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ZWave installation problems

Started by WhateverFits, May 17, 2012, 08:23:36 PM

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Here is the hardware:

  • Aeon Labs Z-Stick
  • GE 45601 Remote Control
  • GE 45606 Dimmer
  • GE 45613 3-Way dimmer

This is running on an up to date 1004 installation

Here are the devices it created:

     ZWave Embedded Climate Interfa
     ZWave Embedded Security Interf
     ZWave Controller

I cannot seem to figure out how to get the lights (and probably the remote control) to register properly together. My remote control can easily connect to the lights but I can't seem to figure out how to get it the lights and control to work with the stick using the instructions in the wiki. I've reset everything multiple times, deleted devices, plugged and unplugged the USB, etc. and have yet to figure out how to get the networks to talk to each other. I'm sure I'm missing some stupidly simple step but this is my first foray into ZWave.

I can register the lights to the Z-Stick and then plug that into the computer but I can't seem to figure out how to get the remote associated.  :'(


The remote is likely a secondary controller. Secondary controllers need to have the z-wave network copies over to them by the main inclusion controller. The remote then needs to have scenes associated with certain button presses. So you have to create scenes within LinuxMCE's Z-wave system. Personally, I use a MCV Vera as my primary controller and use LinuxMCE as a secondary controller with an extra Aeon Labs stick (my older, generation 1, Vera also has the same type of stick). I don't know how much more or less easy it is to create scenes or associate secondary controllers with LinuxMCE, than the Vera.

Additionally, Z-wave networks function better when you have more devices, have them spaced relatively close together, and evenly throughout the house. You have relatively few devices, which means,... don't over-tax the Z-wave radios in the devices by putting them too far apart or having thick walls in between them.
See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).


My physical topology is 950 square feet of hollow interior walls. I have only a few devices right now due to the fact that I'm just now installing them. These devices are all near to each other and I have a very small place so I seriously doubt that they cannot communicate with each other. I will be placing in several more by the time that I am done.

The remote can be either a primary or secondary controller (I believe based upon the excruciatingly scant documentation) and was the only controller before I installed the Aeon Labs stick so I would doubt that it is currently a secondary controller. Also, the remote works just fine including and excluding lights from it.

Is the device labeled "ZWave Controller" my remote control? It didn't appear when I plugged in my USB stick but only after fiddling around with the devices in the web admin interface.

Thanks JaseP. I'll be testing again tonight when I get home.


I still cannot get my remote control to associate anything with LinuxMCE. I have my USB stick associated just fine with my lights by pulling it out, pressing the button, then walking around and associating them all manually and then putting the stick back in. I cannot get the remote control to do anything at all. It is either the remote has all my lights or LinuxMCE has all my lights. I cannot use both at the same time and I have no knowledge of even what to do next.



If your remote was the primary controller before, you should have used whatever procedure that came with the remote to download it's mesh network settings down to the Aeon Labs stick, using LinuxMCE as the secondary controller, as I do with my Vera... Now, if you have the devices associated with the Aeon Labs stick, but did not disassociate them from the previous controller, you have what is called, in technical terms, a mess. Devices are now likely associated with two primary controllers, which will cause devices to bump heads in unpredictable ways (well predictable for Z-wave developers, maybe).

What you probably have to do, to sort everything out, is to delete every device from both controllers, and reset the controllers to factory state, and from the LinuxMCE Web Admin, as well. Then, install the Aeon Labs stick in the Core, as if it were the first time, and follow the wiki for including your other devices. The remote should be dead last. To include the remote, you have to make it a secondary controller to the Aeon Labs stick, by transferring the Aeon Labs stick's mesh network data to the remote. This takes longer than an average inclusion. You then use LinuxMCE's Web Admin. to assign scenes or scenarios to the remote's buttons (ie: create a scene to set the house to "mood" lighting and assign that to a button, expanding the remote's capabilities to include controlling multiple events with a single key press).

You only ever have one primary (inclusion) controller in a Z-wave network. If multiple devices have inclusion capabilities, you decide which one will be the primary, and only use that one to include new devices. I'd recommend the Aeon Labs stick for that role.

From what I could see about that GE remote, it has an LCD readout. If it gives Z-wave device numbers (assigned by the inclusion controller when a device is first associated with the network), make note of them to help understand which device is which in LinuxMCE. I believe the LinuxMCE Web Admin reports these Z-wave device numbers.
See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).



I believe your remote must be set as the primary controller.

