There is no technical reason why they could not co-exist. A discussion was had in irc that essentially decided there is no reason to support multiple squeezeslave binaries. One should be chosen to maintain. I had asked for some specifics regarding the changeover. We can build a package for squeezelite on precise, that's not really an issue (imho).
If the squeezeslave binaries are no longer under development then we should migrate to squeezelite.
I wanted to swap out my squeezeslave instances with squeezelite as the former is no longer actively developed and also cannot handle Spotify streams.
- I found a git clone on the squeezelite site with additions to support building a deb package. Turns out Uplink did this work. How can this be used by Linuxmce?
There are two ways, we can either build the package in house, or host it in a PPA. I would prefer to build it in house, for precise, and use an ubuntu repo for trusty (if that exists). We would create the package definition and point it to the lmce repo for precise and the ubuntu repos for trusty, easy enough to do. Can you point me to the package (URL)?
- To build this deb other packages are required - again not on precise, but available via another PPA, Can these be added with the package manager?
Likely, but we would do that manually for our builders if posde is okay with that, as well as add the proper dependencies and PPA repos to the database for proper installation of package dependencies. Again, fairly easy.
- Can DTs be copied? or one based on another?
DTs cannot easily be copied. I would create a new DT with the existing DT open in another window and do it that way. This is how I regurlarily create new DTs that are similar to others.
I hope that helps, I am happy to do some of the integration work but I don't have a lot of time to test right now. I'm around next week then off on vacation for 2 weeks. Let me know if you have other questions!