My test monitor is HDMI so I know about the initial blank screen until you press 1. That works with the monitor but not the TV. I even tried connecting the monitor, pressing 1 to get the wizard, then swapping the monitor with the TV to see if the wizard would even show up. The TV would always display "No Input".
I found this thread that talks about an EDID problem. decided it was worth a try so I modified xorg.conf Under Section "Screen"
Subsection "Device"
Modes "1024x768" #this might be different for you, but it should match the modeline name in the monitor section
The above resolution is native for my plasma (1024x768, 60Hz). After I made this change and rebooted, I could see the wizard on the TV for the first time. However, setting the above resolution in the wizard resulted in a "No Input". I started to try all the resolutions and discovered that 480p worked.
I'm still researching this problem and would appreciate input. I'd like to get things running at the full native resolution of the screen. Maybe I have a timing issue, but I don't know enough about xorg.conf to specify 60Hz.