So you are telling me that dce can grab a telegram,triggered outside mce, for example by a movement sensor, and change the state of the object???
EDIT:Yes, i answer my self! This is a fuckin great work! My best compliment, Clap Clap
hehe, guigolum did the leg work for this code. I just gave a few pointers and convinced him to use eibd :-p
br, Hari
I'd like to thanks Guigolum too but i saw in his profile and since april is not logged in the forum.
Anyway, i think there are still problem with the dimming, i'd like to discuss with you in IRC.
To anticipate, i put all the GA like you suggest, (except the dimmer has 5 object, 1-ON/OFF 2-DimmingSequence, 3-Value, 4-Response ON/OFF, 5 Response Value), so i tried to put both of DimmingSequence and Value in the second pipe.
The problem i think is in the translation beetwen the DCE message and the KNX telegram. e.g:
This dce message
MessageSend localhost -r 0 72 1 184 76 " 30"
wich is supposed to UP30% mi light is translated in this knx telegram.
Write from 0.0.0(eibd) to 1/0/0 value 00
Let me know,