I have one such as the MD runs for 2 months.
LAN controller Attansic requires module atl1c. Without it I have kernel panic during an attepmt to PXE boot. Way to get nettop work described in wiki page
http://wiki.linuxрmce.org/index.php/Unrecognized_NIC, section
Modify the media director initial ramdisk.
Here's a quick tutorial:
1. First, download atl1c module source files from here -
2. Modify .src/makefile changing "DRIVER_NAME = atl1e" to "DRIVER_NAME = atl1c";
3. Compile module, this will give you file atl1c.ko;
4. Create directory atl1c in /usr/pluto/diskless/<MD#>/lib/modules/2.6.xx-xx-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ and copy file atl1c.ko into it.
5. Add line
atl1c into files
/usr/pluto/diskless/<MD#>/etc/modules and
6. Recreate initial ram disk of MD
cd /usr/pluto/diskless/
chroot <mediadirector-id>
cd /boot
mkinitramfs -o initrd.img-`uname -r` `uname -r`
and after these steps MD PXE boot should be successfull. I advice to remove
quiet splash boot options ( set
Extra Parameters Override to 1 for MD in Webadmin/Devices/Media Directors) to make sure it is.
During the boot will take several minutes (and two reboots) to download and install nvidia drivers.
If you connect your MD to monitor or TV with HDMI, you won't see AVWizard after boot. Way to see AVWizard initial screen in this topic
http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=9884.0. NetBox nT330i have no VGA output, so AVWizard should be in DVI.
Also, I had to edit xorg.conf to make friends nettop with my 40" FullHD SONY LCD, because after nvidia drivers installation and second reboot i see message that drivers are already installed on HDMI output and black screen instead of AVWizard on DVI output.
I added section monitor with following
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
Option "DPI" "96 x 96"
Modeline "1920x1080" 148.5 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 11$
HorizSync 20-500
VertRefresh 59-61
Option "DPI" "96 x 96" added fоr corrent KDE desktop mapping, desktop icons and titles become unreadable without it.
Works close to great with UI2 Overlay, VDR, FullHD video. I have problems with MD freezing while playing video files and wathing TV.
Hope it helps someone.