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Messages - Thingie

Users / Re: help with x10 within the uk
January 28, 2008, 11:53:49 PM
Quote from: ams on January 28, 2008, 11:29:38 PM

thanks for your reply however the cm11 a does not work in the uk? i thought it was an american device only?

As I understand from reading on the forum the CM11 is supported but only as serial device. But I could be wrong. Anyway, there are cables to change from USB to rs232

Grtz Thingie
Users / Re: Making a new wiki
January 26, 2008, 03:06:02 PM
No wonder the wiki is incomplete. Nobody seems to know how to make a new article.
Users / Making a new wiki
January 26, 2008, 12:16:15 AM
Maybe this is a stupid question but I can't find any info on how to make a new wiki. I can edit articles and move them but I can't make a new one. Some help plz.
Users / Re: LinuxMCE wonderstuff?
January 25, 2008, 10:33:08 PM
Can't seem to upload pict. Don't know why.  ???
Users / LinuxMCE wonderstuff?
January 25, 2008, 10:26:58 PM
For the moment I have two PC's working with LinuxMCE. My core is an Intel Core2Duo and my Diskless MD is a very simpel Celeron processor. When I look on the Admin website at my Media Directors the core shws 'i386' architecture. When i look at the Diskless MD the architecture says it's 'AMD64'. (see pict) I'm not complaining cause everything is working great but I found it funny to notice that LinuxMCE 'upgraded' my PC.
Compatible Products & Services / Re: DVB tuners
January 25, 2008, 10:12:25 PM

after a lof af reading, looking around on the web and posting a few questions here on the forum. I finally made a decission. I've ordered a Hauppauge WinTV NOVA-S-Plus and a Hauppauge WinTV CI - CAM adapter. I'm in Belgium and want to use TV Vlaanderen as a provider. The goods are on the way so now I hope the best. I'll post my experiences and if everything goes well I'll make a wiky about it. Btw, I'm intending to use VDR.
Wish me luck and thanks for all the helpfull replies.

Compatible Products & Services / Re: DVB tuners
January 23, 2008, 07:43:33 PM
Hi guys,

thx for the quick reply. One question:

If I get HD-TV signals from my provider won't the quality get lost when connected to the TV-card?
Compatible Products & Services / DVB tuners
January 22, 2008, 05:54:15 PM
These tuners run Linux and have a RS232 interface. Does anyone have any idea this will work?
Users / Re: Where is the desktop.
January 20, 2008, 01:45:41 PM
Quote from: nite_man on January 20, 2008, 01:14:18 PM
Quote from: Vizeo on April 02, 2007, 01:17:42 AM
I installed LMCE as the default on boot. But I need to get back into the desktop. When installing the installer said that I could load it when I needed to but I can't find any reference on how to do it. I am sure it is simple but I am a windows guy trying to learn linux.

There is a button on the Otbiter - KDE Desktop. Just press it and you'll able to access KDE desktop.

If you're running a dedicated core there is no button
Users / Re: How add/remove windows shares
January 20, 2008, 11:55:22 AM
Quote from: tkmedia on January 20, 2008, 04:14:53 AM
Just boot your windows box on the internal net and wait a little while and a message should pop up that it found a file server then follow the prompts .

There are other ways but that is the easiest.

