are developed. It could be bug fixes, new features, or a mix of both.
4. Sprint demo - Demonstration of sprint implementation
People involved.
Product Owners - This would normally be the client. They fill the backlog, weight the importance of features (1-5), and test features after a sprint. In this case, its the linuxmce community.
Scrum Master - This person directs the flow of traffic. Part project manager / Part developer the help with sprint planning and normally moderate daily standups (something we cant do)
Developer - Implements features and fixes bug according to the sprint plan.
SO, with all that said, basically I want to do something similar to this where...
*QOrbiter feature list / backlog is put in wiki.
*Tasks get groomed from feature list in wiki, to active tickets in trac.
*Tasks get completed over a 2 week sprint, people test
*Rinse repeat
The tasks could be picked by the community every two weeks for most important focus.
More stable releases
Targeted feature completion.
Easier update paths
Slower updates
Community decisions can be slow
Requires involvement of everyone (cause you know, its your product)
So, let me know what you think, but I seriously leaning this direction with the first tasks being
*Improve initial installation experience.
*Fix skin detection to properly detect phones / tablets
*Add remote screens
*Fix remote errors in sizing, commands sent.
Seems like a great direction to me.
*Implements adding new orbiter from splash screen
*Implements switching between form factors. Ex: it is on the phone skin, but you want the tablet one.
-This is under the advanced menu on both Android Tablet and Phone UI
-Switched smokey skin to default for Android tablet.
*Added A-Z jumping functionality to Android tablet media grid.
*multiple other smaller fixes.
Anyone besides me tested these yet?
Not yet, I'll be updating and testing this weekend!
Quote from: golgoj4 on October 17, 2014, 06:34:02 PM
*Implements adding new orbiter from splash screen
*Implements switching between form factors. Ex: it is on the phone skin, but you want the tablet one.
-This is under the advanced menu on both Android Tablet and Phone UI
-Switched smokey skin to default for Android tablet.
*Added A-Z jumping functionality to Android tablet media grid.
*multiple other smaller fixes.
Anyone besides me tested these yet?
Tested UI switching on QT4... seems to work as per your youtube video.
Can't seem to load the advanced screen on QT5. Also can't seem to change styles on QT4 anymore.
There isnt much to change to at the moment. When that changes, the option will return.
pardon my sillyness, but its been a while since ive been excited.
Quoteits been a while since ive been excited
after all, he's gotten married lately...
Quote from: posde on October 28, 2014, 10:14:48 AM
after all, he's gotten married lately...
Not married yet, still living happily in sin :p
Damn, there must have been some other earth shattering life changing event in the past year or so for you...
"Moral of the story is, I'm watching PCU on my Raspberry PI, being controlled by my Android - do you guys understand what's going on? Do you understand how much this changes the game for LinuxMCE? I'm just asking. Just asking questions here". probably the best thing I have heard ever.
Good on you.
I started working on my own qml skin and noticed a lot of the commands have yet to be implemented. How can I help with the commands?
Quote from: bherbie on November 01, 2014, 05:10:42 PM
I started working on my own qml skin and noticed a lot of the commands have yet to be implemented. How can I help with the commands?
Can you be more specific? We have a lot of them covered, so im curious as to whats missing so i can add it.
Sorry for the slow response, Qt Dev Days last week.
QuoteCan you be more specific?
I updated to the latest version and I have mute capabilities but no volume control (up or down) - red, green, blue, yellow buttons - page up, page down.
Here is currently what being used.
Thanks to Sambuca for adding this. Its in the phone skin, needs to be added to the tablet.
did this help?
Quotedid this help?
No. I added it to the tablet skin and did a quick reload and nada on those commands.
Quote from: bherbie on November 11, 2014, 05:05:15 AM
No. I added it to the tablet skin and did a quick reload and nada on those commands.
I just pushed an update. for the qorbiter binary, please try that and let me know. There was some issue with command routing.
I uninstalled and re-installed qorbiter and it didn't seem to change anything for me... using qt4 btw...
Which version should I be running? I have a Nexus 7 (1st edition), Samsung GS2 and Samsung GS3 (and also a GS1 if that could work). I've been using QT4 and it works. Once thing I notice is that while playing videos that I'm able to jump to a section of a video on my GS2 using the progress bar at the bottom but on my Nexus 7 I don't have that bar and I can't jump ahead.
Yes, I will be updating my old equipment soon. Likely a Moto X 2014 a GS5 and some other tablet...just waiting on some deals.
I suggest Qt4 Default. It is were most QML development is happening atm and which is the most feature complete, afaict.
I took the plunge and installed 12.04 yesterday. However it seems I cannot wget -O /tmp/ it gives a 404. So I am unable to use qorbiter currently.
please follow
Eine ;D
I noticed, that he screen for video playback has this something that I did, or did you pull it?
Quote from: maverick0815 on November 26, 2014, 02:32:04 PM
I noticed, that he screen for video playback has this something that I did, or did you pull it?
Huh? Is this the scenarios screen or the actual video playback screen?
Well, the one you get, when you start playing a movie. I did an update f0r the skins and I saw two mal files coming in, but somehow it doesn't work still..
Found and fixed. you will need to get the latest build. Sorry about that.
Happy Turkey Day to Everyone
Big thanks to Sambuca for fixes and code discussions, Phenigma for all his hard work in bringing up the onscreen qorbiters, and everyone for lots of argument and discussion that ended in better ways of putting this together.
New Binary on deb for download
Major fixes / additions
-Tablet / Default
*Added navigation buttons instead of text based buttons
*Re worked tablet default skin fit onto smaller form factor devices. (800 x 480 tablet used to test). Now should scale much better, though i am still looking for places it could be tweaked.
*Updated the sizing of the media grid delegates to be more readable
*Fixed problems with attribute filter placement. Now more consistent
*Changed file details screen, more improvements coming, started using generic state based QML element.
*Added PS3 control screen with almost all the buttons. Layout will essentially switch between game mode (no, dont expect to play a game) with the controller buttons, and remote mode, which is more akin to the layout of the remote control it comes with
*Added Volume / Lighting widget to playback screens
*Added new screen transitions
*Add drag-gable time seek bar to media playback screens.
*QMediaplayer timecode.
-Validated transparent windows on qt4 and qt5 builds were still functioning
-Made STB the default skin for OnScreen qOrbiter device templates.
-Fix (Hopefully) the startchildren issue for onscreen qorbiters
-x86 Qmediaplayer changes for 14.04, fix pause, mute , volume issue
All builds
Enums for
*Navigation Diamond with arrows
*Control Diamond with playback controls
( (
Exciting stuff coming soon. namely, easier to update synchronized delivery of UI updates and binaries from the core itself.
Thanks phenigma!
I think there is a but with navigating filestructre. If you click on back, it doesn't work correctly and seems to crash.
Quote from: maverick0815 on December 03, 2014, 05:38:14 PM
I think there is a but with navigating filestructre. If you click on back, it doesn't work correctly and seems to crash.
Right. Thanks for reminding that there is something ELSE about the current datagrid that is just wrong wrong wrong. Thats a hardcoded cell from Linuxmce, not qOrbiter. I will make the needed changes to hide it, in the mean time, please use the back button located in the top right.
Ill fix this and the actual android back button tonight. When in the media files grid screen, it should act as a back button.
Thanks for testing!
