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1004: The time has come.

Started by l3mce, April 14, 2012, 03:37:39 AM

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No, not beta time.

The time has come where our DVD installer is stable enough that I need more people to use it and find bugs so we can get it to beta.

I can't break it any more.

What it does different than previous DVD installers

  • It is one process. It does not install Kubuntu, then run an installer. It installs Kubuntu with LMCE.
  • Almost everything pre-exists on the DVD. Very little downloading at all is necessary.
  • You can do offline installs.
  • It has its own installer, so (though I am not sure why one would) it can do side-by-side installs.
  • It has a hybrid or core-only install option.
  • It has greatly improved video detection/utilization. You can now use MOST nVidia, ATI, Intel, and VIA chipsets.
  • You no longer need to run the laborious to run media directors. It is embedded. Just plug something in and boot.
  • There is a live boot option, which will take you directly into AVWizard. (You will want a decent amount of ram for this option)
  • The entire install process is less than 40 minutes including the MD stuff.
  • It's prettier.

You will want to use this snapshot, or newer:   Latest is latest, but doesn't always mean greatest.
And check the snapshot wiki for the BEST versions in the future:   (Snap ending in 118 is there atm but I am sure bongowongo will soon change it.)

Known problems:

  • The first time Setup Wizard tries to load, it is not actually finished generating, so while it is still installing the remaining pieces it spits two window errors "Cannot read orbiter configuration from the server" and "The UI is being regenerated. This may take 15-30 minutes". It does not take anywhere near 15 minutes to resolve itself.
  • Desktop spits an error when attempting to load. Workaround: where "USER" (in lower case) is the OS user you specify in the dvd installer: sudo chown -R USER.USER /home/USER/.kde
  • KVM vesa throws a failure to setup X.
  • SSH to core is broken.
  • AVWizard pre-installs the wrong driver for ATI cards not supported by the proprietary driver.
  • AVWizard creates an xorg.conf file prematurely.
  • Headless incorrectly warns that AVWizard is coming.

I am working to resolve these (obviously).

So... give it a go. PLEASE submit tickets for bugs you find not related to the above at
Feel free to report success here.
Thanks for testing.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Dude, you are awesome :)
Please folks, test this!


and yes, i test the snaps too...when im not hacking on qorbiter.
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Quote from: golgoj4 on April 14, 2012, 07:40:56 AM
and yes, i test the snaps too...when im not hacking on qorbiter.

such a time exist?
If I helped you, feel free to buy me a coffee: [url=""][/url]


Quote from: posde on April 14, 2012, 07:49:53 AM
such a time exist?

yes, in those small times where im ranting about the arcane incantations i have to do to get an android build out the door.
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Just tried snap 885. Awesome work! Much better user experience. The countless hours you spent are greatly appreciated. The only glitch I've found so far is that I can't get serial control of my Denon 3805. Tried to delete and recreate, also tried multiple restarts. Any ideas?
integrated GeForce 9300
E5200 processor
Fusion 5 lite HDTV card
SYBA SY-PCI15001 6-port serial card
Denon AVR 3805
LG 42" Plasma
Gyration GYR3101
Cisco SPA3102 analog telephone adapter
Cisco 7971G IP phone/orbiter


Snap:  916

Getting stuck at "boot:" a few times through the process... unsure if it's me doing/not doing something?



Quote from: dh on April 17, 2012, 06:22:18 AM
Snap:  916

Getting stuck at "boot:" a few times through the process... unsure if it's me doing/not doing something?


I am testing it now.


boot: is asking what boot parameters you want to use when loading the dvd. If you press enter it will load the menu which automatically enters these parameters based on your selection. Doing nothing, it will eventually timeout to live boot.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Quote from: l3mce on April 17, 2012, 06:17:52 PM
boot: is asking what boot parameters you want to use when loading the dvd. If you press enter it will load the menu which automatically enters these parameters based on your selection. Doing nothing, it will eventually timeout to live boot.
Lol, did he mean that. Isn't that in the snapshot wiki?


Nicely done.

I just installed the snapshot

In a VirtualBox inside of my Linux Mint 12 workstation here at work. No network as we are restricted behind a proxy.
Flawless install. Made the mistake of using UI2 masked on an under-achieving hp workstation. After changing it to UI1, nothing but smooth.

I can't wait to try this at home tonight. Now if only there was a way to back up all my IR device settings......

Either way. The above snapshot was perfect.

Excellent work. Now I can see if it will build all my little Foxconn Netboxes, with intel, without me fiddling about with xorg.conf files.

Also my core is an ATI based graphics chipset. But I was planning on core-only install.

Off I go. Home, Supper, Copy all IR codes, Nuke and Pave.......

Best Regards,

Seth  -  LMCE DVD install, FTW.....
".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
System stats located at my user page:



Quote from: seth on April 17, 2012, 09:46:03 PM
Nicely done.

I just installed the snapshot

In a VirtualBox inside of my Linux Mint 12 workstation here at work. No network as we are restricted behind a proxy.
Flawless install. Made the mistake of using UI2 masked on an under-achieving hp workstation. After changing it to UI1, nothing but smooth.

I can't wait to try this at home tonight. Now if only there was a way to back up all my IR device settings......

Either way. The above snapshot was perfect.

