Super... I haven't tried qorbiter for a while... I think the last one I downloaded was from the play store.
QorbiterQT5: On my phone (HTC one-v ICS) I tried to download and install QorbiterQT5 but when I run it there is simply a "Your appliation encountered a fatal error and cannot continue" with an OK button.
QorbiterQT4: On HTC one-v ICS: Downloaded, installed and ran (connected to my core) but functionality seemed rather limited. I'll post some details this weekend.
Will try on my cheap tablet and wife's Samsung S4 as well.
Do all the other config steps that are outlined somewhere on the wiki still apply? (skins, setting up the orbiter on the core, creating the config xml file on the device etc etc?) If we install a new version should we update all of that / redo it at all? Does the core need an update/upgrade to get the latest stuff on its side?
What is the difference between QorbiterQT5 and QorbiterQT4... in terms of requirements? Are there any pre-requisites for QT5 that I should install to prevent the fatal error?
many thanks and sorry for the ignorance.
Is there a video or wiki page I should look at to see how it is *supposed* to work in case I report things that are just user errors?
No these are good questions. Im just not a good QA guy so apologies for not making stuff clear.
*Android Setup instructions can be found here:
**You should always make sure the skins are up to date.
*the config.xml is created automatically (or should be!)
*You only need to do the setup once. Subsequent updates wont delete the orbiter or reset your config settings.
The difference between Qt4 and Qt5 are pretty big. From a user perspective, Qt5 is supposed to provide
*Better integration with the Android OS
*Better graphics performance.
*No additional downloads / libraries (no ministro)
*limited to Android 3.0 or higher.
Qt4 is basically the 1st attempt to bring Qt (and thus QOrbiter) to Android.
*No native support for multimedia, but I am testing a path that would allow it. Api minimum level 12 however...
*Requires Ministro
*Graphics performance not as good as Qt5
Lastly, the issue with the force close may be related to the skins not being up to date. Make sure thats updated and report back when you can.
Please feel free to ask anymore questions. Im really trying to get better at this 'distributing software' thing.