Quote from: maverick0815 on December 03, 2014, 05:38:14 PM
I think there is a but with navigating filestructre. If you click on back, it doesn't work correctly and seems to crash.
fixed in svn
Freust ;D
just gonna leave this here.
file under coming very soooon.
To know that the guy doing the video once worked in the entertainment industry makes you wonder how that industry could have ever survived :D :D
Great progress, golgoj4!
Quote from: posde on December 07, 2014, 10:42:01 AM
To know that the guy doing the video once worked in the entertainment industry makes you wonder how that industry could have ever survived :D :D
Great progress, golgoj4!
/me is dizzy.
And really? Portrait video? :P
In all seriousness, amazing work!
We are moving to Qt5 guys. for a number of reasons.
*Narrow the amount of skins targets. Supporting 2 versions of Qt adds 2x the UI work
*Lots of technical enhancements that Qt5 brings.
*Sanity for developers
Some reasoning:
Some Raw Numbers on how much work there is to develop 1 skin.
All is not doom and gloom. Qt4 Android Qorbiter will continue on for a bit to allow people to transition or get devices to replace the old ones. This will likely need to be posted as a sticky, but for those tuned in:
*Android Support for Qt5 is going to be android 4.0 forward.
*Any device you expect to run qorbiter on should support hardware acceleration.
*A larger discussion needs to be had about if a masking UI will even be developed given the new UI framework
*iOS support will be from 5.0 onwards.
*Linux desktop targets should be using 14.04 or later.
*Osx, Windows minimum requirements TDB, but don't assume you can bring an old os to the party.
This past weekend was spent porting the existing Android Qorbiter skin to Qt5 (video below), as well as building up more iOS infrastructure (plugins, rotation, working on settings for iOS system integration). Hopefully we will see a limited beta soon.
Phenigma has been hard at work integrating qOrbiter into the linuxMCE build system and larger system so that its less of a rogue agent. This has been painful at parts, but quite necessary as we are trying to do this as correctly as possible. The end result is that soon we will have it available for download right for the webadmin page. In addition, the onscreen qorbiter is the next challenge to meet the requirements of an MD.
Now is the time to get involved at the QML level people :)
Have some non rotating video
wise decision. Hope it helps you in your progress. Congrats on the work thus far.
Making progress
Please Response Here if you would like to sign up for beta testing. Getting around the bend for an test release.
In case someone is asking: what beta? It is for the iOS version of qOrbiter.
Apple in their indefinitely doesn't allow people to just download apps to test them. They have to go through the app store which can be a long and (for us) very complicated process. To circumvent this, the developer can create an app and mark it usable for a specific device. So, if you have two iPhone 5s you want to test qOrbiter on, you will need two qOrbiter files. Nice, isn't it?!
Thanks golgoj4 for your work and determination to get things to all the platforms, even if some platform is more restrictive than others.
Yeah i was looking into and it seems i can use up to 100 devices before needing to submit to the app store.
Right now i need to make sure that this alpha version runs on other things besides my ipad (all i have to test) and then there will likely be a lull while i solve some issues like:
*Consistent deployment setup
*Network / Audio cutting off when it goes to the background
*Saving Retrieving Configuration file.
So far, working on the platform is
*Starting (obviously)
*Loading screens
*Running screensaver
*Playing video* with issues...
*Playing audio with out issues
So its pretty much on par with the Android Qt5 version
Count me in on two test devices. Let me know, when you need the UUIDs
Golgoj4, awesome progress,
The amount of work you did in the past several years on this is incredible.
My biggest of compliments!
Count me also in for testing on 2 devices (iPad first gen and iPhone 4s)
(I helped Foxi352 test this way also when he was developing RoamingOrb)
Let me also know when you need the UUID's.
I'm in for ASUS TF201.
It's running Cyanogenmod ROM, so I'll understand if you don't want to include it, but I can also test on my HTC One M7. It seems to work fine with Qorbiter so far.
Quote from: davegravy on December 22, 2014, 02:16:11 AM
I'm in for ASUS TF201.
It's running Cyanogenmod ROM, so I'll understand if you don't want to include it, but I can also test on my HTC One M7. It seems to work fine with Qorbiter so far.
I'd say go for it. My android experience has expanded so that makes supporting roms a possibility (not full guarantee!) but it cant hurt to try.
We run Cyanogen 10 on our Galaxy Tab 10.1. qOrbiter works great on it!
your signature file points to as nightly builds. I couldn't find any there...
It seems I'm having trouble getting qorbiter to run. Could it be that qorbiter has issues with encrypted cellphones? It still creates the linuxmce folder, but no files...
I'm running kit Kat, by the way
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 04, 2015, 08:00:49 PM
It seems I'm having trouble getting qorbiter to run. Could it be that qorbiter has issues with encrypted cellphones? It still creates the linuxmce folder, but no files...
I'm running kit Kat, by the way
Encryption shouldnt matter, i will look into it further? (Hoping) Qt5 android version?
Hmm, weird enough. I've tried several times, but it wouldn't connect and not create a config file. So I downloaded the lmce orbiter (dev build) from the webadmin page. Tried that one....and suddenly qorbiter started to cooperate again. I'm a bit stumped.
one other question. I saw when updating skins that there seemed to be skins for tvcontrol, but trying tv (I'm using mythtv ) but says the screen doesn't exist. I just want to make sure, that it's not an error on my machine, but that feature isn't available yet, correct?
Quote from: maverick0815 on January 06, 2015, 10:09:24 AM
Hmm, weird enough. I've tried several times, but it wouldn't connect and not create a config file. So I downloaded the lmce orbiter (dev build) from the webadmin page. Tried that one....and suddenly qorbiter started to cooperate again. I'm a bit stumped.
one other question. I saw when updating skins that there seemed to be skins for tvcontrol, but trying tv (I'm using mythtv ) but says the screen doesn't exist. I just want to make sure, that it's not an error on my machine, but that feature isn't available yet, correct?
I was working on livetv (cable/ sat box), forgot to update myth. Will get to the expeditiously.
I'm trying to install the Qorbiter5 on a LG Nexus 5.
But unfortunelly i'm stuck somewhere.
The Qorbiter on my android phone 'hangs' on --- please wait, loading.... ---
I think that it's a problem with the server. Since I couldn't install it like written in
The link "" doesn't work me.
So I followed this manual:
But I guess somewhere, I did something wrong... :$
This will be a skin issue, we've been moving a lot of things around recently to reduce duplication in development. Bear with us for a day or two while we get the packages all sorted out and installation will be a simple "apt-get install xxxx"
Quote from: phenigma on January 10, 2015, 01:08:35 AMa day or two
Great, can't wait...
I'll be the first to test it. ;)
I became very, very ill so the pkging is not done yet, hopefully today, if not Tuesday for sure.
Hope you feel better...
Any idea when we could test this?
Else I'll need to invest some time to relaunch the old orbiters on our phones in order to have a working one... We use this mainly to control our house, so it's very usefull/necessary for us. Speciall since we don't have enough switches in our house to control everything... :$
Quote from: brononius on January 20, 2015, 12:48:55 PM
Else I'll need to invest some time to relaunch the old orbiters on our phones in order to have a working one... We use this mainly to control our house, so it's very usefull/necessary for us.
Time well spent! And keep it installed so you have a temporary orbiter ready to use for when the guys are working on qOrbiter.
