Author Topic: Building for 0810  (Read 71359 times)


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #105 on: December 24, 2008, 02:03:07 am »
Sorry I dont eat sleep and shit out linux. All im asking for is a few answers obviously if im using Linuxmce I have a clue about how this works so if your just gonna sit there and spit out some lame response just go away and let someone that actually has the patience / answer not a, i dont give a shit attitude. Sorry you were raised with that attitude problem dont take it out on me linuxmce god grow up and help out dont be shady. If your such a bad ass linuxmce god masterflex why are you wasting my time and yours by responding? stable is for the weak ;D  0710 is far from stable but you knew that right? You obviously just assumed that I was a LMCE virgin and didn't even really read what I had said originally. Geez Your worse than my x g/f. Nice little quote at the end of your response thats original, lame, and weird all at the same time. ROTF. You can have the last word since your responses are so weak ill give you that. No wonder this shit doesnt work right when people like you are making the source.

This is the "Developers" forum, and this is the development/debug release - that is what Alpha means. If you are neither a developer nor a debugger, then you should not be using the Alpha release. And in this context "stable" has a very specific meaning that does not necessarily mean stable. All of these terms and concepts are industry standard, if you are unsure of their meaning, please research them first. Zaerc (and the other devs) is very busy and easily inflamed, please drop this fruitless banter and let them get back to the dev effort, which everybody is eagerly awaiting.

In short:

Alpha is for actual developers of the product, who therefore can stand on their own two feet in terms of installation, useage, debugging and recoding the application.
Beta is for very experienced end-users that can handle installing a near-finished product, using it, determining bugs, analysing them and returning detailed, internal technical info to the developers on issues
Release Candidates are generally the releases for ordinary end users of a product that is considered to be in its final form (notwithstanding any last minute, esoteric bugs that may be found). The only expectation of these end users is to be able to describe, in detail, the symptoms of any issue they find; for it to be repeatable (hopefully); and for them to be able to follow simple instructions from the developers to ascertain more data.

I consider myself to be pretty familiar with the system, yet I have not even considered downloading the Alpha version. I have no intention of weighing in until the Beta versions as this would only encumber the devs in their efforts. Alpha is about getting the system to the next level, it isn't about letting users get an early taste of the next version :)


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #106 on: December 24, 2008, 02:35:44 am »
just a quick note. I had a file out in root called tftpboot (from a wireless card install). The script failed at that point because it could not make that directory but the last message shows not being able to install mysql-server. of course a quick rename of the file and restart the script and it went on.  just thought i'd note it


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #107 on: December 25, 2008, 09:30:32 am »
1) Start again, and use the DVD to install not the CDs (these are for a specific purpose) - the DVD has everything needed to install on a bare machine, so do not install Kubuntu or anything else first.

2) Do not try to re-engineer the system. The steps you describe almost certainly will have screwed up LMCE and are not necessary. If something isn't working correctly, you need to identify the root cause, rather than patch around the symptoms - the forums can help you with this.

3) Be certain you have the correct network setup (ie 2 NICs, etc)

....also dont forget that this thread is for the 0810 alpha1 builds.... there are no DVD iso images for these currently. So the not only is the install process very different than for the LinuxMCE-0710 but due to these being 'alpha' their will be bugs and missing packages etc. Thats why they are 'alpha' of course ;-)

If you want to install LinuxMCE and have a look at its features and functionality then i would suggest downloading the LinuxMCE-0710 release iso from one of the locations listed here;

Merry Christmas!!!

All the best

Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #108 on: December 31, 2008, 02:31:02 pm »
I try to post my experiences with the alpha1:
1) System: Tyan N6650W w/Nforce3600pro. Single Opteron 2352, 4gb RAMDDR2-667reg, dual GB-NIC. ATI 2600XT-256. Install as Core (ev. hybrid). Second: Diskless MD with Nvidia 630a chipset, 2GB RAM, Athlon Be2350.
2) Installation of 8.10 without problems.
But the next 2 days...

- dire problems with networking, because the core should directly connect via PPPOE to the internet. With many work (not a newbie, but no expert either), I got all installed and configured. It would be a great improvement for me, if the alpha/beta-versions of LMCE don't touch the external networking at all: configuring network before installing LMCE is obligatory to get the updates and drivers, configuring dhcp and eth1 would be enough  ::)

- Second problem with networking: the core/router does not route...  ??? getting access from other PCs of the network (non-MD, IP via dhcp of the core) to the internet on eth0/ppp0 was possible after using:
echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -a -j MASQUERADE
I have to do this every bootup, so can that be fixed permanently? Or have I done st unusual?
- The problems with ATI were dire and are so far unsolved: when using fglrx, the systems boots into blank screen without any reaction (keyboard dead, etc). Using radeon or vesa without problems. So I use currently radeon+UI1.
- I still have problems with the diskless boot of the MD. I did as written in the Wiki (rebuild i386, quickreload). MD starts PXE-booting, but tells something about missing NFS:
"running /scrips/nfs-premount" -> "mount call failed: 13" -> "retrying ..." - many times until taking busybox. Any ideas?

