Hi again,
well , it seems that linuxmce is cutting off the last charachter in all lines. So if I add a space at the end of each line it will import the files correctly.
Now the final thing I have is the recordings bigger than 2GB that has got an 002.vdr file. Linuxmce allways shows that as a second recording
and the 001.vdr recording does not play the 002.vdr file - so replay stopps when 001.vdr is ending.
This is when I use the Video menu for replaying !
I have looked into the DB, but I think the error is in the Linuxmce frontend searching the files and showing what belongs togehter. It does not seem to know that 001.vdr and 002.vdr in the same directory belong togehter - or am I wrong here ?
Here I have tested some times with a changing directoryname and changing the info.vdr - it then finds the 001.vdr and 002.vdr and the description in info.vdr. The last select was after deleting 00?.vdr therefor missing is "1" :
mysql> select PK_File,Path,Filename,FK_FileFormat,FK_MediaSubType,EK_MediaType from File where path like '/home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7%';
| PK_File | Path | Filename | FK_FileFormat | FK_MediaSubType | EK_MediaType |
| 6149 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7 | 2006-06- | NULL | NULL | 24 |
| 6148 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 001.vdr | NULL | NULL | 5 |
| 6151 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 002.vdr | NULL | NULL | 5 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6149;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6151;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6148;
| PK_LongAttribute | FK_AttributeType | FK_Disc | FK_File | FK_Attribute | Text | psc_id | psc_batch | psc_user | psc_frozen | psc_mod | psc_restrict |
| 12 | 37 | NULL | 6148 | NULL | Serie/Animations, 2008| (Chuggington) [Stereo] ||Die Loks haben einen Welpen gefunden. Koko möchte das Babyhündchen zu gerne behalten. Aber ein Hundekind macht viel Arbeit. Die Loks kommen kaum noch dazu, das Ausliefern von Zeitungen zu üben. Doch dann entdecken sie in der Zeitung ein Bild von einem Mädchen, das seinen kleinen Hund sucht. Schweren Herzens, aber mit einer gewissen Erleichterung, bringen die kleinen Loks den Welpen zurück...||Director: Sarah Ball |Category: Serie|Genre: Animations|Year: 2008|Originaltitle: Chuggington|Audio: Stereo|Format: 4:3| | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from File where path like '/home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7%';
| PK_File | EK_MediaType | FK_MediaSubType | FK_FileFormat | FK_FileGroup | DateAdded | Path | Filename | Missing | IsDirectory | EK_Users_Private | EK_Device | ModificationDate | AttrCount | AttrDate | DateLastViewed | IsNew | Ignore | INode | MD5 | Source | psc_id | psc_batch | psc_user | psc_frozen | psc_mod | psc_restrict |
| 6149 | 24 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7 | 2006-06- | 1 | 1 | NULL | NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:37 | 0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | NULL | 1 | 0 | 2073441 | | F | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 2009-02-26 23:43:06 | NULL |
| 6148 | 5 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:38 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 001.vdr | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 30100 | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | 2009-02-26 23:13:01 | 0 | 0 | 2074420 | 0def10a8387ce8861468cd516c7f4adf | V | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 2009-02-26 23:42:56 | NULL |
| 6151 | 5 | NULL | NULL | NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 002.vdr | 1 | 0 | NULL | NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:37 | 0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | NULL | 0 | 0 | 2074436 | 009f654ad7cb81f2a00f24d2fec76f81 | V | NULL | NULL | NULL | 0 | 2009-02-26 23:42:52 | NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I also find this quite strange. Here is a recdording with small video files - sometimes it uses the video link and sometime the video.00 directory !? :
mysql> select PK_File,Path,Filename,EK_MediaType from File where path like '%Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund%' and filename like '0%.vdr';
| PK_File | Path | Filename | EK_MediaType |
| 6167 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 001.vdr | 5 |
| 6158 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 002.vdr | 5 |
| 6155 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 003.vdr | 5 |
| 6161 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 004.vdr | 5 |
| 6160 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 005.vdr | 5 |
| 6156 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 006.vdr | 5 |
| 6164 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 007.vdr | 5 |
| 6163 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 008.vdr | 5 |
| 6165 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 009.vdr | 5 |
| 6168 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 010.vdr | 5 |
| 6166 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 011.vdr | 5 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)