I have a high degree of confidence in LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso (and beyond)
SSH is fixed
AVWizard/Xconfigure is fixed
Radeon driver finally fixed for MDs
update/sources.list scheme completely changed, overall process much faster
Dual GPU support added (chooses best card, does not run 2 monitors... yet <insert evil laugh>)
On that subject... if anyone has one of the dual integrated gpu laptops, this is what it was designed to address... but anyone who has an integrated gpu and a card, if you wouldn't mind testing this code by NOT disabling the onboard in bios, I would appreciate feedback.
Desktop on core is still an issue. I will figure something out eventually. MDs do not have the ownership issue.
Core only installs have two problems.
1. There is no easy way to reload the router without an MD. The first MD you try to create, requires a router reload. The MD doesn't know when it is far enough along to simply script a messagesend. So, I will have to change the C code to fake an ident and reload the router right before the first MD reboot. Not really a big deal, but annoying for now if you are trying to get one up and running.
2. I have no idea how to setup MythTV without a hybrid. This is a bit more problematic. If your core has capture cards, myth has to be configured on the core afik. You can use the MD if you have a network capture device like an HDHR, but... I don't have anything in place to deal with core only.