I still think it be nice if you add a proper description to the devices (maybe even the room).
Um? No. You can edit the device and describe it any way you would like, just like every other device in the system.
And an optional pulsesink selection. I did both in the code I posted previously (not the room though)
Heh. Ok. I don't see any code or feature patches to support pulseaudio anywhere in the system in trac anywhere. And since we don't support pulseaudio I will not add specific pulseaudio code until the system supports it. That being said: Have you even tried it? Have you put your pulse:sink name in as the output device? I don't think you've even tried it and from the squeezelite documentation it appears that it should work as is.
Look, I'm getting really frustrated that you that certain people continually complain about things without actually trying to do much of anything about it. I work *really* hard here *for free* to try and support all kinds of things for people, including things that I don't use like the damn squeezeslave/squeezelite players. So thanks for testing, I'm glad you're complaining that it doesn't slice and dice and make damn Julien fries at the same freakin' time. I'm really happy that it's 'working' but not 'properly' becuase it doesn't describe the device to your satisfaction and that it doesn't support an audio subsystem that we don't support at all.
Despite my rant: Please let me know if the existing functionality, as intended, is working or if there are any issues with it because I want it to work properly within the existing system. If you want it to do something it doesn't do then *please* open a feature request in trac. Then feel free to provide proper svn patches to provide those features. If you are unsure how to do that then *please* ask in #linuxmce-devel on freenode irc for specific assistance.