Gotcha. So why is my screenshot different to Hackit2me's?
He is using the qt4 version, you are using the qt5 one?
Also its becoming painfully clear that im going to have to rework my code for detecting screen sizes. It seems the phones are getting the tablet UI's as they have much larger resolutions than android did when I started

. Ahh progress...or something.
Right now there are
2) Skins for Qt4 tablet :: "Default, Smokey"
1) Skin for Qt4 Phone :: "Default"
1) Skin for Qt5 Phone :: "Default"
1) Skin for Qt5 Tablet :: "Default"
And thats just android.
on x86 there is
4) Skins for Qt4 :: "STB", "Aeon", "Default", "Noir"
1) Skin for Qt5 :: "Default"
and the rpi form factor is basically going to clone STB.
i will take a look soon at this issue with the ui's, but at the moment im working on implementing the config screen when you run the app the first time. it will allow you to set some options without needing to edit the config manually.