Excellent work. Now I can see if it will build all my little Foxconn Netboxes, with intel, without me fiddling about with xorg.conf files.

Also my core is an ATI based graphics chipset. But I was planning on core-only install.

Off I go. Home, Supper, Copy all IR codes, Nuke and Pave.......

Best Regards,

Seth  -  LMCE DVD install, FTW.....

Good, could you update the snapshot wiki page, or report here how the installation behaves on real hardware? Please try the recommended one now in the wiki.


I discovered a problem with ATI that I am correcting (may have already corrected in 916). I have, right now, an ati Xpress 1200 running UI2 alpha on the open radeon driver (not the fglrx). Basically, an earlier process was "helping" us pre-install drivers which conflict with ATI cards that cannot run fglrx.

There is DEFINITELY a problem with SSH, and the reason is simple and sort of a "duh" moment. Keys please. We can't all have the same ones. SSH currently will not work to the core. Workaround on affected snapshots is to apt-get install --reinstall ssh openssh-server openssh-client

Intel poses a problem at the moment as well. There is an issue which affects all snapshots atm where an xorg.conf is birthed prematurely. Intel graphics have a real problem with this. The cure for ALL of these issues is to delete the xorg.conf and reboot. It is only created the first time for reasons I do not yet fully understand.

I am working on the correct solution to all of these, but we are pretty close. I wouldn't have figured all these things out without the testers... so thanks again. If you have not yet installed a snapshot, know that these issues persist. I will be updating the first post as I encounter new problems and solve old ones.

Again, if you find a bug like the ones above, please create a trac ticket and put [DVD] in the title.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Ok Image LMCE-1004-20120412224425879.iso

Hybrid/Core install works just fine. Very little downloading. about 35 minutes to AV Wizard.
Core Only install works as well, however if you have tuners in your core and would like to use them for your MythTV. You have to manually configure using mythtv-setup after the fact:
Log into a terminal session:
export DISPLAY=:0 startkde
May also need to CTRL+ALT+F7 here to see desktop

After you get the desktop up, Klick K > Applications > System Settings > mythtv-setup

Now the bad news for both methods.

Well there is some good to it. The Nvidia based MD and the intel based MD both fired right up.
Nvidia - flawless execution
intel - when AV Wizard comes up, too big for TV. Solution
1. ssh to core and become user root.
2. Delete /usr/pluto/diskless/XX/etc/X11/xorg.conf  ( where XX is the number of your MD )
3. Return to MD, press key for desired input. 1 = VGA 3 = HDMI

Now for the bad news. Nothing downloads. the following will not start after regen:

External Media Identifier

And it does not install firefox.

That is all I can report for now, currently running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y on core, following that with /usr/pluto/bin/

Best Regards Friends,

".....Because Once you've LinuxMCE'd....."
System stats located at my user page:



I am working on a big fix which handles all of the AVWizard stuff. I have it working like gangbusters now, but it requires pushing 1-6 to resize properly on anything that is not 16:9... and I don't like it, so I am trying to fix it proper. is not necessary under any circumstance.

Those things are not downloading because I never do a proper update. I do a simulated one. This is to prevent upstream changes from creating a dependency hell, and prevent an offline install from requiring a proper upgrade. Ideally these things will all be prepackaged... so nothing is necessary, but the current way I am doing headless installs does not create requirements for package downloads upstream that have NOT changed, nor are they daughtered to the non-upgraded MDs.

There is a solution to all of this, I just haven't worked out the finer details.

I am rewriting one of the 8 files involved in avwizard to work different based on my new detection scheme, and not create an xorg.conf prematurely. It does so because of another problem someone else determined before that I am assuming is correct so the initial force vesa no-test is not happening anymore, and for a reason I have not figured out yet, the eventual part of the xorg which prescribes compositing is being written to an otherwise empty xorg.conf. This is problematic for several chipsets. When I have it all worked out, I will let everyone know.

I have a hack for ssh, but probably will not provide a newer iso scheme until that is no longer a hack.

Basically I have most of these issues solved, but until the largest ones are, there will not be a very different iso coming.

Thank you so much for testing seth. Dropping into IRC and reporting your findings while doing your installs has been particularly illuminating.

For the rest... when avwizard hits, if you go in and delete that temporary xorg.conf file (which is tied to things being written to the database which has to happen), video should be fantastic for everyone on everything. ssh is solved atm by running apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server.

Thanks again.
I never quit... I just ping out.


Sorry if I have the protocol wrong here... not sure whether to post on this thread or a new thread or to stick in the snapshot wiki or to submit a ticket or what what. Please feel free to chastise and guide me to the right thing

Have put snapshot 5916 on both my old hp xw4100 workstation (P4 etc etc) and my i5 with sandy bridge graphics as hybrid.

  • In both cases I have observed the following-

    KDE desktop does not run - see attached screenshot. Message is
kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check your install.


  • On the xw4100 I didn't get the avwizard at all and default to ui1 but l3mce says (related thread) I must delete xorg.conf and reboot. Have yet to try this.

  • On the i5 I have to do the backport stuff at the "failed to setup X" point as recommended which works fine but if I want to change resolution or UI level, and try to rebootwithAVWizard it doesn't.... I had to do the "fix" of modifying - the "exit 0" line that l3mce helped me with.... is this not yet folded into that snapshot?