i understand your point of view, but after digging and digging and not finding how, it was a way to solve it.
I, personally, try to solve reading the wikis, the forum, and when not finding the answer, i do ask. It's not reverting to geek instincts, but trying to make it work. I know there is too much work, and probably less developers than needed to make things work.
I do have some examples of trying to follow the lmce concept, and when it did not work, got no answer.
1) defining the remotes for my tape deck. It works (under AV devices -> advanced options), but can not use it from the OSD Menu.
2) asking about subtitles and getting an ironic answer.
3) asking if there was a way to route a fax to the fax machine connected to a pap2t-na fxs port (no answer).
4) asking how to define the default DSP mode for a given media type (TV, Audio, Video). No answer.
5) can i create an user called Paulo-Mobile, with extension 204 and an user called fax, with extension 205, so the prompt also continues "to dial Paulomobile, press 4, to dial fax, press 5", so when 4 is selected, it would ring my mobile phone (sip client) and 5 seleted would ring the fax machine? - no answer. (this post)
So, it's correct when you say you are tired of people not paying attention to the software.
But for those people (including me) there are two ways: asking and getting help (explanations or pointing wikis with examples), or digging and finding a solution, maybe not the best, and posting to help others in the same situation and needs.
Not all of us are experts in all the fields covered by lmce and lmce architecture (and it's definitions, where, etc), so it's natural the questions arises.
I will try your suggestion for my nokia.
I did see that you edited the nokia wiki, but some questions arises: realm: is there the need to define realm? and so on....
Best regards,
P.S. I do have it working as extension, inside and outside my home, outside via pptp.