Quote from: brononius on January 20, 2015, 12:48:55 PM
Any idea when we could test this?
Sorry about that, it's been up and live since last Tuesday. I completely forgot to mention it. In case I forget in the future you can watch for updates to 1204 packages.
On your core:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
If you have not already, ensure that you have the android skins package installed on your core:
apt-get install lmce-qorbiter-skins-android
Then, from you android device, you can navigate to the webadmin page on the core. At the webadmin login page there is a link to "Download Orbiter, Utilities and other software", click that and then you can download "Orbiter For Android Qt5".
Make sure you remove the old qorbiters from you devices, then you can install the new .apk you downloaded from the core.
When updates happen the procedure is the same to upgrade.
Quote from: phenigma on January 20, 2015, 06:29:46 PMThen, from you android device, you can navigate to the webadmin page on the core. At the webadmin login page there is a link to "Download Orbiter, Utilities and other software", click that and then you can download "Orbiter For Android Qt5".
Just gave it a try, everything goes fine. Up to the point that i don't have an orbiter for QT in the list. Only an orbiter for Android.
I guess this isn't the same?
hmm. I probably changed its' name after removing the qt4 variant. It should be the correct one.
When I install it (forwards me to, it looks very like the old one. :$
And on the server, a new 'Generic Proxy Orbiter' has been added.
mhm. That looks like the touch orbiter. I've requested a new webadmin package which should have the links. Until then you can find the file on your core, I'm not at my system atm and cannot remember the exact location off the top of my head.
You can use the console 'find' command to locate all files with an .apk extension to find the file, otherwise I can check when I get home much later today.
damned, no luck... :$
I think it should be located under /usr/pluto/installers/. But at first sight, the file isn't on my server.
corius_1029915:/# locate .apk
corius_1029915:/# locate .msi
corius_1029915:/# ll /usr/pluto/installers/
total 10620
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2013-02-23 21:48 ./
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 2015-01-21 09:42 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 401 2012-08-13 19:49 fremantle.install
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2012-08-13 19:49
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 198764 2012-08-13 19:49 Orbiter.CAB
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1663892 2012-08-13 19:49 Orbiter_CeNet4_x86.CAB
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2002466 2012-08-13 19:49 Orbiter_CeNet4_XScale.CAB
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3086699 2012-08-13 19:49 OrbiterCE_SDL.CAB
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3427840 2012-08-13 19:49 OrbiterInstaller.msi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 472064 2012-08-13 19:49 PlutoBaSInstaller.msi
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2012-08-13 19:49 PlutoRebootSetup.msi
Brononius, what version of LinuxMCE are you running? qOrbiter is only available on 1204 and up.
according to his sig line he is using 1004
Yes, since 12 had a lot of issue to install (even nic card wasn't working out of the box, video card troubles...).
only 10 is 'stable', and we use linuxmce on daily base, so i gave up after 3 days with the 12.
Damned, was really motivated to have some great features for out home automation...
Thanks anyway. I'll have another try whenever 12 (14?) is a more stable version.
1204 is actually very stable at the moment, but it may or may not be compatible with your specific hardware. We need tickets detailing installation problems or they will likely never be looked at/known about. ;)
I see that ministro is no longer required? In the other hand there is some scaling issue with the buttons, I guess. I tried watching a DVD, but could not use the menu with arbiter.
Quote from: maverick0815 on February 22, 2015, 10:52:56 PM
I see that ministro is no longer required? In the other hand there is some scaling issue with the buttons, I guess. I tried watching a DVD, but could not use the menu with arbiter.
This has been a hot topic of debate recently in #devel and fixes are coming soon.
I know,I shouldnt ask, if I'm not contributing, but is there any news on the mythtv side of qorbiter?
Is there a problem with the MythTV side of qOrbiter?
So far I cannot control mythtv via qorbiter.
mav: ... not that I can help much, but what lmce ver are you running? and are you running any special version of mythtv? if so which version?
I'm on 12.04 with mythtv that comes with it. As for controlling mythtv, think it is "just" a matter of missing screens
Screen_48 exists, so you should be able to see it. For VDR it would be Screen_117.qml
iirc golgoj4 is using MythTV so I am pretty sure, that the screen is working.
I downloaded the qorbiter-release again, this time it's working, but the error screen remains...
The qOrbiter skins and bin are currently in a state of flux. *I* had success with the TV remote to control my LinuxMCE with VDR successfully yesterday with qOrbiter. Not everything is setup yet, but things already look good. Maybe MythTV is sending DataGrid information different than VDR. I don't know.
I remember reading something about datagrid related issues with mythtv a while ago....perhaps that's the case. I guess, I will have be a bit patient some more :-)
When playing media and restarting qorbiter, it is not possible to access the remote for playback anymore...the icon of the playing media is not being displayed, only text and the playtime is visible. seems qorbiter doesn't like me displays only a white screen and then ends...
Same here with latest android build in channel topic.
Since qorbiter5 doesn't seem rework, I tried qorbiter4, but that is just the same.
Hello to All,
Im testing it on a Samsung S4. It appears to be working but my screen is messy, only boxes with oversize text, like if skins are not working.
I could humble suggest to update the wiki page because by reading this post, is that I realized that skins are loaded by using apt-get, (wiki page
How to I get the skings working, or at least get the text with a readable size?
Is there something I can do to get qorbiter5 to work? I've grown quite a bit dependent on it, but it's only showing this white screen an crashes on me :'(
qorbiter is in a lot of flux at the moment as many skin transitions are happening to better support all device types. All lmce repositories were updated over the weekend. Update any skins on the core and grab the new .apk from the core as well, try it out. Let me know if you have any issues doing this part. :) Thanks!
Got it, done it, working :-) except mythtv still can't be controlled :'(
Mine is working, havent test it full yet. Here is a screenshot. Let me know what can I do to help on testing!
Im very sorry for being so MIA as of late. Work, Life, etc has left me with little time to keep folks up to date on the happenings of development.
*Last month has been spent converting from networks skins (problematic on multiple levels) to an new way of doing things. Basically, users wont half to be part techie to update their skins. Skins will be in the application from now on.
That means that if you have recently grabbed Qorbiter for android, you should already have them on your device. I am working on the remote screens now before I make it the default.
There is a setting which will allow you to choose if you want the internal vs external. This video shows how to change back and forth.
Maverick: mythtv screen isnt in there yet, but the live tv screen is. That means that when i get back from my biz trip, I can enable the mythtv screen as its basically the same as the livetv.
Thanks again to you intrepid users who are so patient. It really is helpful even if it seems like nobody is listening to your issues / responding.
And now for this
*note the ios version is using the internal skins.
Quote from: golgoj4 on April 30, 2015, 04:28:59 PM
Im very sorry for being so MIA as of late. Work, Life, etc has left me with little time to keep folks up to date on the happenings of development.
*Last month has been spent converting from networks skins (problematic on multiple levels) to an new way of doing things. Basically, users wont half to be part techie to update their skins. Skins will be in the application from now on.
That means that if you have recently grabbed Qorbiter for android, you should already have them on your device. I am working on the remote screens now before I make it the default.
There is a setting which will allow you to choose if you want the internal vs external. This video shows how to change back and forth.
Maverick: mythtv screen isnt in there yet, but the live tv screen is. That means that when i get back from my biz trip, I can enable the mythtv screen as its basically the same as the livetv.
