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Need testers - updated 10-1

Started by golgoj4, February 14, 2010, 05:25:55 AM

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As soon as im done with a couple more tests ill post the info and an optimized file for mysql for your testers to test ill keep you posted but so far very good results on speed issues


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I tagged some tv-shows and I noticed something. There are two episode tags - one for the episode number, one for the episode title. Usually the episode number comes first, sometimes however its the episode title thats first. In such a case only the episode number appears in my orbiters.
Interestingly..I have another question- how do you usually select your tv-show and episode? Normally the orbiter uses Title as sort-order and up until now that is how I used it. I was checking in my orbiter and at first I was a bit confused, because all the episodes of my tv-shows were jumbled...until I changed the sort-order to filename.
Maybe its just me, but being able to have them sorted by season then by episode wouldn't be a bad idea...


Quote from: MANDINGO on February 19, 2010, 08:54:03 PM
As soon as im done with a couple more tests ill post the info and an optimized file for mysql for your testers to test ill keep you posted but so far very good results on speed issues

I've been looking at/working on some mysql optimizations along with indexes, there had been discussion and some indexes added to the database back in november but current installs do not seem to be implementing the indexes.  I've also looked at query_cache increases and have achieved some significant speed-up on my queries.  I'm hoping to get the indexes reinstated and a few other tweaks put in at the same time.  I have had a look at what you were doing last nite on IRC and it looks good, some of it is very similar to the steps I have taken.  I'll have a look at the optimizations you release here and see how the align with what I've found as well.  I'm off for a week in a week so I'm hoping to dedicate that time to implementing my updates on a dev system to submit a patch for what I've got for mysql at that time, perhaps these updates could go together.

My setup: [url=""][/url]


Quote from: maverick0815 on February 19, 2010, 10:09:46 PM
I tagged some tv-shows and I noticed something. There are two episode tags - one for the episode number, one for the episode title. Usually the episode number comes first, sometimes however its the episode title thats first. In such a case only the episode number appears in my orbiters.
Interestingly..I have another question- how do you usually select your tv-show and episode? Normally the orbiter uses Title as sort-order and up until now that is how I used it. I was checking in my orbiter and at first I was a bit confused, because all the episodes of my tv-shows were jumbled...until I changed the sort-order to filename.
Maybe its just me, but being able to have them sorted by season then by episode wouldn't be a bad idea...

interesting...question is, how should those fields be mapped?
im going to look into this and think about it. I also need to see what the orbiter behavior is, but i have a lot of attribute deletion to do as the testing has my database screwed 6ways from sunday.
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


i download the update !

but some error o search

Warning: DOMDocument::load() [function.DOMDocument-load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvDBxml/language.xml" in /var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvdbUtils.php on line 303

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvdbUtils.php on line 334

i search for brothers.avi

if i search for naruto !

work like a charm  !


Quote from: cfernandes on February 20, 2010, 07:19:41 PM
i download the update !

but some error o search

Warning: DOMDocument::load() [function.DOMDocument-load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvDBxml/language.xml" in /var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvdbUtils.php on line 303

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/pluto-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvdbUtils.php on line 334

i search for brothers.avi

if i search for naruto !

work like a charm  !

Question: Are you manually entering the filename?

Another question: What are the filenames exactly? Naruto.avi? or something like Naruto.s1.e2.avi?

Another Question: what language are you using?

Reason I ask is because its supposed reset itself on a search error. And the language issue is interesting as well...because it only checks the lang file when it initially starts in order to populate the languages from and uses what ever is chosen as it runs until it references the lang file it needs. So that its looking for the lang file after you search when that should happen before is a little confusing.

So if i chose 'da' as my language, its going to use that as a reference from there on out without rechecking that original lang file.

as screen shot of any errors would be priceless :)
i could see where you are in the process, what mode (single or batch) ,  and anything else relevant. crop if needed but ill need a few more specifics really try and trouble shoot your issue. But i am happy and willing (love this learning process) to help :)
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


i not input name manualy !
i use english language

i tried files as naruto.avi

Beegees - Onenightonly (Live From Las Vegas).avi


I am mostly using batch-mode. aside from the things I reported earlier, its working nicely. I see also that the number of warnings about line 213 has decreased to one only.


Quote from: cfernandes on February 20, 2010, 08:30:33 PM
i not input name manualy !
i use english language

i tried files as naruto.avi

Beegees - Onenightonly (Live From Las Vegas).avi

Ill need to look at the code and see whats going on. It seems its not able to load the files for some reason.

Im currently working to include specials, which may have some musical performances but im not sure if they are listed on
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


Tried out your latest version...looks pretty nice.
Batchmode is also greatly improved.
I get one warning:
QuoteWarning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /var/www/lmce-admin/operations/mediaBrowser/tvdbUtils.php on line 222
All in all I am quite happy with what you did. So when this is finished it could replace the Module for applying tags recursively- which isn't working anyways
However the overall handling of TV-shows is still not quite right. It works greatly when you sort after filename, then you wouldn't need to go to all the trouble of tagging the files and just need some coverart. Anyways, I don't know the underlying requirements, so I don't know if there is anything you can do about it or if this is something that needs to be handled by the orbiter. Right now the sort order in which the orbiter shows it is : Title of the show, Title of the Episode, Episode Number
The Season of the Show is not being used obviously. I saw however that the results from tvdb puts the Season as Release Date
So, in my mind the correct order would be: Title of the show, Season( aka Release Date) Episode Number (not necessarily be shown), Title of the Episode.


added an update on 2-25 to support tv specials and deal with some bugs. the whole directory and file permissions business should be done away with now.

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


I just installed your latest version.
I don't know if thetvdb has some issues or if its your scripts, but there are no pictures being downloaded...only blanks


Quote from: maverick0815 on February 27, 2010, 08:46:52 PM
I just installed your latest version.
I don't know if thetvdb has some issues or if its your scripts, but there are no pictures being downloaded...only blanks

just updated...feel free to take a go :)
Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


I'm sorry, but the images still don't get pulled.
So far it seems the link to the images is always this only:


Had a quick play:-

1) None of the pictures load for individual episodes.  Path for pictures is

2) When I try and do a batch mode directory for "3rd Rock From The Sun" suggests show name is either "3rd rock from the" or "3rd".  When I do a batch mode directory for "Simpsons" suggests "simp".  It seems to be cutting off the last four characters (I assume it's removing an extension that isn't there). 

3) When doing batch mode, it doesn't cope very well with multiple copies of the same episode in the directory.  It correctly identifes "3rd Rock From The Sun - 4x20 - Alien Hunter.avi" as being season 4, ep 20 when selected in single file mode.  If doing batch on a directory with "3rd Rock From The Sun - 4x20 - Alien Hunter.avi" and ""3rd Rock From The Sun - 4x20.avi" however it states there are other files in the directory that it can't identify the season number of. 

3) If I search in single file mode for "Bananaman S1e1 - Bananaman Meets Dr Gloom.avi" it suggests as the first three show names "bananaman s1e1" (you should probably eliminate duplicates from the suggested show name list) and the last two as "bananaman".  It correctly identifies that it's season 1, episode 1 however.  Also, surely the top guessed show name should therefore be "bananaman" not "bananaman s1e1"