Aside from these problems, the systems seems to be running fine. I'll begin the configuration the next days.
I wish you a happy new year! - and many thanks for the work you do!

Server: Ubuntu 10.04A2, 1xL5520 on Asus Z8-PED12X, 12GB, 300GB U320Raid0, 8TB HDDs@Adaptec 2820SA + 8TB@Perc 5/E. LMCE via KVM (running); other VMs;
Workstation: W7x64, 2xOpteron 2376, 24GB, 146 GB-SSD-Raid0, ATI 4850
MD: Asrock nv630i, 2GB


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #109 on: January 01, 2009, 10:51:12 pm »
I try to post my experiences with the alpha1:
1) System: Tyan N6650W w/Nforce3600pro. Single Opteron 2352, 4gb RAMDDR2-667reg, dual GB-NIC. ATI 2600XT-256. Install as Core (ev. hybrid). Second: Diskless MD with Nvidia 630a chipset, 2GB RAM, Athlon Be2350.
2) Installation of 8.10 without problems.
But the next 2 days...

- dire problems with networking, because the core should directly connect via PPPOE to the internet. With many work (not a newbie, but no expert either), I got all installed and configured. It would be a great improvement for me, if the alpha/beta-versions of LMCE don't touch the external networking at all: configuring network before installing LMCE is obligatory to get the updates and drivers, configuring dhcp and eth1 would be enough  ::)

- Second problem with networking: the core/router does not route...  ??? getting access from other PCs of the network (non-MD, IP via dhcp of the core) to the internet on eth0/ppp0 was possible after using:
echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -a -j MASQUERADE
I have to do this every bootup, so can that be fixed permanently? Or have I done st unusual?
- The problems with ATI were dire and are so far unsolved: when using fglrx, the systems boots into blank screen without any reaction (keyboard dead, etc). Using radeon or vesa without problems. So I use currently radeon+UI1.
- I still have problems with the diskless boot of the MD. I did as written in the Wiki (rebuild i386, quickreload). MD starts PXE-booting, but tells something about missing NFS:
"running /scrips/nfs-premount" -> "mount call failed: 13" -> "retrying ..." - many times until taking busybox. Any ideas?

Aside from these problems, the systems seems to be running fine. I'll begin the configuration the next days.
I wish you a happy new year! - and many thanks for the work you do!

Congratulations, you have just single handedly figured out why it's an alpha version, well done!  ::) ::) ::)
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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #110 on: January 02, 2009, 01:10:18 pm »
But contrary to other posters, I knew that :)

I just wanted to tell the alpha-problems *I* encountered, because I thought thats what this thread is for...
 ::) ???
Server: Ubuntu 10.04A2, 1xL5520 on Asus Z8-PED12X, 12GB, 300GB U320Raid0, 8TB HDDs@Adaptec 2820SA + 8TB@Perc 5/E. LMCE via KVM (running); other VMs;
Workstation: W7x64, 2xOpteron 2376, 24GB, 146 GB-SSD-Raid0, ATI 4850
MD: Asrock nv630i, 2GB


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2009, 03:39:52 pm »
But contrary to other posters, I knew that :)

I just wanted to tell the alpha-problems *I* encountered, because I thought thats what this thread is for...
 ::) ???
And yet you're rolling your eyes at us while asking for support... ::) :P
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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #112 on: January 08, 2009, 08:11:20 pm »
Instead of copy/pasting 2 wiki pages together, it would be way more helpful if you actually tried the alpha1 release and shared your own experience.  There is no added value in lumping these together whatsoever.

Did you delete the combined alpha wiki article that I created?
Yes, that is what we do with redundant pages.  And merely pasting two pages together without adding anything is not what I 'd call something you "created".

The page I created was not redundant to the other separate pages. As I explained in this thread, I factored out the problems from the different alpha versions that were before combined into one ambiguous shared section into a separate section for each version. That separation made it possible for developers, testers and trackers to tell whether an issue was resolved or not in a given version, and made it easier to report confirmations or changes. Which encourages other people to help the development, testing and reporting. Which at least one major developer was grateful for:
fantastic... thank you so much, for doing that.


I see you often complain that people make requests according to their own interests for developers to work on for them, instead of helping. Yet when I did a little work to assist the alpha development, to help people contribute or to use the contributions, you unilaterally destroyed my contribution. Even though it at worst did no harm. That's a bad way to work together to move this project forward.