Thanks again to you intrepid users who are so patient. It really is helpful even if it seems like nobody is listening to your issues / responding.
And now for this
*note the ios version is using the internal skins.
Hi, I din't seem to work for me which version is the one you are using on that youtube video?, it looks different than mine. Im using the one I get from the webadmin. If I download the one is on your link, I get the white background and that's it!.
Version from my webadmin : qt5a1-gl, but is says debug at the installer. Yours is the same, but after it says loading, I get a white screen and that's it!
The debug version does not show that skin option, can I change it manually at the xml?
looking into this issue.
Try this nightly for your trouble. (its been tested on a bunch of things about 5 min before this post)
!! Uninstall previous qorbiter before installing this or you will get an error when trying to install !!
!!This includes the Linuxmce directory on your SD card!!
thanks for your patience.
Hi Golgoj4,
It worked perfectly!!!!. Please, let me know how can I help more. Really appreciated your dedicated time!.
Quote from: tompin2 on May 14, 2015, 05:58:05 AM
Hi Golgoj4,
It worked perfectly!!!!. Please, let me know how can I help more. Really appreciated your dedicated time!.
Just put it through its paces and report back here. floorplans are in the latest build, i have some styling to fix then on to getting mythtv configured to try and get those screens done.
New ios build out.
@Pointman, you should be able to install it now.
Mainly, fixes fonts, though data grids are a bit snappier as well.
Hi golgoj4,
I tried your latest iOS build, but it still won't install on iOS5 (latest iOS for iPad1).
Thanks for making qOrbiter on iOS happen.
It installs and runs on my iPad 2 with iOS 8.3 perfectly, beautiful piece of software ^^
As i´m new to the qOrbiter, is the updates happen on the app or on the core with lmce-orbiter* packages?
Best regards //Daniel
Quote from: pointman87 on June 23, 2015, 11:03:05 PM
It installs and runs on my iPad 2 with iOS 8.3 perfectly, beautiful piece of software ^^
As i´m new to the qOrbiter, is the updates happen on the app or on the core with lmce-orbiter* packages?
Best regards //Daniel
Right now IOS is manual update while some legal issues are resolved. Long story short, releasing to apple app store costs me money (besides the money spent for developer account, hardware) so im doing the math to make sure i dont screw myself / run afoul of licensing. Would look bad to be a highly visible Qt developer who was flouting licensing agreements.
The current distribution method gets us around that (im pretty sure).
This thread is so long, that I'm a bit lost what the correct way is today to install the Qorbiter. On the wiki, some old/wrong links are located, so I don't think that that's the correct procedure to follow... :-[
Is it still:
- On the core: apt-get install lmce-qorbiter-skins-android
- On the phone: go to the webadmin, and install Orbiter For Android Qt5 from there
- Wait to finish and enjoy
I've recently installed 14, so I'm very motivated to move on with the Qorbiter... ::)
Quote from: brononius on June 25, 2015, 03:22:59 PM
This thread is so long, that I'm a bit lost what the correct way is today to install the Qorbiter. On the wiki, some old/wrong links are located, so I don't think that that's the correct procedure to follow... :-[
Is it still:
- On the core: apt-get install lmce-qorbiter-skins-android
- On the phone: go to the webadmin, and install Orbiter For Android Qt5 from there
- Wait to finish and enjoy
I've recently installed 14, so I'm very motivated to move on with the Qorbiter... ::)
*No more apt-get install skins
- On the phone: go to the webadmin, and install Orbiter For Android Qt5 from there
That should be all you need.
Quote from: golgoj4 on June 26, 2015, 05:15:55 PM- On the phone: go to the webadmin, and install Orbiter For Android Qt5 from there
I've just tried this on my LG Nexus 5 Phone...
It wouldn't create a new qorbiter. I had the link on the bottom to create a new Orbiter ending with the '>'. But this wasn't clickable for me. I created a qorbiter myself in the webmin, and then I could select it afterwards in the Phone.
I see 2 problems for the moment:
- All fonts are to big for the buttons. But I remember to see this popping up in other topics/replies. So maybe I'll need to search for this first...
- The installation didn't created an icon on my phone. So I must rerun each time the apk file...
ps i've got another IP then the default one, I had to change the IP to But don't think that this should be an issue.
One day I will understand why people have the need for a different IP address for their cores...
Quote from: brononius on June 26, 2015, 05:48:04 PM
I've just tried this on my LG Nexus 5 Phone...
It wouldn't create a new qorbiter. I had the link on the bottom to create a new Orbiter ending with the '>'. But this wasn't clickable for me. I created a qorbiter myself in the webmin, and then I could select it afterwards in the Phone.
I see 2 problems for the moment:
- All fonts are to big for the buttons. But I remember to see this popping up in other topics/replies. So maybe I'll need to search for this first...
- The installation didn't created an icon on my phone. So I must rerun each time the apk file...
ps i've got another IP then the default one, I had to change the IP to But don't think that this should be an issue.
Is your phone rooted or something? There is no 'one time' install on android. Otherwise you would have to approve the app every time you opened it. As for fonts, I will look into that, maybe we need another build.
nevermind recreated the fonts problem.
I don't understand what the next step is. :-[
Can I do anything to help/test this?
I have a question regarding btw built in least what I saw in your airport video. I tried this at home. Qorbiter is setup for my beamer. So I selected the location for beamer and then this device. I checked under advanced, it says media player connected.
However, when I click on media, either nothing happens, or I get an error saying unable to load the screen.
Is that the current state, or am I missing something?
There is an update in the works. already in svn, build (both qorbiter AND linuxmce web admin) should be rolling out soon that should deal with this issue. Been lots of work on the issue as you can see in the timeline
There are some other things to note:
-qMediaPlayer is limited by the capabilities of your platform. What that means is, of you are on a mobile device, there are a lot of videos that just wont play due to codec issues. After spending a lot of time tearing my hair out over the last month or so, this is what ive found.
-Most MP3's play. Certain very high bitrate mp3's dont.
-Flac, OGG may work on Android, wont on ios
-Streaming audio seems to work fine.
-Specific requirements on both ios and android
-.xh264 video codec
-aac audio encoding
-Bitrate / resolution limitations. A dvd quality file will play. a blu-ray quality file with struggle
Thank you for your patience.
I realize I get quiet and forget to update this thread.
@langstonius on twitter might get my attention
you can also keep track of what updates get released here:
I got the new qorbiter and I like the way it looks....however I seem to have some trouble using it. When I want to watch my tv-shows, and select that from videos, the list seems quite chaotic, so I switch to filenames, but with the new qorbiter, the buttons for this don't work.
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 19, 2015, 08:31:09 PM
I got the new qorbiter and I like the way it looks....however I seem to have some trouble using it. When I want to watch my tv-shows, and select that from videos, the list seems quite chaotic, so I switch to filenames, but with the new qorbiter, the buttons for this don't work.
I will take a look @ this. Im assuming the tv shows are tagged?
They are tagged correctly. I remember tschak saying, They Wohle eventuelle Benachrichtigungen selectable by show, season, episode....something like that.
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 22, 2015, 02:35:20 PM
They are tagged correctly. I remember tschak saying, They Wohle eventuelle Benachrichtigungen selectable by show, season, episode....something like that.
Dunno what that means, but I will try to make the filters clearer..
Yeah, this is what happens, eben autocorrect on the tablet kicks in...I meant to explain, how they would be selected.
