step 1) Unfortunately, belive it or not, i stay up, switch the input to tuner, turn the amp off, on OSD click on Quick Reload Router, OSD goes away, messages from router are shown, screens are rebuild, and when OSD shows up again, amp is turned on and input switched to the right one (laserdisc). I am doing theses testson my core/hybrid, because my diskless MD is note ready yest....
The same result when quick regen orbiter and reload router from webadmin.
step 4) everything working, i stay up from my sofa, and turn the amp off (pressing the on/off button). Then i go back to my sofa, and on OSD, select Media -> Video (or Audio) and select the file to play, an OSD menu (play stop move delete) apppears, i select play, and... the amp is turned on but the input is not selected to laserdisc, remaining at the audio source where i left.
You tell me it's wrong... ok, but i really don't know what is to be done.... to fix it...
Yes, discrete codes.