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #113 on: January 09, 2009, 10:35:53 am »
If people would like to keep easily trac of issues with 0810, please subscribe to the RSS feed pertaining active 0810 tickets.



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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #114 on: January 09, 2009, 10:30:58 pm »
Instead of copy/pasting 2 wiki pages together, it would be way more helpful if you actually tried the alpha1 release and shared your own experience.  There is no added value in lumping these together whatsoever.

Did you delete the combined alpha wiki article that I created?
Yes, that is what we do with redundant pages.  And merely pasting two pages together without adding anything is not what I 'd call something you "created".

The page I created was not redundant to the other separate pages. As I explained in this thread, I factored out the problems from the different alpha versions that were before combined into one ambiguous shared section into a separate section for each version. That separation made it possible for developers, testers and trackers to tell whether an issue was resolved or not in a given version, and made it easier to report confirmations or changes. Which encourages other people to help the development, testing and reporting. Which at least one major developer was grateful for:
fantastic... thank you so much, for doing that.


I see you often complain that people make requests according to their own interests for developers to work on for them, instead of helping. Yet when I did a little work to assist the alpha development, to help people contribute or to use the contributions, you unilaterally destroyed my contribution. Even though it at worst did no harm. That's a bad way to work together to move this project forward.

That page was in fact completely redundant since it contained no extra information whatsoever other then was already on the seperate pages that you pasted together.  If this is all the "assistance" you have to offer, then please don't bother.  Neither did I "destroy" anything as you so dramaticly put it since all the information that was on it is still in the wiki on the original pages that you copied it from (proving once more that it was indeed totally redundant). 
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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #115 on: January 10, 2009, 12:49:23 pm »
I try to post my experiences with the alpha1:
1) System: Tyan N6650W w/Nforce3600pro. Single Opteron 2352, 4gb RAMDDR2-667reg, dual GB-NIC. ATI 2600XT-256. Install as Core (ev. hybrid). Second: Diskless MD with Nvidia 630a chipset, 2GB RAM, Athlon Be2350.
2) Installation of 8.10 without problems.
But the next 2 days...

- dire problems with networking, because the core should directly connect via PPPOE to the internet. With many work (not a newbie, but no expert either), I got all installed and configured. It would be a great improvement for me, if the alpha/beta-versions of LMCE don't touch the external networking at all: configuring network before installing LMCE is obligatory to get the updates and drivers, configuring dhcp and eth1 would be enough  ::)

- Second problem with networking: the core/router does not route...  ??? getting access from other PCs of the network (non-MD, IP via dhcp of the core) to the internet on eth0/ppp0 was possible after using:
echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -a -j MASQUERADE
I have to do this every bootup, so can that be fixed permanently? Or have I done st unusual?
- The problems with ATI were dire and are so far unsolved: when using fglrx, the systems boots into blank screen without any reaction (keyboard dead, etc). Using radeon or vesa without problems. So I use currently radeon+UI1.
- I still have problems with the diskless boot of the MD. I did as written in the Wiki (rebuild i386, quickreload). MD starts PXE-booting, but tells something about missing NFS:
"running /scrips/nfs-premount" -> "mount call failed: 13" -> "retrying ..." - many times until taking busybox. Any ideas?

Aside from these problems, the systems seems to be running fine. I'll begin the configuration the next days.
I wish you a happy new year! - and many thanks for the work you do!

Congratulations, you have just single handedly figured out why it's an alpha version, well done!  ::) ::) ::)

You still have to single handedly figure what  alpha  testing means. Good luck on project. call me when you figure it out. and good luck on alpha version.


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2009, 02:04:19 pm »
I try to post my experiences with the alpha1:
1) System: Tyan N6650W w/Nforce3600pro. Single Opteron 2352, 4gb RAMDDR2-667reg, dual GB-NIC. ATI 2600XT-256. Install as Core (ev. hybrid). Second: Diskless MD with Nvidia 630a chipset, 2GB RAM, Athlon Be2350.
2) Installation of 8.10 without problems.
But the next 2 days...

- dire problems with networking, because the core should directly connect via PPPOE to the internet. With many work (not a newbie, but no expert either), I got all installed and configured. It would be a great improvement for me, if the alpha/beta-versions of LMCE don't touch the external networking at all: configuring network before installing LMCE is obligatory to get the updates and drivers, configuring dhcp and eth1 would be enough  ::)

- Second problem with networking: the core/router does not route...  ??? getting access from other PCs of the network (non-MD, IP via dhcp of the core) to the internet on eth0/ppp0 was possible after using:
echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -a -j MASQUERADE
I have to do this every bootup, so can that be fixed permanently? Or have I done st unusual?
- The problems with ATI were dire and are so far unsolved: when using fglrx, the systems boots into blank screen without any reaction (keyboard dead, etc). Using radeon or vesa without problems. So I use currently radeon+UI1.
- I still have problems with the diskless boot of the MD. I did as written in the Wiki (rebuild i386, quickreload). MD starts PXE-booting, but tells something about missing NFS:
"running /scrips/nfs-premount" -> "mount call failed: 13" -> "retrying ..." - many times until taking busybox. Any ideas?