The only auto-correct that is usable is the one from WP - everything else should be disabled ;)
I think after the updates I put yesterday, qorbiter is broken. I didn't have it in any room anymore, so I uninstalled it, deleted the linuxmce-folder from the tablet rebooted an reinstalled it, but it won't work. I got a screenshot for your viewing pleasure
What hardware is this?
Asus new PadFone infinity,
Before the update, everything looked fine
By the way..the linuxmce folder on my tablet has not been recreated
Quote from: maverick0815 on September 01, 2015, 07:50:04 PM
I think after the updates I put yesterday, qorbiter is broken. I didn't have it in any room anymore, so I uninstalled it, deleted the linuxmce-folder from the tablet rebooted an reinstalled it, but it won't work. I got a screenshot for your viewing pleasure
Dear All, It happened the same to me. I was testing with a Samsung S6, no linuxmce folder either, neither the create a new orbiter option. What it did worked was the finding a previous created orbiter.
I did also tryed on a Samsung tab2 which worked fine before the update, after the update same as maverick. It seems to me that the issue is at the lmce server side.
I had as reference point a Samsung s4 without doing any updates on the android app and the same results.
LMCE version:
qorbiter qt5a1-gl
I hope this info is helpful
Willing to test any update with both of the systems.
same to me
on a samsung galaxy s4 and galaxy note 4
Massive apologies to everyone. I didnt realize my work schedules was going to from 0 to 100 like that, or i would have been more cautious on pushing things forward.
I have less time to dedicate to linuxmce as im working on a new personal project, which means other features i was working on for other parts of the system are in the lurch right now as I bring my focus back to qorbiter.
If it makes anyone feel better, i have also been sorta of boned as these problems have affected me too, but being so damn busy no time to fix. the window has re-opened!
Good to See you back....after all there is a life outside of lmce for everybody :)
Good to have you back.. no need for apologies.. I wish we could do more than complain :D!!. Feedback is given with the best interest .. im sure must of us have plenty things to do in the outside world. thanks for all your effort. Keep up posted on what else we can do to make your life more difficult ahhahahahahha!...
Interesting...did a fresh install of 12.04 and got the skins. I was surprised to see qorbiter working very well... but it didn't last on the next trial, I was back to square one... meaning it looks just like in the screenshot above. Rebooting either the core or the phone won't bring it back successfully.
No skin packages are required anymore. The skins are all baked into the .apks for android and the binaries on other systems.
So I need to wait for a new build
For me it's just a blank screen, no text or image. What's the best way to do a "clean install"? I deleted the cache and the data of the app, but there is no change.
New build in latest lmce update.
Please note that the qOrbiter apk build is accessible from your local web admin front page, i.e. before you log in to web admin, you can select Orbiter installs, and that will bring you to the locally available Orbiter bins, including the apk.
Works again :-) great work.
Unfortunately mythtv is still the same...but I will apply rule #1
Quote from: maverick0815 on November 26, 2015, 04:38:22 PM
Works again :-) great work.
Unfortunately mythtv is still the same...but I will apply rule #1
Can you point me to a link that makes mythtv work? I cant get it working, make it hard to work on the screens for it.
Quote from: golgoj4 on November 28, 2015, 03:59:46 AM
Can you point me to a link that makes mythtv work? I cant get it working, make it hard to work on the screens for it.
As a dev of linuxmce I will very, very, very politely ask... have you filed a ticket for your specific issue? :D
I saw there was a link on the main orbiter download page so I hoped it would be ready for plug and play but I got stuck at the screen shown in the attachment where I only can enter a device name. Text on screen:
Setup as a new QOrbiter
Click to Change Name
I am sure there are people who give even worse error description.
Quote from: posde on December 10, 2015, 04:40:17 PM
I am sure there are people who give even worse error description.
Sorry but that _is_ al the info that is showing as in the picture. Seems quite clear to me. The link I refered to:
which has:
then it shows that screen when running the app.....
did you set up a qorbiter in webadmin first? if not try it this way. I'm not certain, that you can really Setup a new Orbiter via the qorbiter on your tablet. Mine is working fine, by the way
Hi to all,
Here is some feedback. Im running 1404 since a couple of days now and qt5 on a Samsung s6 is working ok. Just a couple of buttons that dont do what they are supposed to.
Listed right below:
Power: it only have: Power off display, Power off MD, Reboot Core, Reboot MD. There is no POWER ON. POWER OFF DISPLAY works, POWER OFF MD doesn't. I did not tested the other two! It could have cause caos in the family
VIDEO: It does not have the ALL button, so if you dont have properly setup your DB, it will be impossible to find your files, but right I get nothing. None of the movies are showing, not even the public. If I start the movie on the MD orbiter, then I can control it on the QT5 orbiter on the phone without problems.
Any ideas?
Quote from: tompin2 on March 14, 2016, 03:31:20 AM
Power: it only have: Power off display, Power off MD, Reboot Core, Reboot MD. There is no POWER ON. POWER OFF DISPLAY works, POWER OFF MD doesn't. I did not tested the other two! It could have cause caos in the family
Power off is disabled for all MDs by default. You can set the PowerOff mode in the advanced settings for the Media Director in webadmin.
Quote from: tompin2 on March 14, 2016, 03:31:20 AM
VIDEO: It does not have the ALL button, so if you dont have properly setup your DB, it will be impossible to find your files, but right I get nothing. None of the movies are showing, not even the public. If I start the movie on the MD orbiter, then I can control it on the QT5 orbiter on the phone without problems.
We do not have an All button anywhere. We do have a 'Filename' view that has never been impletemented in qOrbiter, which is why I do not use qOrbiter regularly. :)
Hope that helps.
That's not entirely correct. I remember in one earlier iteration of qorbiter fileview was working, but apparently this functionality got lost.
So I am a bit wondering....I know that golgoj4 seems to be in higher in demand there still some ongoing develpoment, or is it resting?
Just wondering....
Interesting I do not ever recall seeing the Filename sort in qOrbiter. As far a development is concerned, I cannot speak for golgo, but there is no significant work occurring in qOrbiter that I see recently. I have no idea what golgo's schedule or plans are.
Its there, but im a jerkass and its hard to find.
Checked in browse by file button last night.
Some additional work needs to be done to reset attributes when switching how you sort, but that doesnt immediately impact browsing through files.
The problem is that there are different 'categories' of attributes and in some cases if you select one attribute, like browse by file, then others should be reset (like ones that would set the media sub type to movies or something). This doesnt affect most people though i want to fix it.
Thanks a lot! I was quite worried you had quit....
Orbiter is a nice software and it would be shame to see it abandoned.
you are absolutely right.
And qOrbiter ain't too bad either :D :D :D
Needs more devs....
BTW dont forget to thank sambucca for
*pushing good ideas
*the media grid
*QML / Qt api work to clean up and add new things.
Quote from: golgoj4 on March 23, 2016, 03:47:10 PM
Checked in browse by file button last night.
Some additional work needs to be done to reset attributes when switching how you sort, but that doesnt immediately impact browsing through files.
The problem is that there are different 'categories' of attributes and in some cases if you select one attribute, like browse by file, then others should be reset (like ones that would set the media sub type to movies or something). This doesnt affect most people though i want to fix it.
Anyone tried this yet?
I m so sorry for the lack of feedback.
Yes,I tried the browse by file works like a charm.