I will try to find my post where I show how to manually add them

The Windows share PC or NAS should be connected to the internal network (192.168.80.*). It works best if you use dhcp on the Windows share/NAS. Don't use a static IP. Even if it's in the correct range it's very good possible it won't be detected. I've had that problem here at home. If the Windows PC or NAS is allready configured in Pluto and you add a new shared disk or folder it's most likely it won't be detected automaticly.
The best way to add the new disk/folder is to go to the Admin website and go to the devices tree. In the tree you select your Windows share PC/NAS and click quick jump. Ont the right part of the screen you'll see the config for this device. On the top click 'Create child device'. (see pict1) In the new window give it a name and click 'Pick device template'. It the pop-up window pick the Windows Share template and click 'Pick Device Template' (see pict2). The windows close and you'll go automaticly to the new device you created. Here you have to enter a few more data. First you have to enter the IP of the Windows PC/NAS. (see pict3) Don't worry if it's on DHCP cause pluto will remember it and give it the same IP each time it starts up. At the 'Device Data' part you have to enter the correct share name, username, password and filesystem. Select 'Use Automatically' and 'Password Required' and click 'Save' at the bottom. (See pict4) Now reload the router and the share should be available.
Users / Re: Where is the desktop.
January 20, 2008, 11:15:25 AM
Quote from: thynk on April 02, 2007, 02:04:41 AM
I think I saw something in the docs that you can do a ctrl-alt-f2 to open a text console, type the command startx and that should bring up the ubuntu desktop.  Once both are running, you should be able to switch between the Desktop (ctrl-alt-f7) and the LMCE desktop (ctrl-alt-f11).


I also have a dedicated core but would like to access the KDE-desktop. I tried ctrl-alt-f2, entered username and pw and tried the startx command. It sais it's allready running. Then I entered crl-alt f7 and all I get is a blinking cursor where I can't enter any commands. Does nobody at all uses the system this way? There are a few topics on the forum about this issue but nowhere there is a correct answer. If you know how pls let us know.

Users / Re: multiple webcams?
January 14, 2008, 07:17:48 PM

I'll have a good look
Users / multiple webcams?
January 14, 2008, 06:29:06 PM
Is it possible to ad more then one webcam to the core and have it work? I allready have one webcam working just fine but now I'm trying to add a second one but I can't get it to work. Do I have to add an other Motion wrapper or do I create the new camera as a child device under the existing motion wrapper? I've been trying both these options but it won't work. Is there anybody who has multiple webcams on one core or MD? Let me know plz.

Quote from: 1audio on January 10, 2008, 01:02:18 AM
Quoteyou must move the files using the Admin website.

I could not figure out how to move content (movies or music) from the admin site. I looked under Files & Media and there were no options for moving content. Just deleting. Where is this feature?

Open the Admin website and go to 'Files & Media' (on top of the page) and select in the scroll down menu 'Media Files Sync' (See pict1). Now on the left you navigate to the correct folder (the Windows Shares are under 'other' -> see pict2). If you select a folder the files in this folder are displayed on the right. Select the correct file and you wil get a screen as shown in pict3. Now click on the 'Move file to other directory' and a new window wil pop up. In the new window you can navigate to the correct disk and/or folder by clicking on the name of the disk or folder. If you have reached the correct disk or folder click on the corresponding 'Chose destination' button. The moving of the file will now begin. To move entire directories you must select the folder when it's displayed on the right side of the screen and then choose 'Move file to other directory'.
Quote from: colinjones on January 08, 2008, 10:12:40 PM
Zaerc - more generally, how well does LMCE handle you moving media around? Especially making significant changes to your media folder structure like moving a folder with media content from one location to another. Can the media library database and updatemedia handle this? Or are you likely to end up with "orphaned" media entries pointing to the old location and "duplicate" media entries pointing to the new? What about if you move that media from one data>public>audio,etc folder structure to a completely different one on a different drive (say from your core to a NAS or windows share)...

I have had some experience with moving media around. If you move the media without using the Admin website you will get orphaned media entries. You can easily remove the orphaned media entrie in pluto but if you want to avoid this you must move the files using the Admin website. If you move files for example from data>public>audio to a NAS or a Windows Share the result is the same as above. You will get duplicate entries if you move them without using the Admin website. Again easily correctable but a lot of work if you move around a big number of files.
I also would like to mention that it is my experience it is easier to add a new disk as Windows share then adding a new disk to the core (dedicated one). Maybe I'm doing things wrong but when I add a new disk on my Windows server I can easily add it (manually) in Pluto. When I add a new (correct partioned and formatted) disk to the core I can't get it to work correctly. But as I said it could be me.
Hope this was helpfull.