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Setting up Nokia 770 as an orbiter???

Started by colinjones, September 05, 2007, 11:31:54 AM

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I have bought a Nokia 770 to use as an Orbiter and tried to follow the wiki links, etc to install the software, but it is far from self explanitory, esp for a Linux noob!! I managed to upgrade to 2007 Hackers Edition and install an XTerm and Dropbear, but 1) editing the gainroot file with vi is all but impossible in Xterm because there is no way to move the cursor around, and 2) the flasher3.0 command doesn't work, nor does ssh (was that supposed to come with dropbear?). So no way to become root that I can work out.

Also, to add complexity(!) I don't have anyway of connecting to the Internet - but copying the .deb files to the media card via USB then using the install from file option seemed to allow me to install the libraries and code for xterm and dropbear.

Has anybody got a step-by-step guide that can help out? At this point I am frustrated by the fact that the instructions seem simple enough, but there are enough gaps of "assumed knowledge" that prevent me from getting over that final line! I just want to get the orbiter up and running and be happy that I haven't wasted all that money on an expensive paperweight!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated..



Quote from: colinjones on September 05, 2007, 11:31:54 AM
1) editing the gainroot file with vi is all but impossible in Xterm because there is no way to move the cursor around,

In "command mode" use: h-j-k-l
"Change is inevitable. Progress is optional."
-- Anonymous




"Change is inevitable. Progress is optional."
-- Anonymous



I was asking for you to explain what "command mode" is and how I get into it from xterm - can't see any options for it anywhere...


Quote from: colinjones on September 05, 2007, 02:59:10 PM
I was asking for you to explain what "command mode" is and how I get into it from xterm - can't see any options for it anywhere...

That's what I was affraid off, have a look at the first result returned by google when seaching for vi: Mastering the VI editor.

"Change is inevitable. Progress is optional."
-- Anonymous



You can find some step by step guide here - It's suite for OS2006, OS2007 Hacker Edition and OS2007 for N800. If you will have some troubles just let me know by posting replay here or on via Smart Home blog.

You should install xterm and ssh (I don't use Dropbear), activate red pill mode and install the rest package from repository and pluto-nokia project page on the Maemo garage. I suggest to use application installer and download packages from Internet (you can find some free access point in the cafe, school or somewhere else). Because some dependences are included into maemo repository.

To activate RD mode using flasher run that command:
./flasher3.0 –enable-rd-mode -R
It should work if you managed to flash your device.
Michael Stepanov,
My setup: [url=""][/url]
Russian LinuxMCE community: [url=""][/url]


Thanks nite_man, that was the page I was following - but as I say in my first post:

the ./flasher3.0 command does not work (the shell indicates that the command/file doesn't exist). I have definitely updated to 2007 Hackers - the interface changed completely (although the version number on the web site was still 2006, the build number was higher than the standard build number and it specifically said it was 2007 Hackers Edition for the 770)

ssh doesn't work - I didn't install an ssh package, but when I follow the links from that page, it doesn't actually say you need to install ssh, it says you need to install dropbear, and then goes on to say use ssh - which is why I was assuming that ssh was included as part of the dropbear package.... obviously incorrectly! But it does highlight that the instructions are NOT very good. I am a Linux noob - but I'm not an IT moron - I have been working in deep technical roles (mainly server and networking infrastructure) for 20 years, and I couldn't fill in the Linux gaps that I'm not familiar, so a non-technical person has no hope!

So my main questions now are 1) how do I activate RD mode as the flasher command doesn't work, 2) once I have worked out the vi command mode with Zaerc's help pointing me to the instructions, can I just update the gainroot script and then not need to use the flasher command, 3) how do I activate Red Pill mode, 4) is there any chance that I do not have the right version of xterm and that is preventing access to the flasher command (eg, using a different shell, it looks just like a basic Bourne Shell) - I saw that there was a version with build 50 for i386 only, the latest build I found for ARM was 48...??

Sorry about all the questions, just trying to get it all straight in my mind...



Quote from: colinjones on September 06, 2007, 01:39:04 AM
the ./flasher3.0 command does not work (the shell indicates that the command/file doesn't exist). I have definitely updated to 2007 Hackers - the interface changed completely (although the version number on the web site was still 2006, the build number was higher than the standard build number and it specifically said it was 2007 Hackers Edition for the 770)

OMG, try downloading the program! Do some damn research youself

Quote from: colinjones on September 06, 2007, 01:39:04 AM
ssh doesn't work - I didn't install an ssh package, but when I follow the links from that page, it doesn't actually say you need to install ssh, it says you need to install dropbear, and then goes on to say use ssh - which is why I was assuming that ssh was included as part of the dropbear package.... obviously incorrectly! But it does highlight that the instructions are NOT very good. I am a Linux noob - but I'm not an IT moron - I have been working in deep technical roles (mainly server and networking infrastructure) for 20 years, and I couldn't fill in the Linux gaps that I'm not familiar, so a non-technical person has no hope!

