Author Topic: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?  (Read 6416 times)


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How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« on: February 12, 2009, 10:21:52 pm »

I have got an old system with around 600GB of VDR recordings that I would like to Import into LinuxMCE :)

So I just tried copying one of them over and it was not that succesully. The recording is named "%Bad_Boys_II" but came up as "Bad Boys I" which is not really the same ;)
EDIT: it seems like it did put the 001.vdr file in the "Bad Boys I" recording and 002.vdr as a seperate recording !?

Should I remove the "%" or what is the problem here ?

Is there some advice or information anywhere how this is handled. I did not find something yet ...

Here is the whole path : %Bad_Boys_II/2006-09-

EDIT: Oh yes, it did not like the "|" in info.vdr either, made "boxes" out of them.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 10:28:30 pm by Viking »


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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 04:34:50 pm »
Hi again,

I am going to get crazy with that ;)

If I import a movie into the VDRTV directory LinuxMCE imports it several times. Once as "Bad boys I" and once as "002.vdr". Then it starts changing info.vdr and when it has changed it then it detects it again as a new movie - so then we have "Bad Boys" and a second "002.vdr".

What is going on ? Can some one enlighten me - how do I import VDR movies ?
I even tried delting things in info.vdr only leaving (T)itle, (D)escription and i think it was (C)hannel lines. Description I even cut down to "test" - but it did not help - I ended up with 4 movies.



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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2009, 05:17:33 pm »
Hi again,

I am going to get crazy with that ;)

If I import a movie into the VDRTV directory LinuxMCE imports it several times. Once as "Bad boys I" and once as "002.vdr". Then it starts changing info.vdr and when it has changed it then it detects it again as a new movie - so then we have "Bad Boys" and a second "002.vdr".

What is going on ? Can some one enlighten me - how do I import VDR movies ?
I even tried delting things in info.vdr only leaving (T)itle, (D)escription and i think it was (C)hannel lines. Description I even cut down to "test" - but it did not help - I ended up with 4 movies.


All you need to do is copy the top level directory for the recording (ie the one that has the name of the show as its title) to the /home/public/data/VDRTV/video directory and then restart vdr from the console. That should do it.

So for example if you have the a recording of the movie 'Mr & Mrs Smith' as below;
Code: [Select]
/home/video/Mr_and_Mrs_Smith/2008-09- ls
001.vdr  002.vdr  index.vdr  info.vdr  resume.vdr

Then you would copy the directories above to the following directory on your Core;

Code: [Select]

Then restart vdr from the console to have the copied recordings appear in the vdr OSD recordings list;

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/vdr restart<return>

All the best

Andy Herron,

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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2009, 12:44:35 am »
Hallo Andrew,

I now tried to do what you adviced me to. It was the same thing I was doing before, but now I wrote down a bit more detailed what happened.

I have a recording called "Memento" : video/%Memento/2006-06-
Theese are the files :
Code: [Select]
001.vdr  002.vdr  index.vdr  info.vdr
This is the content of info.vdr :
Code: [Select]
E 39195 1149543300 7500 0 3
T Memento
D Nice movie
X 1 01 deu 4:3
X 2 03 deu deutsch
X 2 05 deu Dolby Digital 5.1

So after importing it is now called "Mement" in the "Videos" section (not in VDR) and description is "Nice Movi". And after a short time info.vdr looks like this :

Code: [Select]
C S19.2E-133-33-4
T Mement
X 1 01 deu 4:
X 2 03 deu deutsc
X 2 05 deu Dolby Digital 5.

And we have a second movie called "002.vdr" which points to the 002.vdr file in video/%Memento/2006-06- ...

The recording is there in VDR with the right name (because VDR usese the filename), but without description and in the Info (blue button) it is called Mement ..



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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 11:13:57 pm »
Hi again,

now I have tried with a recording that the Linuxmce vdr recorded to another place where linuxmce normally not will scan  and exactly the same thing happens :( The correct name is given out in output, but the last charachter is always missing.

Now it strikes me - could it have something to do with the language settings.




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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 11:33:22 pm »

And after finding a way to deal with putting the recordings in another place (where linuxmce is not scanning) I found out that VDR can't replay my old recordings !?
I just get an distorted picture with lots of colours like a rainbow that moves over the screen !?

Replaying the same recording with the Video menu of linuxmce works.



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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2009, 11:36:01 pm »
Here is what it says when finding a recording :
Code: [Select]
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.919           Received Message from 0 (unknown / ) to Media Plug-in(10), type 1 id  839 Command:Check For New Files, retry none, parameters: <0x74eaab90>
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.921           Received Message from 10 (Media Plug-in / Work Room) to 27 (External Media Identifier / Work Room), type 1 id 314 Command:Identify Media, retry none, parameters: <0xa9af4b90>
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.921             Parameter 2(PK_Device): 0 <0xa9af4b90>
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.921             Parameter 10(ID):  <0xa9af4b90>
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.921             Parameter 13(Filename): /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01-
08      02/25/09 23:21:17.921             Parameter 201(PK_Device_Related): 10 <0xa9af4b90>
As I can see it does not use the recording name, but uses the info found in info.vdr.

