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@massabuntu: KNX eibd question

Started by hari, June 17, 2009, 06:32:30 PM

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17:29 <massabuntu> Hi Hari, i'm a linuxmce forum user, can i  ask a question about EIBD and Eib/KNX?

sure, just go ahead.. don't ask if you can ask a question, that's a question itself :-p
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


you are right, here my question:

If i understand you are developing the integration of Eibd in LMCE. How it's going? Can i help you, i have several stuff(Eibnet/ip gateway, rs232 and usb interface, dimmers, normal relay and so on) i can test and i begin looking Eibd a few month ago.



Quote from: massabuntu on June 17, 2009, 06:42:20 PM
If i understand you are developing the integration of Eibd in LinuxMCE. How it's going? Can i help you, i have several stuff(Eibnet/ip gateway, rs232 and usb interface, dimmers, normal relay and so on) i can test and i begin looking Eibd a few month ago.
I'm just polishing the work from guigolum. He did the driver based on eibd. I'm just collecting some more KNX devices (see my users page for an actual list) to verify all device types and make sure they will work properly in 0810. I need to package bcusdk (eibd) and gnupth for 0810, too. This driver will probably get more attention than the zwave driver over the next months, so be prepared for a rock solid KNX implementation. EIBD gives nice benefits like being able to run ETS3 over the same interface at the same time.

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Quote from: hari on June 18, 2009, 01:29:44 AM
This driver will probably get more attention than the zwave driver over the next months, so be prepared for a rock solid KNX implementation.
br, Hari
This is very good, and i'd like to contribute to the testing, i have several ABB,  Merten, Siemens Device i cuold test.

I already tested Eibd in a regular Ubuntu with RS-232, IP and USB interface and worked very well, now i'd like to know how to install it my 8.10 MCE.



just install eibd and swap the EIB binary in /usr/pluto/bin with the EIB-eibd variant. Make sure eibd is running, the EIB dce device will then connect to it.
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Here's the thing

I'm running eibd "the normal one" on the core and works fine, even ETS works on it;
now i downloaded a EIB binary ( but i did'nt understand what i have to do with.

I didn't understand this part of hari's message
"swap the EIB binary in /usr/pluto/bin with the EIB-eibd variant."

You mean move the binary in /usr/pluto/bin and rename EIB-eibd?


Quote from: massabuntu on June 19, 2009, 12:08:40 PM
You mean move the binary in /usr/pluto/bin and rename EIB-eibd?
no, it needs to be named /usr/pluto/bin/EIB

Then just add a EIB device in the web admin and add child devices with the proper GA (see the device template readme file from guigolum).

What kind of interface do you use? For rs232 select the proper com port. We don't honor that for now as the eibd startup is not yet integrated into lmce properly. But it will prevent lmce from messing with the port. The old code did spawn eibd from the EIB dce device, but that restarts eibd on every quick router reload. Bad idea when you do some ETS work at the same time :-) I've removed those parts for now, we need a smarter launch method that also honors the dce device's settings but starts eibd outside of lmce (like e.g. slimserver).

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Thank you, i have done =)

In fact i started eibd manually and works ok, i tried a ON/OFF switch  ( Merten 649208 8chan actuator) and a siemens n148/21 ip interface.

Now i try the dimmer (Merten 649350).

Now i put the eibd command in the rc.local


Here one problem. Maybe you want to move this on other area of the forums.

The actuator, like i said is OK.

I have problem with the dimming. You already know that the dimmer has differrent Object.

Switch Object,
Dimming Object,
Value Object.

The switch object works fine under mce, while the dimmer's not.

I open a groupsocketlisten on eibd to look wich was the problem.
When i turn on the light  i see this telegram:

Write from 0.0.0 to 0/0/1: 01     -     (0/0/1 is the switching object of the dimmer)

When i send a 50% (or another percentual) command to the light i see always

Write from 0.0.0 to 1/0/0: 00     -     (1/0/0 is the Dimming Object)

Obviusly it doesn't do anything because 00 is not the datatype it is espetcing. (Is especting something like that  Write from 0.0.0 to 1/0/0: 0A).   OA is the hexadecimal value of (Up 50%) i think).

Hope i had explained myself.



did you put all groups into the portchannel device data field of the dimmable light child device?

The format should be: write state on/off | write level % | return state on/off | return level 0-100

so it should be something like 0/0/1|1/0/0|<response GA for on/off>|<response GA for dim> for you

I can also test here with a Merten 649350 but i need to connect a load ;-p

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


So you are telling me that dce can grab a telegram,triggered outside mce, for example by a movement sensor, and change the state of the object???

EDIT:Yes, i answer my self! This is a fuckin great work! My best compliment, Clap Clap


Quote from: massabuntu on June 20, 2009, 07:53:26 PM
So you are telling me that dce can grab a telegram,triggered outside mce, for example by a movement sensor, and change the state of the object???

EDIT:Yes, i answer my self! This is a fuckin great work! My best compliment, Clap Clap
hehe, guigolum did the leg work for this code. I just gave a few pointers and convinced him to use eibd :-p

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation


Quote from: hari on June 20, 2009, 08:29:16 PM
Quote from: massabuntu on June 20, 2009, 07:53:26 PM
So you are telling me that dce can grab a telegram,triggered outside mce, for example by a movement sensor, and change the state of the object???

EDIT:Yes, i answer my self! This is a fuckin great work! My best compliment, Clap Clap
hehe, guigolum did the leg work for this code. I just gave a few pointers and convinced him to use eibd :-p

br, Hari

I'd like to thanks Guigolum too but i saw in his profile and since april is not logged in the forum.

Anyway, i think there are still problem with the dimming, i'd like to discuss with you in IRC.

To anticipate, i put all the GA like you suggest, (except the dimmer has 5 object, 1-ON/OFF 2-DimmingSequence, 3-Value, 4-Response ON/OFF, 5 Response Value), so i tried to put both of DimmingSequence and Value in the second pipe.

The problem i think is in the translation beetwen the DCE message and the KNX telegram. e.g:

This dce message 
MessageSend localhost -r 0 72 1 184 76 " 30" 

wich is supposed to UP30% mi light is translated in  this knx telegram.

Write from 0.0.0(eibd) to 1/0/0 value 00

Let me know,


still waiting hari...
i think i could open a ticket, what do you think?


didn't you see my lines in IRC?

we need to add logging for the parameter conversion before invoking the frame generation.

br, Hari
rock your home - [url=""][/url] home automation