Aside from these problems, the systems seems to be running fine. I'll begin the configuration the next days.
I wish you a happy new year! - and many thanks for the work you do!

Congratulations, you have just single handedly figured out why it's an alpha version, well done!  ::) ::) ::)

You still have to single handedly figure what  alpha  testing means. Good luck on project. call me when you figure it out. and good luck on alpha version.
Sure dude, whatever.  Just don't hold your breath while you're sitting next to the telephone. :P
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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #117 on: January 15, 2009, 12:18:55 am »
Instead of copy/pasting 2 wiki pages together, it would be way more helpful if you actually tried the alpha1 release and shared your own experience.  There is no added value in lumping these together whatsoever.

Did you delete the combined alpha wiki article that I created?
Yes, that is what we do with redundant pages.  And merely pasting two pages together without adding anything is not what I 'd call something you "created".

The page I created was not redundant to the other separate pages. As I explained in this thread, I factored out the problems from the different alpha versions that were before combined into one ambiguous shared section into a separate section for each version. That separation made it possible for developers, testers and trackers to tell whether an issue was resolved or not in a given version, and made it easier to report confirmations or changes. Which encourages other people to help the development, testing and reporting. Which at least one major developer was grateful for:
fantastic... thank you so much, for doing that.


I see you often complain that people make requests according to their own interests for developers to work on for them, instead of helping. Yet when I did a little work to assist the alpha development, to help people contribute or to use the contributions, you unilaterally destroyed my contribution. Even though it at worst did no harm. That's a bad way to work together to move this project forward.

That page was in fact completely redundant since it contained no extra information whatsoever other then was already on the seperate pages that you pasted together.  If this is all the "assistance" you have to offer, then please don't bother.  Neither did I "destroy" anything as you so dramaticly put it since all the information that was on it is still in the wiki on the original pages that you copied it from (proving once more that it was indeed totally redundant). 

Disambiguation is nonredundant. The structure splitting known issues per version was structural info facilitating testing/revision that is now lost. Not only did you unilaterally decide no one should have that utility, but you did so even after seeing fellow a developer publicly thank me for doing it.

Your defensiveness that denies these facts is part of your attitude that is counterproductive to a team working together on this project. And I am far from the first to say so in these forums, which decreases the chances that anyone will join the team, even to contribute just a little - which collectively goes a long way.


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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #118 on: January 15, 2009, 12:46:23 am »
MediaEngineer: are you trying to start a flame-war?
* hari gets some popcorn
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Re: Building for 0810
« Reply #119 on: January 15, 2009, 04:10:33 am »
Instead of copy/pasting 2 wiki pages together, it would be way more helpful if you actually tried the alpha1 release and shared your own experience.  There is no added value in lumping these together whatsoever.

Did you delete the combined alpha wiki article that I created?
Yes, that is what we do with redundant pages.  And merely pasting two pages together without adding anything is not what I 'd call something you "created".

The page I created was not redundant to the other separate pages. As I explained in this thread, I factored out the problems from the different alpha versions that were before combined into one ambiguous shared section into a separate section for each version. That separation made it possible for developers, testers and trackers to tell whether an issue was resolved or not in a given version, and made it easier to report confirmations or changes. Which encourages other people to help the development, testing and reporting. Which at least one major developer was grateful for:
fantastic... thank you so much, for doing that.


I see you often complain that people make requests according to their own interests for developers to work on for them, instead of helping. Yet when I did a little work to assist the alpha development, to help people contribute or to use the contributions, you unilaterally destroyed my contribution. Even though it at worst did no harm. That's a bad way to work together to move this project forward.

That page was in fact completely redundant since it contained no extra information whatsoever other then was already on the seperate pages that you pasted together.  If this is all the "assistance" you have to offer, then please don't bother.  Neither did I "destroy" anything as you so dramaticly put it since all the information that was on it is still in the wiki on the original pages that you copied it from (proving once more that it was indeed totally redundant). 

Disambiguation is nonredundant. The structure splitting known issues per version was structural info facilitating testing/revision that is now lost. Not only did you unilaterally decide no one should have that utility, but you did so even after seeing fellow a developer publicly thank me for doing it.

Your defensiveness that denies these facts is part of your attitude that is counterproductive to a team working together on this project. And I am far from the first to say so in these forums, which decreases the chances that anyone will join the team, even to contribute just a little - which collectively goes a long way.

Dude, get a life of your own.
"Change is inevitable. Progress is optional."
-- Anonymous