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Messages - Hugolp

Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
May 08, 2007, 07:41:40 PM
Quote from: IBM on May 08, 2007, 10:17:57 AM
the systems of voice recognition at the present time still are not very good and usually fail with facility, since all the people do not have The same tone of voice nor pronounce equal, the way more simple it is using numbers since they defer in his pronunciacion enough.

try this as an example

Thanks for the advise. But that program doesnt work on my operating system, and also seems to use his very own speech recognition software, wich may bee primitive. I plan to use a good speech recognition software with more than 97% of acuracy for an untrained system. There are alredy comercial companies using it.

I have a 64bit AMD 2x and installing Ubuntu 32 bits or Ubuntu 64 bit there isn't a great difference. Its almost the same. So I think its not on the priority list because its not an isue that would make a different. Install de 32 bit version and you wont notice a change in the speed.

You are asking for a final decision, and you are the only one who can take it.

I can solve you a doubt though. Mythtv back-end wont network boot your other computer. Youll have to boot a computer with its own hard drive or maybe a cd distribution with mythtv front end working (I think that exists) and start the mythtv front end. Both pluto and linuxmce will let you netboot the media players. You have to keep in mind that you cant compare mythtv with pluto/linuxmce. They are different things. Actually, both, pluto and linuxmce use Mythtv for live tv.

Youll have to decide if you just stay with what Mythtv has to offer (its a great program with a great comunity and good suport) or you want to take one step more and use something like Pluto and Linuxmce. Choosing between pluto and linuxmce right now, if I can be honest, its a matter of who do you trust more, because linuxmce just fork from pluto and there arent a lot of diferences by now. I would choose linuxmce over pluto because of the support you can get. I see that as an obvious choice, but it depends on you really.

Quote from: 1audio on May 02, 2007, 03:30:26 AM
In the US they aren't so expensive. The current Squeezebox can be had for $250 on eBay and the Rokus are closer to $50 in some cases. For that price most PC's are pretty limited and don't include a display. And suck power.

If you can get the Roku for 50$ they are very interesting.

The Squeezebox or the Roku seems interesting but they are expensive. For that prize you can get a cheap computer and play video as well. But if you dont mind to expend the money and you like them, they look allright. If you can get them cheaper second-hand they may be a good option.

Users / Re: what is your mce box running on?
April 24, 2007, 11:28:29 PM
I am sure thats enough for the core. And if you dont plan to use the core as a Media Director (they tend to be noisy) you dont need an incredible graphic card. I am using a Asus barebone as Mythtv frontend and is "only" an AMD Athlon 3500 with an onboard Nvidia 6600 (no own memory) and 1gig of RAM and it works without problem.

The media director doesnt need to be very powerful. The only thing that needs is that the graphic card has Mpeg acceleration, so the procesor dont need to do that task.

Users / Re: what is your mce box running on?
April 24, 2007, 12:50:11 PM
Linuxmce 1.0 is for Ubuntu Edgy Eft. Feisty came out not even a week ago. Linuxmce for feisty should be out in a week or so.

About the hardware: Any hardware that works for ubuntu should work for linuxmce. That said, linuxmce works better with nvidia that with ati cards for example (linux in general works better with nvidia than with ati actually). So for the hardware just search internet to see if ubuntu supports it and then youll know the answer for linuxmce. If you dont find information you can allways go to the ubuntu forum and ask.

Developers / Re: Voice control suggestions
April 24, 2007, 09:04:58 AM
Quote from: thynk on April 24, 2007, 02:54:07 AM
I can confirm that MH does support voice control - tho I never did it working in linux, setting it up in windows is fairly trivial.  I've never done any media control with MH, it's more to control the lights and watch the security system than to play movies and such.

One suggestion I can make - be sure to put a keyword control in to your system - something you use to put to sleep the voice control and to wake it up again unless you want it doing the things it thinks it hears off the tv or movie your watching :-)


I was thinking on giving the computer a name, so to give an order you have to call the name before. Something like "Franky, turn on the lights" and the lights will turn on. But if you say "turn on the lights" nothing will happen. As I said, until I get the system working I wont be sure what will be the best solution, thats why I open this thread, so you all can give your ideas and opinions.

Users / z-wave usb bundle for linux and linuxmce
April 23, 2007, 09:55:29 PM
Basically, I want to know a z-wave usb dongle that works with linux and linuxmce.

Also, I live in Barcelona, so anyone knows where to buy or where to ask information near would be apreciated. / Soy de Barcelona, si alguien sabe de algĂșn sitio cercano donde vendan o puedan informarme sobre z-wave que avise.


Installation issues / Re: DCERouter dying
April 23, 2007, 10:26:52 AM
I have been checking this with the guys that help through the yahoo messenger and no luck. I think I am going to wait for the feisty version as fesity solves a couple of other problems I had.

Installation issues / Re: DCERouter dying
April 21, 2007, 05:35:22 PM
My DCERouter dies at starup as well and I get the black screen. Clean installation as well.

I tried cckrobinson solution but no luck. Didnt solve it for me.

Developers / Voice control suggestions
April 21, 2007, 05:30:16 PM

I am going to start working on a voice control system based on speech recognition for linuxmce. I have a basic and clear idea of how I want the system to behave but I am open to suggestions. I am going to explain my idea so you can critice or add to it. Any idea is welcome. Also, if anyone wants to collaborate is welcome as well.

Basically the system will have two ways to interact. One through the menu and the other by direct order.

Menu: Basically you say menu and the menu displays just like if you were using a mouse. Then you can say another option from the menu and that submenu will open, and so on until an action from a menu is chosen. You can go back by saying back.

Direct order: Basically a list of orders will be stored with the sentence that activates it and the action or actions to be done. It should be totally configurable by the user, letting you change any order. Also, it should work with templates, being able to export your actual configuration, download "popular" order templates from the internet, and so on. Once in your system the template should be totally reconfigurable.

There are two issues here. There should be room to let the system "understand" numbers and maybe for the future understand dates and hours. Something like "Turn off the tv in %time" where %time would be a number of minutes or hours.

Also the system should recognize and alert to the user for incompatible orders. For example, you configure the sentence "switch on" to turn on the lights and you configure the sentence "switch on tv" to turn on the tv. That can cause problems because when you say "switch on tv" the system could understand that you said "switch on" and turn on the lights. I dont know if it will be for the first version, but I want the system to alert the user for this.

The area where I have more doubts on how the system should behave is where you have to select a movie or a song from a large list. I am waiting to use more the system to decide how is the best way to do it.

Ok. So basically this is it. If anyone has any idea on how to improve this model or has any experience with a voice control system and wants to give his/her opinion is welcome.

Users / Re: Regarding EPG's with cable
April 20, 2007, 04:53:34 AM
Where are you from? depending on where you are it will be more dificult or less but its allways almost posible. Check Myth tv. If its posible for myth tv its posible for linuxmce.

About the tv card, I am using a Wintv-nova-t-500 with Myth tv with no problem. The good thing about this card is that has two DBV-T inputs so you can watch any program and record another at the same time.

Also, I can confirm what cckrobinson tall you about the minimum CPU. I am running a computer with a nVidia 6600 chipset with no own memory (only shared), 1G RAM and a Atholon 3500+ and I can playback any HD content without problems.

Users / Re: Is there a UK freeview EPG with this?
April 18, 2007, 08:39:38 AM
Linux MCE uses Myth TV for TV and PVR. And Myth TV does have EPG for the UK. So the answer is yes.
