I cannot get the avwizard to work.
I am currently using the alpha 1 0810 release. I had some issues with using a static ip but altered the resolv and interfaces file accordingly as kasio stated on pg6. For the media director I changed hardware acceleration open gl option with a default video card. On my orbiter I was using UI V2 16:9 and in advanced under view I enabled the allowed to modify so I could check use alpha blended ui, open gl and UI. This only worked 1 time iso movie video playback worked 100% Audio worked 100% open gl worked 100% it was like I was using 0710. I did the editing of the orbiter and md because I couldn't figure out these steps on the web page:
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/LinuxMCE-0810_alpha1 Setup Diskless MD
1. On core from a terminal run sudo /usr/pluto/bin/Diskless_BuildDefaultImage.sh
2. Boot MD
3. Rundiskless setup fails, but the device gets created
4. Change md to i386 in webadmin -> rebuild image
5. On the core
1. Set a password for root on MD
1. chroot /us/pluto/diskless/<##>
2. run passwd.... enter password for root
6. On MD Switch to a terminal session
1. Login to MD as root
2. apt-get install nvividia-glx-177
7. From core copy valid xorg.conf from etc/X11 to /usr/pluto/diskless/##/etc/X11
8. Reboot MD. Now, the AV Wizard should come up
When I tried to do this The script works as far as i know. When I reboot I get a black screen and I can select a new orbiter and it goes through the setup of it. When it ends it repeats the script it seems like its stuck in a loop. I reset then when I did a web login I seen a new orbiter no change in the MD. So i assumed it was all good so I rebuilt the image as it says but no /usr/pluto/diskless folder exits on the DCEROUTER terminal which is the core i assume. Not dubz@dcerouter which is the MD I assume. I believe I can figure out the rest im just stuck at this.
Should I not install adobe flash on kubuntu before or after upgrade to linuxmce 0810 alpha1? Everytime I mess with flash it bricks my install it seems like, which is why im using this new release. Can you use flash on linuxmce and kubuntu? I want to use youtube on kubuntu and linuxmce together.
Anyone have any idea when a beta will be available? Can we use thoms mame plugin in this release or does a new one have to be compiled?
Should I be using the nvidia driver that kubuntu installed or should i compile it using the nvdia driver from their website?
This version does not have a linuxmce launcher?
I can confirm video audio and both ethernets working also dcerouter is giving out ip address to my nokia 770 and other orbiters on the following rig:
1 Nvidia gtx280
1 Asus striker NSE 2 built in ethernets
1 sata 500gig WD HD