Progress update: Feb 1st 2012 day gentlemen (and ladies?)
The MandateThe old orbiter must go, and so, a new one must take its place. After much searching for the right tools, we have landed upon QML as the solution to what ails us. And that has led to this edit: also this too . A very, very early version of a skinnable orbiter that can run on desktops, linux machines, windows machines, phones, tablets, maybe iSomething or others (still looking into it). Anyways, this is a heads up. Change is in the wind.
if you want to stay up to date on whats developing, stop by irc, take a look at and generally say hello. There are all kinds of areas to look at from skins to raw implementation. And remember, its not impossible or un-feasable to help. Theres something for everyone in this one!
Working Docs*update*
How to get Started with QT and Linuxmce note, we doing some advanced, very undocumented things in qOrbiter. So far, this is one of the most complex implementations ive found. And i dont say that to brag, its because I find myself needing to extend basic concepts and really dig into api documentation and pure experiments. For that reason, its my opinion that before you start skinning qOrbiter, you learn/play/turorialize yourself in qml. It will be helpful to you in a big way!
And stop by irc with specific questions if you get hung up on a step. - July 3rd AND - july 25th -july 26th - July 28th - skinning engine implemented! - August 4 - Media Filters, part I - August 5 - Media Filters, part II and heavy handed note about development. - who handles the protagonist - December 1st - Feb 4 - qOrbiter running on an android device. - Feb 10 running on droid with some beginning skin work
At this point, if you want to be in on designing skins, you NEED to be not only paying attention but just trying out qml. trust me, its not that painful!
What Not Working
All the by-room scenarios-tons of missing screens
datagrid call backs-on screen orbiter setup
pin based security -room based security
What is Working
-it doesnt segfault
-dynamic button generation with placeholders for commands and callbacks partially implemented
-User and room selection
-playing media, and controlling it (more functions!)
-single view security camera
-livetv and cablebox watching (mostly)