This is how I do it. I have a Handy remote Intermatic HA09, several tabletop units Intermatic HA07, and an Aeon Labs USB stick, the one with the blinky blue light.
I used the handy remote to learn all of my devices. Then I uploaded those devices into 4 table top controllers, as secondary controllers.
After this was completed, I then do the following:

A.) Make sure stick is plugged into core
B.) Log into the webadmin
C.) From the top menus
     - Advanced > Configuration > Devices
D.) Click the "+" sign to expand the Core
E.) Click ZWave, it should open it's properties in the right pane
F.) At the top of the right pane, click "Send command to device" ( a new window pops up)
G.) in the new "Reset" from the drop down ( a note here, this will remove any associated devices Zwave ) - Click Send Message
H.) do a reload of the router
I.) now repeat C thru F
J.) In the new window that pops up, select "Download Configuration" - Click Send Message
K.) Put your remote in send mode. This is usually done by holding in "Include" until the lights start blinking and then pressing the Number 2 "On"

This should launch Sarah, and you should see that you have added new devices.

This way has also worked for me

Follow steps C thru G
Reload the router
Unplug and plug in the Aeon stick
Sarah will launch
She will show you a video of a table top controller and ask you if you are ready to add your lights.
At this point press and hold "Include" for 5 seconds, the lights will blink on remote, then press 2 "On" and click next in the setup wizard.
Sarah will download the remotes network information, and then ask you to reload, about 40% of the time.

What I do is either way, after the remote stops blinking from the "Send" command, I reload the router, and bingo, all you lights are there.

If Sarah succeeds above, she will show you a screen that says "You have X number of lights , would you like to configure them now" or something like it.
If you say yes, she will go through all of your lights, and turn them on or off , or Dim to Bright, and let you name them, and add them to a room.

My tips here as your mileage may very YMMV

Using your remote as a primary controller, add your light geographically from the core out. Write down which ones you added first, i.e.
1. light one - this room
2. light two - that room
3. light three - the other room

It will add them in the order you add them to the remote. This will save you from having to run all over your house.
I have 30+ devices, over almost 4000 square feet across two stories. Makes life easier.

I prefer method 2 , and let Sarah download your remotes configuation. But either way has worked for me. Sarah is just easy, but don't tell her that! LOL  ;)

Best of Luck to you, I will check back to see your progress.

Best Regards,

".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
System stats located at my user page:



Quote from: seth on May 18, 2012, 07:03:28 PM
I believe your remote must be set as the primary controller.

I do believe so and, I think that this will work best. I have the same blinky blue stick. It is pretty.  :D

Quote from: seth on May 18, 2012, 07:03:28 PM
I prefer method 2 , and let Sarah download your remotes configuation. But either way has worked for me. Sarah is just easy, but don't tell her that! LOL  ;)

LOL! I like that. I'm going to try this out this weekend and see if I can get it to work properly. Basically it sounds like all I need it to do is download from my primary controller. My remote has too many options with far too simplistic of a manual. I'll play around with everything you have mentioned and I'll see if I can get it all figured out. I'm sure that, once I do it, I'll smack myself in the head for how simple it was.  ::)


What Seth described is essentially the same as my setup, but with about 2.5x the number of devices that I've got. The difference is that instead of a portable remote as the primary inclusion controller, I use my Vera1's Aeon Labs stick, with my LinuxMCE Core having a second Aeon Labs stick, so that I can tt the Vera...

The Vera acts like an autonomous nervous system (turning lights on when a door is unlocked, for example), and the LinuxMCE Core can act as "higher brain functions." My goal is to have the Core direct complex scenes, based on various events, and even trigger other systems in response (ie: door unlocked between 5 and 7 PM, and lights adjusted and voicemail messages announced based on the presence of a household member's Bluetooth being detected on their phone).

My only thought about your setup is that that remote may have too few settings, relatively speaking,... .what I mean is a relatively small number of assignable buttons, each controlling a single device... Where if you make the Aeon Labs stick primary, and connected to the Core 99% of the time, you can create scenes that involve multiple devices on the Core and assign those to the bottons, giving you more functionality... I have a Wayne Dalton universal multimedia and Z-wave remote. What I had done is created scenes that would activate on each button press. Most involved multiple devices (like, lock all doors at a button press). While right now you only have a handful of devices, you are bound to get more... It's addictive. You might want that remote to do more that just work one device per button, in the future.
See my User page on the LinuxMCE Wiki for a description of my system configuration (click the little globe under my profile pic).


Agreed, more than one device per button is going to be normal. I already own more devices but I don't have them connected as of yet. I already have multiple scenarios configured in LinuxMCE so that it will adjust things like my receiver's equalizer and inputs then match it with appropriate lighting. It is pretty fun and I've been doing this type of thing for many years but with crappy X10 parts previously.


