We are getting close to some kind of release. That being said, you may notice my annoyance at random tickets relating to qOrbiter. This isnt that I dont care about bugs, its that im focused on the big picture. That picture right now is loading the skins over the network from the core.
David_A_Dawson rewrote a bunch of my code to improve it both logically and functionally. This improvement will let us grab our skins from the core.
So if im gruff, rude, or anything else that ruffles your feathers, Sorry in advance. Its just that im focused on addressing the last major issues so that we can hopefully have something to show off @ scale.
Also, if you were planning to make a skin, what are you waiting for?
90% of the functions people use on a daily basis are in there, so lets get going people. So far the most complete skin is mine...which is sad because im writing the backend to the app too. I dont even have screens! We cant complain about the UI if nobody is willing to take a crack at it.
Good Day!