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Messages - Hugolp

Quote from: 1audio on March 26, 2007, 05:58:04 PM
Simple solution for the Harmony Remote is to add the WinMCE control to its setup. LinuxMCE will recognize those commands. How the state management in Harmony will handle that remains to be seen.

I have used both and I'm less enthused about the gyro remote but everyone is different. My preference is a touchscreen.

Of course your preference is a touchscreen. Yours, mine, and everybody's. But you know how much a 26" touchscreen can cost?

Users / Re: Can linux mce do all this?
March 26, 2007, 07:53:01 PM
Yes linuxmce can do all that and more, much much more.

With a 300 euros computer you are more than capable.

Quote from: Striker on March 25, 2007, 04:41:44 PM
I have the drivers that was installed by the Ubuntu installation. I haven't change those, I will try to install the drivers from

I'll keep you posted,

I have an Nvidia chipset as well and I got the instruccions to install the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu page:

Very useful page.


You can have the core (server) and the front end in the same computer. You dont need two computers.

Do you have the nvidia drivers installed?
Users / Re: PS3 as Media Director
March 25, 2007, 04:34:20 PM
It is possible that it will run on the PS3 but why would you run this on a 600 euros piece of hardware that you cant improve with dvb cards or other pci cards, to use the full potential of a media station, when you can run this in a 300 euros computer and have your play station 3 ready for a game?

Users / Re: AMD64
March 25, 2007, 08:29:18 AM
Ok. Thanks. I didnt think about Ubuntu version of course.


EDIT: Now I go and look for the ubuntu 32 bit version, and guess what? is down... its just getting very funny with servers failings this weekend. I bet you the next server I need will go down as soon as I know I need something from it XD
Users / AMD64
March 25, 2007, 07:58:47 AM
I have tried to install linuxmce now that the download page is up and running, and it keeps on saying only 386i. Are the amd64 users out of linuxmce? Is there any amd64 support planned for the future?

If I install linuxmce core in a intel computer will I be able to run the front-end from my amd64? Or even that way it is imposible?


Users / Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
March 24, 2007, 11:37:22 PM
I got the torrent, got a clean ubuntu edgy, and when Im trying to use the installer I see it sais i386, which obviously it hasnt worked in my amd64...

When the official installer is done, is linux mce going to be compatible with amd64 or is this only for intel and old amd's?

Quote from: connypojk on March 24, 2007, 09:46:47 PM
Ihope this will come to Ps3.!!!!!!! :) ::)

Users / Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
March 24, 2007, 06:17:46 PM
Quote from: Mythor on March 24, 2007, 04:30:58 PM
The installer script is downloadable from the first post in this thread. It won't work "out of the box" though, you'll have to find a way to edit the script or fool it in some way.
If you don't already have it downloading I think you'd be better off waiting and seeing what happens when it's official up later today (hopefully) as you might end up needing a different ISO anyway. :)

That's the theory, but ritgh now no one has been able to do it right?

Users / Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
March 24, 2007, 03:02:29 PM
So there's no point in downloading the bittorrent iso (the 680Mb one) because anyway it doesnt work with the installer, isnt it?

Can anyone confirm that they got linux mce working with that iso?