Thank you very much.
Hehe, exemplification of
"Nobody says anything, it must be good" :D
Hi, Sorry I haven't check it out just yet, I've been messing a little bit with zwave stuff. In order to test it, do I need to update the app at the phone?
Also I was testing it some time ago and I forgot to mention that volume buttons does not work, maybe it is my setup (TV + DENON RECEIVER). Controlling volume within the media director orbiter works ok, test it via web orbiter and also works.
Download it from the webadmin page. Before you install, uninstall the old one and reboot your phone
golgoj4 has created a new iOS version of qOrbiter - it can be downloaded from
Note: Due to the way Apple handles stuff outside of their store, you need to provide your UDID to golgoj4 to allow the ipa to run on your system.
QuoteNote: Due to the way Apple handles stuff outside of their store, you need to provide your UDID to golgoj4 to allow the ipa to run on your system.
I'm having a blond moment..... ;D where do I find the UDID?
THanx.... ;D Like I said had a Blond Moment ::)
EDIT:: I sent you a PM Golgoj4
Im trying to use more often the qorbiter. On a Samsung S6 the app is still working ok, there are some options that are not working.
1. Volume: On the media director that is connected to a DENON, it does not change the volume
2. Queue instead of instant play does not work.
Quote from: tompin2 on June 12, 2016, 07:32:15 PM
Im trying to use more often the qorbiter. On a Samsung S6 the app is still working ok, there are some options that are not working.
1. Volume: On the media director that is connected to a DENON, it does not change the volume
I have a Denon amp in my living room and there are no issues. A volume change command does not typically rely on a specific origin or destination it is simply a command. If you can provide logs from another orbiter working and the qorbiter not working then we may be able to begin looking at why.... but again, it works here.
Quote from: tompin2 on June 12, 2016, 07:32:15 PM
2. Queue instead of instant play does not work.
mhm, that is an 'Orbiter' setting that is not likely yet included in qOrbiters logic.
DEVICEDATA_Queue_Instead_of_Instant_Play_CONST is never looked at, so phenigma is probably correct in his assumption.
Quote from: phenigma on June 13, 2016, 07:31:38 AM
I have a Denon amp in my living room and there are no issues. A volume change command does not typically rely on a specific origin or destination it is simply a command. If you can provide logs from another orbiter working and the qorbiter not working then we may be able to begin looking at why.... but again, it works here.
mhm, that is an 'Orbiter' setting that is not likely yet included in qOrbiters logic.
Do anyone know how this is even supposed to work? Never worked on the original orbiter for me, so im confused as to what im supposed to even do here.
Fixed queue vs instant play issue. should be there in the next build.
QuoteNote: Due to the way Apple handles stuff outside of their store, you need to provide your UDID to golgoj4 to allow the ipa to run on your system.
Hi Golgoj4,
I sent you a PM with the relevant info. Just checking if you got it.
Quote from: tompin2 on June 12, 2016, 07:32:15 PM
Im trying to use more often the qorbiter. On a Samsung S6 the app is still working ok, there are some options that are not working.
1. Volume: On the media director that is connected to a DENON, it does not change the volume
2. Queue instead of instant play does not work.
Is there any way for you to follow the log and post a snippet? Would like to see what its saying when you press volume.
Working on the cleaner ui portion next.
Very impressive!
For a couple of days now I noticed, that qorbiter is not showing scenario for telecom anymore. Right now, when I open it, it shows me the media line and the button for the weather plugin, nothing else.
Is this by design, or is that a bug?
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 02, 2016, 12:10:48 PM
For a couple of days now I noticed, that qorbiter is not showing scenario for telecom anymore. Right now, when I open it, it shows me the media line and the button for the weather plugin, nothing else.
Is this by design, or is that a bug?
Bug. can you provide more information? Even if they are empty, all the scenario categories should show. Also what is the weather plugin button?
Quote from: golgoj4 on July 02, 2016, 07:30:32 PM
Also what is the weather plugin button?
When you install the weather plugin you get a scenario button in climate to take you to the weather information screen.
check out the screenshot
Have you tried going to Advanced Menu -> Regenerate Orbiter?
Several times actually.I even deleted the qobiter and made a new change
Wait a minute... does regenerate orbiter do shit for qorbiter? I think I may have altered some things around that. UpdateEntArea still happens for everything, but /me was pretty sure orbitergen didn't do anything for qOrbiters. Definitely need some more info here.
Quote from: phenigma on July 06, 2016, 07:27:19 AM
Wait a minute... does regenerate orbiter do shit for qorbiter? I think I may have altered some things around that. UpdateEntArea still happens for everything, but /me was pretty sure orbitergen didn't do anything for qOrbiters. Definitely need some more info here.
No, it calls a some php from qOrbiter itself to regenerate its xml configuration. I believe in the code sambucca added code that explicitly ignores it for now.
What happens when you change rooms? are the scenario's still screwy?
changing the room, everything is the least its consistent :-D
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 06, 2016, 09:22:36 PM
changing the room, everything is the least its consistent :-D
Well damn....ok trying to figure this one out.
But to be clear when changing rooms:
*You do see all your rooms?
*when you change to another, none of the scenarios change?
please send me a paste of this command run from a browser:
http://dcerouter/lmce-admin/qOrbiterGenerator.php?d=<qOrbiter device number>
you may need to click on 'view source' if the page is empty.
Possy has identified the issue and we will be looking at fixes.
Quote from: phenigma on June 13, 2016, 07:31:38 AM
I have a Denon amp in my living room and there are no issues. A volume change command does not typically rely on a specific origin or destination it is simply a command. If you can provide logs from another orbiter working and the qorbiter not working then we may be able to begin looking at why.... but again, it works here.
mhm, that is an 'Orbiter' setting that is not likely yet included in qOrbiters logic.
Hi Phenigma, which log files would show the information needed?. If I try the media director or the web orbiter, both works ok, but nothing happens using the qorbiter
Quote from: golgoj4 on June 15, 2016, 06:29:15 PM
Working on the cleaner ui portion next.
hi Golgoj4, that looks awesome!! how did you got the videos running on the orbiter? or the device not the media director???.
When you make the update, does the app of the android device has to be updated too? or only the core?