Or maybe it has something to do with this :

# file info.vdr
info.vdr: ISO-8859 fortran program text, with very long lines



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Re: How do I "Import" old VDR recordings into VDR ?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 11:56:39 pm »
Hi again,

well , it seems that linuxmce is cutting off the last charachter in all lines. So if I add a space at the end of each line it will import the files correctly.

Now the final thing I have is the recordings bigger than 2GB that has got an 002.vdr file. Linuxmce allways shows that as a second recording :( and the 001.vdr recording does not play the 002.vdr file - so replay stopps when 001.vdr is ending.
This is when I use the Video menu for replaying !

I have looked into the DB, but I think the error is in the Linuxmce frontend searching the files and showing what belongs togehter. It does not seem to know that 001.vdr and 002.vdr in the same directory belong togehter - or am I wrong here ?

Here I have tested some times with a changing directoryname and changing the info.vdr - it then finds the 001.vdr and 002.vdr and the description in info.vdr. The last select was after deleting 00?.vdr therefor missing is "1" :
Code: [Select]
mysql> select PK_File,Path,Filename,FK_FileFormat,FK_MediaSubType,EK_MediaType from File where path like '/home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7%';
| PK_File | Path                                                                    | Filename                   | FK_FileFormat | FK_MediaSubType | EK_MediaType |
|    6149 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7                            | 2006-06- |          NULL |            NULL |           24 |
|    6148 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 001.vdr                    |          NULL |            NULL |            5 |
|    6151 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 002.vdr                    |          NULL |            NULL |            5 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6149;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6151;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from LongAttribute where FK_File = 6148;
| PK_LongAttribute | FK_AttributeType | FK_Disc | FK_File | FK_Attribute | Text                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | psc_id | psc_batch | psc_user | psc_frozen | psc_mod             | psc_restrict |
|               12 |               37 |    NULL |    6148 |         NULL | Serie/Animations, 2008| (Chuggington)   [Stereo] ||Die Loks haben einen Welpen gefunden. Koko möchte das Babyhündchen zu gerne behalten. Aber ein Hundekind macht viel Arbeit. Die Loks kommen kaum noch dazu, das Ausliefern von Zeitungen zu üben. Doch dann entdecken sie in der Zeitung ein Bild von einem Mädchen, das seinen kleinen Hund sucht. Schweren Herzens, aber mit einer gewissen Erleichterung, bringen die kleinen Loks den Welpen zurück...||Director: Sarah Ball |Category: Serie|Genre: Animations|Year: 2008|Originaltitle: Chuggington|Audio: Stereo|Format: 4:3| |   NULL |      NULL |     NULL |          0 | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 |         NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from File where path like '/home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7%';
| PK_File | EK_MediaType | FK_MediaSubType | FK_FileFormat | FK_FileGroup | DateAdded           | Path                                                                    | Filename                   | Missing | IsDirectory | EK_Users_Private | EK_Device | ModificationDate    | AttrCount | AttrDate            | DateLastViewed      | IsNew | Ignore | INode   | MD5                              | Source | psc_id | psc_batch | psc_user | psc_frozen | psc_mod             | psc_restrict |
|    6149 |           24 |            NULL |          NULL |         NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7                            | 2006-06- |       1 |           1 |             NULL |      NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:37 |         0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | NULL                |     1 |      0 | 2073441 |                                  | F      |   NULL |      NULL |     NULL |          0 | 2009-02-26 23:43:06 |         NULL |
|    6148 |            5 |            NULL |          NULL |         NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:38 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 001.vdr                    |       1 |           0 |             NULL |      NULL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |     30100 | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | 2009-02-26 23:13:01 |     0 |      0 | 2074420 | 0def10a8387ce8861468cd516c7f4adf | V      |   NULL |      NULL |     NULL |          0 | 2009-02-26 23:42:56 |         NULL |
|    6151 |            5 |            NULL |          NULL |         NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:40 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/%Memento-test7/2006-06- | 002.vdr                    |       1 |           0 |             NULL |      NULL | 2009-02-26 23:08:37 |         0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | NULL                |     0 |      0 | 2074436 | 009f654ad7cb81f2a00f24d2fec76f81 | V      |   NULL |      NULL |     NULL |          0 | 2009-02-26 23:42:52 |         NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I also find this quite strange. Here is a recdording with small video files - sometimes it uses the video link and sometime the video.00 directory !? :

Code: [Select]
mysql> select PK_File,Path,Filename,EK_MediaType from File where path like '%Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund%' and filename like '0%.vdr';
| PK_File | Path                                                                                 | Filename | EK_MediaType |
|    6167 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 001.vdr  |            5 |
|    6158 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 002.vdr  |            5 |
|    6155 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01-    | 003.vdr  |            5 |
|    6161 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 004.vdr  |            5 |
|    6160 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 005.vdr  |            5 |
|    6156 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01-    | 006.vdr  |            5 |
|    6164 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 007.vdr  |            5 |
|    6163 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 008.vdr  |            5 |
|    6165 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 009.vdr  |            5 |
|    6168 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 010.vdr  |            5 |
|    6166 | /home/public/data/VDRTV/video.00/Koko_und_der_kleine_Hund/2009-01- | 011.vdr  |            5 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)