Tkmedia's store has the table-top controllers on sale........

I have 4 of these. One on Living Room Table, One on headboard in Master Bedroom, One in my oldest daughter's room om her night stand, and one by the door as you come in to the house.
They are all "Secondary" controllers to the HA09 Handy Remote and the 5th "Secondary" controller is my Core.

They have 12 Buttons, ( two banks of six )and can be used as individual lights, individual scenes, or mix and match.

Hope that helps give you an idea of what is available, and functional.

Best Regards,


".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
System stats located at my user page:



Hi All,

I got the HA07 controller to controll my lights before i got my LMCE core back up and running after my move into my new house (yay for not having to move anymore and rip out my modules! :-)  )

That being said, it works great and got it for $15 USD bucks new on amazon. I got it primarily for being able to control my exterior lights to turn on automagically at sunset and off at sunrise.

What i did learn is about the devices and only having one inclusion controller. I had to remove the devices from my Aeon labs stick before i could add them to the HA07. So, now, i've got 12 z-wave modules controlled by my HA07 but can't figure out how to transfer them over to my Aeon labs stick.

Does anyone have one of these that can share some input on copying over from one to the other? I feel that the z-stick would be more of a secondary option since it only has one button (press once to add, second to stop trying to add, and hold button to delete). To be honest whatever way i can get both to work i'll do. My LMCE box is back online now so i'm ready to rumble.


just read the user guide for the aeon labs stick here, and it says that the only way to make it a secondary is to use the host software (meaning LMCE I figure)


I would recommend using the SIS mode procedure outlined on the Wiki;

This procedure works - but you do need to follow the steps carefully. Also for reference you can look at the Dianemo S wiki section on monitoring your ZWave device inclusion process here by tail'ing your ZWave device;

The steps related to adding a ZWave device manually (ie device template #1754) do not apply to LinuxMCE but most of the other steps should be universal.

All the best


Quote from: WhateverFits on May 17, 2012, 08:23:36 PM
Here is the hardware:

  • Aeon Labs Z-Stick
  • GE 45601 Remote Control
  • GE 45606 Dimmer
  • GE 45613 3-Way dimmer

This is running on an up to date 1004 installation

Here are the devices it created:

     ZWave Embedded Climate Interfa
     ZWave Embedded Security Interf
     ZWave Controller

I cannot seem to figure out how to get the lights (and probably the remote control) to register properly together. My remote control can easily connect to the lights but I can't seem to figure out how to get it the lights and control to work with the stick using the instructions in the wiki. I've reset everything multiple times, deleted devices, plugged and unplugged the USB, etc. and have yet to figure out how to get the networks to talk to each other. I'm sure I'm missing some stupidly simple step but this is my first foray into ZWave.

I can register the lights to the Z-Stick and then plug that into the computer but I can't seem to figure out how to get the remote associated.  :'(
Andy Herron,

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Quote from: totallymaxed on October 10, 2012, 03:17:51 PM
I would recommend using the SIS mode procedure outlined on the Wiki;

This procedure works - but you do need to follow the steps carefully. Also for reference you can look at the Dianemo S wiki section on monitoring your ZWave device inclusion process here by tail'ing your ZWave device;

I'm refreshing my installation and I'm glad that I came across this thread. thank you for referencing the SIS mode procedure. It will be nicer include devices with one of my HA07s rather than have to run around with the AEON stick.

What I'm not understanding from the instructions is how I will be able to identify in the tree which z-wave device is which once they are added to the Z-wave network. I have ~30 devices so it's a PITA running around the house trying to determine which device is being turned off and on. Will I need to go to the tree and identify each device as they are being added?

Quote from: seth on May 19, 2012, 02:03:40 PM
I have 4 of these. One on Living Room Table, One on headboard in Master Bedroom, One in my oldest daughter's room om her night stand, and one by the door as you come in to the house.
They are all "Secondary" controllers to the HA09 Handy Remote and the 5th "Secondary" controller is my Core.

They have 12 Buttons, ( two banks of six )and can be used as individual lights, individual scenes, or mix and match.

Are you saying that there is a way to copy a scene to a button on my HA07 controllers? That would be many times easier than having to program each setting on the controller itself. I too have many controllers which would be great to have all around the house but I have only been using one secondary because it's such a pain to program each controller. 


the orbiters will display a pop-up with the z-wave node id when a new node is added in SIS mode. You can also watch the log file and look for "network change" messages. And usually the node id is just counting up with every addition.
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