@golgoj4 sorry for the delay, it's been a buys week
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FileFormat Name="Low Res" PK_FileFormat="1"/>
<FileFormat Name="DVD" PK_FileFormat="2"/>
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<GenreNode Name="Traffic" FK_AttributeType="8" PK_Attribute="17450"/>
<GenreNode Name="TV Movie" FK_AttributeType="8" PK_Attribute="10059"/>
<GenreNode Name="War" FK_AttributeType="8" PK_Attribute="4657"/>
<GenreNode Name="Western" FK_AttributeType="8" PK_Attribute="6346"/>
<GenreNode Name="World" FK_AttributeType="8" PK_Attribute="27129"/>
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<Attribute Name="Conductor" PK_AttributeType="15"/>
<Attribute Name="Composer/Writer" PK_AttributeType="16"/>
<Attribute Name="Studio" PK_AttributeType="17"/>
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<Attribute Name="Release Date" PK_AttributeType="19"/>
<Attribute Name="Website" PK_AttributeType="20"/>
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<Attribute Name="Rated" PK_AttributeType="26"/>
<Attribute Name="DVD Release Date" PK_AttributeType="27"/>
<Attribute Name="Run Time" PK_AttributeType="28"/>
<Attribute Name="Keyword" PK_AttributeType="29"/>
<Attribute Name="Screen Saver For MD" PK_AttributeType="30"/>
<Attribute Name="Format" PK_AttributeType="31"/>
<Attribute Name="Region" PK_AttributeType="32"/>
<Attribute Name="Language" PK_AttributeType="33"/>
<Attribute Name="Aspect Ratio" PK_AttributeType="34"/>
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<Attribute Name="IMDB" PK_AttributeType="36"/>
<Attribute Name="Synopsis" PK_AttributeType="37"/>
<Attribute Name="Producer" PK_AttributeType="38"/>
<Attribute Name="Executive Producer" PK_AttributeType="39"/>
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<Attribute Name="TV Program ID" PK_AttributeType="42"/>
<Attribute Name="TV Series ID" PK_AttributeType="43"/>
<Attribute Name="Creation Date" PK_AttributeType="44"/>
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<Attribute Name="Year" PK_AttributeType="48"/>
<Attribute Name="System" PK_AttributeType="49"/>
<Attribute Name="Season Number" PK_AttributeType="50"/>
<Attribute Name="Episode Number" PK_AttributeType="51"/>
<Attribute Name="TV Season ID" PK_AttributeType="52"/>
<Attribute Name="System Configuration" PK_AttributeType="56"/>
<Attribute Name="Album Artist" PK_AttributeType="57"/>
<Room int="1" EAstring="Beamer" EntertainArea="3" Room="Beamer"/>
<Room int="2" EAstring="Kueche" EntertainArea="2" Room="Kueche"/>
<Room int="3" EAstring="TV-Set" EntertainArea="1" Room="TV-Set"/>
<Room int="3" EAstring="TV-Set" EntertainArea="1" Room="">
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<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="29" Description="Video" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
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<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="32" Description="Playlists" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
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<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="37" Description="Video" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="38" Description="Audio" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
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<Room int="1" EAstring="Beamer" EntertainArea="3" Room="">
<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="44" Description="TV" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="45" Description="Video" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
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<MediaButton FK_Room="" FK_CommandGroup="49" Description="Manage Drives" eaDescription="" FloorplanInfo=""/>
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<ClimateButton FK_Room="2" FK_CommandGroup="52" Description="Weather" eaDescription="Kueche" FloorplanInfo="" Sort="52"/>
<ClimateRoom int="3" EAstring="TV-Set" EntertainArea="1" Room="TV-Set">
<ClimateButton FK_Room="3" FK_CommandGroup="53" Description="Weather" eaDescription="TV-Set" FloorplanInfo="" Sort="53"/>
<TelecomRoom int="1" EAstring="Beamer" EntertainArea="3" Room="Beamer"/>
<TelecomRoom int="2" EAstring="Kueche" EntertainArea="2" Room="Kueche"/>
<TelecomRoom int="3" EAstring="TV-Set" EntertainArea="1" Room="TV-Set"/>
<SecurityRoom int="1" EAstring="Beamer" EntertainArea="3" Room="Beamer"/>
<SecurityRoom int="2" EAstring="Kueche" EntertainArea="2" Room="Kueche"/>
<SecurityRoom int="3" EAstring="TV-Set" EntertainArea="1" Room="TV-Set"/>
Is this issue still a problem Maverick? Try updating the webadmin and going again.
if by updating webadmin, you mean the update button next to the qorbiter in webadmin, then I did this. In general, my system is up-to-date patchwise. I still don't have all the scenarios back on the qorbiter. I can try creating another one, but I doubt it will make much of a difference, since I had deleted and created my qorbiter before, without any change for the better.
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 19, 2016, 04:22:35 PM
if by updating webadmin, you mean the update button next to the qorbiter in webadmin, then I did this. In general, my system is up-to-date patchwise. I still don't have all the scenarios back on the qorbiter. I can try creating another one, but I doubt it will make much of a difference, since I had deleted and created my qorbiter before, without any change for the better.
Sorry for not being specific. i meant the actual web admin package. there were some recent fixes applied that should fix it. I will
have ask posde do a new qorbiter build as well.
qOrbiter build is underway
an updated package is available for 1204. In theory it should work for others as well, so I put the apk itself up for grabs at
Please report back your findings.
ok, I will try that as soon as I'm home.
This morning after I pulled the update for the webadmin, I deleted the qorbiter device, recreated it(with a reload router before and after). I uninstalled qorbiter from my device and downloaded again from dcerouter. After install and first start, however I was asked if I wanted to install an update for qorbiter- is that a new mechanism, or is it trying to pull something from the playstore?
I have re-activated the play store listing, but the two (should be) unrelated as Linuxmce doesnt officially sign the apk, where as the play store does, essentially making them different.
seems I always get the odd stuff, huh ? :-)
Anyways, I tried the latest build from posde, but the thing still looks the same.
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 21, 2016, 05:52:04 PM
seems I always get the odd stuff, huh ? :-)
Anyways, I tried the latest build from posde, but the thing still looks the same.
Ok. We will figure this thing out....
*Dont delete the qorbiter so frequently, there really is no need.
*Under advanced -> settings is the device number correct? (maybe hit clear settings and restart)
The xml seems to be getting generated, im just confused as to why the heck it wont switch rooms
Unbelievable ....its working now...I cleared the settings and the device Id.
Nice software...silly user
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 24, 2016, 09:25:10 PM
Unbelievable ....its working now...I cleared the settings and the device Id.
Nice software...silly user
Not necessarily. I just fixed a bug i discovered where the device ID wasnt being properly cleared when you hit clear settings. So it may have been my fault :)
Happy you are up and running again!
Hi to all, so to clear my binary logic.. the proper way to update is update core, delete qobtirer orbiter, delete app on android, create new q orbiter, download app from webadmin, setup orbiter on android with device I'd?. does q orbiter on Web admin needs to be deleted?.
update core, delete app on android, download app from Web admin, update from appstore clear device I'd?
My apologies for so many questions but might give us like me shorted of skills, a way to avoid more problems and help better on the cause!!
as far as I understood it, that was just my radical behaviour.
to update qorbiter, you uninstall it from your mobile device, reboot, perhaps delete the linuxmce-folder, if it still exist. download the fresh build and install it.
no need to muck around with the qorbiter device in webadmin.
Quote from: maverick0815 on July 28, 2016, 03:09:59 PM
as far as I understood it, that was just my radical behaviour.
to update qorbiter, you uninstall it from your mobile device, reboot, perhaps delete the linuxmce-folder, if it still exist. download the fresh build and install it.
no need to muck around with the qorbiter device in webadmin.
You shouldnt need to remove it from your device. It should install over the existing version. No need to delete folders as the settings are now stored using and non user exposed settings system (the android settings system that your other apps use).
No need to delete existing qorbiter from your linuxmce install.
No need to delete the existing qorbiter from your android device
The qorbiter installation package (apk) that linuxmce releases has a different release key from the one in the Google Play store. This means it wont let you install from the webadmin and then try to update from google play, and vice versa. This is really a rare case but i thought i would mention it.
Quote from: golgoj4 on July 28, 2016, 10:37:49 PM
You shouldnt need to remove it from your device. It should install over the existing version. No need to delete folders as the settings are now stored using and non user exposed settings system (the android settings system that your other apps use).