Dropbear is a thin ssh server/client. Again a little research, for the love of God!

Try looking at maemo's website!


Dopey - this was unnecessary. I did research it, went to Maemo web site, and went round and round in circles. It is not clear - the instructions say to use flasher as if it is a built in command, it doesn't indicate that you need to download and install it first - I assumed it was a custom command for the Nokia and so built in, it never occurred to me to look for it elsewhere, I just thought I was doing something wrong on my Nokia. I spent over 3 hours last night reading through articles on several different sites including maemo and smarthomeblog but was still very confused, and nothing except the original re-flashing to 2007 HE worked.

I am aware that dropbear is an ssh server/client - but the instructions said to use the ssh command, which didn't work even after I had installed dropbear. I wasn't sure whether I was reading instructions for different methods (different secure shell programs) or that dropbear itself implements the ssh program. Seems the former, so I will try finding a simple ssh package to install instead.

So I was reaching out and asking for some pointers - there is no need to be so unfriendly. If you have nothing to add, or are not willing to help because I am asking "stupid" questions, then don't post at all. I am following several other threads at the moment dealing with trying to ensure the LMCE community grows (esp. the dev) and doesn't just die like Pluto. Posts like this are not encouraging or inviting to new community members trying to get help, esp if they are newbies ... seems contrary to some of the sentiments you yourself have posted elsewhere... If you want to flame me, I have a tough skin, but please do it directly with a message rather than a post.

I have no hard feelings.



I'm only that negative when people ask questions already answered. I'm very helpful to those who appear to want to help themselves. It doesn't matter how "stupid" the question is. I intended for the message to be public.

I found Maemo's website to be pretty self explanatory as to how to get the flasher working, flash things, enable r&d, and enable red pill mode. All of those things have comprehensive howto's.

Dropbear has the ssh command. Ssh isn't strictly necessary for this install, but rather it will help you gain root privileges and give you remote access. There is a howto on this at Maemo's website.

Now, I know the Orbiter can be difficult to install. If you look at my posts on the subject and you'll see I had some difficulty as well. You basically have to force the thing. If you have specific questions about that I and others would be more than happy to help.

To install it, enable red pill mode, install the depandancies one by one. Note that some dependancies depend on other dependancies, so you should check for problems before install by clicking details when it prompts you if you really want to install it. Once that's done copy the fonts over. then install the orbiter package. You can then open the orbiter  in Xterm by issuing the command in smart home blog.


Dopey - got it (and yes I know you are helpful, I have read many of your posts, which is why I was surprised by the response). I am working through some stuff now.

FYI - one of the things that confused me, but now I am getting sorted, was where the flasher executes. I looked at the command line (./flasher3.0) and it was obviously a Unix command, so I ASSumed that it was a Nokia (built in) command I had to execute on the Nokia device itself. Once I found the downloads for it I noticed that there were versions for alsorts of architectures and OSs, but not ARM... then it dawned on me that you are supposed to execute it on the computer that is connected to it via USB not on the Nokia itself! Obvious once you realise - that forward slash in the command line threw me, but I realise now that it is simply because there isn't a Wintel version of flasher... I downloaded it to my Wintel laptop, browsed to my LMCE core and copied it over, now just setting permissions, and will give it all a go...


OK Dopey - next question! I have got gainroot working in R&D mode, and have copied across several packages to the media card (Internet not an option at this stage for the Nokia) and successfully installed some of them. The mysqlclient deb link on the web site doesn't work so I downloaded a later one (15) from sourceforge and installed that. Now when trying to install libhid it has a dependancy on libusb - but I cannot find any binary versions of this for ARM, only the source code. I would like to avoid compiling if possible as the last time I tried this on Unix was many years ago! Either way, I am trying to anyway - I copied all the source to the media card and tried running configure (per but it says permission denied, so I have tried copying the source to a folder directly under / ... ie off the media card. Now when I try, it says that configure is not found... but it is definitely there. It permissions are -rwxr-xr-x

If anyone knows what I am doing wrong, or better yet, has a binary version of libusb, I would be greatly appreciative!


Don't try to compile anything in the device itself. In order to compile things for the Nokia you will need to create a scratchbox on a Linux computer. Don't worry though, you don't need to do this.

I had the same problem with that dependency. Two things, you have to enable red pill mode before you can install it and you need to install it from the Bora (I believe, but could be mistral) repository. You can manually download the deb from the repository and then copy over to the memory card, which is what I had to do even though I had an internet connection. You can manually download packages from


Perfect, Dopey! Thanks for your help on this - I have now downloaded and installed every library except libgle. That doesn't appear to be in any of the repositories, and very little mention from google searches except dev versions and source.... I am going to continue anyway, and hope that someone has a copy that they can point to. I searched maemo directly, too, by the way - doesn't seem to know this library and keeps saying "are you sure you didn't mean libglade"
