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New VoIP SIP Provider added

Started by felpouse, October 17, 2009, 08:15:40 PM

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Dear all,

I would like to tell all, that following the wiki page "How to properly add support for SIP providers", now I have a new Voip Provider in the list using the web admin pages.

This VoIP Provider can give you the possibility to call and receive with sip protocols and also give you a real phone number for Italy to receive phone calls from the rest of the phone systems.

I have compiled the provider_list.txt and create a new .pl script from one of the other.
During my procedures to test all, I found to little bugs also in the script that is called during the web procedure.

What is the correct procedure to give all the files corrected or added to the devel staff for an improvement to the next updates ?

Best regards



Thank you so much, Luke.

Create a bug in trac, and attach the output of svn diff to it, so we can apply it as a patch.

If you modified these files in your existing installation, do a checkout of the source tree, copy the files into their appropriate places on the source tree, and run svn diff from the top of it.

We need it done this way, specifically, so we can keep track of precisely what changed.

Again, Thank you.



Hi Thom,

thanks for your appreciation.
Actually I'm completed new to all the part of svn diffing and so on. If it possible to you to give me some info about it could be great. I'm reachable also on the chat.

If not the only possible solution in an immediate time is create a track and append a zip file.

Let me know.



P.S. : I would like to start in understanding all the SQLcvs process, and then I can contribute using it. With my little possibility. I'm not a developer.  :-\


as root, use sudo -i

apt-get install subversion
mkdir -p /home/src
cd /home/src
svn checkout

find the relevant files in the tree downloaded. replace them with your new ones.


cd /home/src
svn diff >give_a_descriptive_name_for_the_patch.diff

upload the resulting diff.



Hi Thom,

thanks for your explanation. I hope to have do it in a corect way, but this the first time.

I had also created two ticket on the svn, both with the correction of the files (.diff) post your support  8) :

One for the new script and the other for the correction of the pluto dialplan .

Hoping to continue in study svn "world" , that's it .

Best regards



Hello Luke,
if you want to implement even Eutelia as VoIP provider can give you a hand.
You come to visit us in the Italian community (, I have already written a mini wiki on how to run Eutelia by FreePBX.



rages, please try to add VOIP providers properly, nobody should ever touch FreePBX.



Hi Emanuele,

I've already saw your mini wiki about Eutelia. With Messagenet was less difficult because is a free service.
I don't know about Eutelia service. But could be possible to try and add it to the VoIP list.




Hi Thom, your suggestion is completely correct.

Infact my messagenet addiction was based on one of the actually present scripts starting from another VoIP service provider.

Did you saw my not completely perfect tickets creation about the VoIP addiction ?



P.S. : if you want I can send you, for only this time, the files in another format. Tell me  ;)


I modified the felpouse script for use with  Eutelia, this is a first version, I do not know if it works.
I do not know if I understood how it works 100%

Tomorrow I'll try with better, in the meantime if someone can give us a review.

I create a new ticket



my script don't work  :-\

but I don't understand where is the error ... anyone can give me some help?



Hi Emanuele,

I have checked your script, but I think the problem is related to the outbound rule that is created using the script perl at line 174,  $LOCAL_PREFIX1 .

If you used my script for Messagenet, you had to change and adeguate to Eutelia outgoing rules necessity.

Best regards


P.S. : this is the only think I had noted , but I don't have an account to debug. U can try it and let us know whats going.....  ::)


Hi Emanuele,

I forgot to tell you to check also this ticket on the svn web site :

I had to correct two syntax error on that script because when I complete all the data web form and submit it nothing happens ?




felpouse, since this seems to be a fix, this can be added to the next beta build. I've asked Thom to commit this later today. Please add this ticket to the beta2 site:

Under the "After beta2..." section.


Hi all,

I've added the references about the fixing.
Thanks also to Thom, I had noticed the modification on the svn.

Best regards to all.