No need to delete existing qorbiter from your linuxmce install.
No need to delete the existing qorbiter from your android device
The qorbiter installation package (apk) that linuxmce releases has a different release key from the one in the Google Play store. This means it wont let you install from the webadmin and then try to update from google play, and vice versa. This is really a rare case but i thought i would mention it.
Thanks Golgoj. Excellent. One question, how about the skin. On your video posted, I saw that it looks different than mine. Is there a preferred skin or theme? Can it be changed?
The other thing is that I haven't figure out yet why i´m not able to control my denon volume using the qorbiter. With te web orbiter is perfect! and as Phenigma mentioned, it shouldn't be related, but In my case it does, not sure why!
Ill Keep testing and reporting along. So far everything else on my Samsung S6 works ok!. Great job!!!
I dont know if this is out of bound but is it possible to add support to the qorbiter app for using the Bluetooth? Thinking that with the BT, the media director with BT dongle will "sense" that you are in that room and trigger some rules? like changing automatically to that room or follow you or whatever rule you could think off...... maybe this is better for a wish list post !!! hahahahaha ;D ;D. Ill drop this idea elsewhere!!! hahahahah... I can already hear the..... get focus!!!! ahahahah.
Quote from: tompin2 on July 29, 2016, 01:25:24 AM
Thanks Golgoj. Excellent. One question, how about the skin. On your video posted, I saw that it looks different than mine. Is there a preferred skin or theme? Can it be changed?
The other thing is that I haven't figure out yet why i´m not able to control my denon volume using the qorbiter. With te web orbiter is perfect! and as Phenigma mentioned, it shouldn't be related, but In my case it does, not sure why!
Ill Keep testing and reporting along. So far everything else on my Samsung S6 works ok!. Great job!!!
I dont know if this is out of bound but is it possible to add support to the qorbiter app for using the Bluetooth? Thinking that with the BT, the media director with BT dongle will "sense" that you are in that room and trigger some rules? like changing automatically to that room or follow you or whatever rule you could think off...... maybe this is better for a wish list post !!! hahahahaha ;D ;D. Ill drop this idea elsewhere!!! hahahahah... I can already hear the..... get focus!!!! ahahahah.
The UI shifts some depending on what type of device you have. There are variations for large, medium, and small screens. I am working on allowing the user to change it, but its currently selected for you based on the screen size of your device. to posde. Im not allowed to touch it or something.
New Bluetooth interfaces are in the works... But don't hold your breath. The new device will permit BT audio and that will also include follow me support. But honestly it's time consuming and that's not something in great supply at the moment.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Am i right to assume, that every phone or Tablet needs its own qorbiter device?
Right now i have a tablet and an android phone, each got their own device. The tablet is working nicely, the phone not so much...i cannot browse any media and subsequently not play anything using that phone.
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 03, 2016, 04:13:49 PM
Am i right to assume, that every phone or Tablet needs its own qorbiter device?
Right now i have a tablet and an android phone, each got their own device. The tablet is working nicely, the phone not so much...i cannot browse any media and subsequently not play anything using that phone.
Yes, each device should have its own qorbiter device.
What happens with the phone? It just doesn't connect?
It connects but like I media is being the problem I had before...maybe there is still some old config snag on that phone
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 03, 2016, 08:23:41 PM
It connects but like I media is being the problem I had before...maybe there is still some old config snag on that phone
I would install the latest build (i believe its been built) and then go to the advanced screen -> settings, and hit 'clear settings'. then exit and reopen it.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
very nice this a new build? if so, where I can download it from? I just updated my linuxsystem, but other than new kernel, I didn't see anything for qorbiter.
Since you also went to TV-Shows, I found the way you selected the episodes very interesting. I admit, it has been a while since I looked into that section, but I will try. Before I always had trouble finding the proper episode other than in fileview.
As always you can keep up to date on when new packages are pushed for users by watching: No package listed there means it is NOT available in the repository yet.
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 08, 2016, 08:50:41 PM
very nice this a new build? if so, where I can download it from? I just updated my linuxsystem, but other than new kernel, I didn't see anything for qorbiter.
Since you also went to TV-Shows, I found the way you selected the episodes very interesting. I admit, it has been a while since I looked into that section, but I will try. Before I always had trouble finding the proper episode other than in fileview.
The tv shows in my db have been run through the auto-tagger, so they have metadata which allows browsing using the tv filter.
ok, I opened a new thread for the auto-tagger.
Qorbiter on my second device is still not working. I cannot browse any kind of media. I did as you suggested. I downloaded the latest build I can get my grubby hands on. I uninstalled the old one from the phone, installed the new one. Upon opening I select the proper device, but I don't get any media presented. The rest seems to work. Having my tablet and my phone set to TV-Set and starting VDR, both are properly synchronised.
One other thing I came across checking the youtube-videos. I had asked you before about the built-in mediaplayer. I just wanted to check this again, but I cannot select "This Device" anymore. Right now I can switch between the areas in the house, but thats it.
Quote from: maverick0815 on August 09, 2016, 04:59:56 PM
ok, I opened a new thread for the auto-tagger.
Qorbiter on my second device is still not working. I cannot browse any kind of media. I did as you suggested. I downloaded the latest build I can get my grubby hands on. I uninstalled the old one from the phone, installed the new one. Upon opening I select the proper device, but I don't get any media presented. The rest seems to work. Having my tablet and my phone set to TV-Set and starting VDR, both are properly synchronised.
One other thing I came across checking the youtube-videos. I had asked you before about the built-in mediaplayer. I just wanted to check this again, but I cannot select "This Device" anymore. Right now I can switch between the areas in the house, but thats it.
Did you also 'clear settings' in the advanced screen?
Ok.... im a bit at a loss for why its not working. Bear with me if my questions seem stupid.
*Are there scenarios under media?
*If there are, do they not respond when clicked?
*What happens when you change rooms?
No problem..I am just as interested in figuring this out as you...
there are Scenarios
They do react and respond when clicked
No matter what room I change to...from that qorbiter, I can't get to any media.
For example : Internet radio- I see no stations with that orbiter in any room. If I use my tablet, everything is peachy.
By the way, I don't know if this is relevant: The Phone runs on Marshmallow.
Sorry guys, for being absent for a long far I still haven't been able to use my phone properly with qorbiter....perhaps I should exchange the device-ids on the phone and the tablet and see, if that makes any difference.
Well, I exchanged the id's, but the behaviour is the same. Tablet is ok, the phone not so much....
Hi To all,
Any updates on this?, have any of you had problems with the play and pause buttons?. Pause works ok but if I press play is the same as stop!. I cannot power up or down any MD from the power menu from this orbiter.
Are you able to change the power status of the MDs from a regular orbiter? ie. a Web Orbiter?
my update: the issue with no Content showing is solved, if I have the Orbiter first in portrait-mode. Then Content ist visible, turning it then to landscape it even Shows covers, but only in this Fashion.
I am also not able to do power off/ restart from qorbiter- works in the windows-Orbiter.
Quote from: tompin2 on December 27, 2017, 07:40:52 PM
Hi To all,
Any updates on this?, have any of you had problems with the play and pause buttons?. Pause works ok but if I press play is the same as stop!. I cannot power up or down any MD from the power menu from this orbiter.
Can you describe the play / pause problem in more detail? im not seeing that issue.
I never wired those (md on/off) functions in. is there an open ticket?