« on: May 20, 2008, 11:23:30 pm »
I store all my media on a different Windows server. I did try (not much) to use the core for storing my media but found it way to complex. Adding new drives and keeping track of individual files took to much of an effort for me. This could be due to the fact I already had my Windows server before I started using LinuxMCE. I have a lot of media and like to keep an overview of my individual files. Using the directory structure of LinuxMCE creates a folder for music, docs, movies, pictures, ... on every disk. I like to use seperate disks for different types of media, one for music, an other for movies, etc. You don't need to use the folders on the disks but they still remain and this bothers me. If you look in the WebAdmin to your files all Windows shares are displayed under 'Other', this gives me a good view of where my files are stored. The files you save under the LinuxMCE directory structure will be displayed in the folders, music, docs, videos, ... So all music files are vissible in the 'music folder', no matter what disk they're stored on. I also found it much easier to add a new Windows share then adding a new disk or folder on the core.
Maybe my experience isn't all correct because I didn't spend much time experimenting with the LinuxMCE folder structure, if it is pleuse correct me. In the end I guess it's everyone's preference how to store his or her files.