If the codebase is being totally re-written, then here are some other features to think about.
I have thousands of songs that are organized into directories such as "70's" or "heavy_metal" or "190EP-DLK." Alot of the mp3 tags are not correct so they can be tough to find, and It's easier to create/navigate genres and group one hit wonders together. That way I don't have alot extra junk on the main orbiter UI. It would be alot easier if the orbiter could just use the file/folder structure I created on the hard drive. Is this possible and worthwhile to implement ? I imagine several users haave 10,000 or so songs they dont feel like updating the mp3 tags.
I haven't tried any of the scripts that automatically try to update the mp3 tags. What kind of success have people had and is there a tutorial/best practice ?
Another feature is the random selector. I think it would be cool, to just goto "Audio" in the Orbiter UI then hit random, and it starts playing out of the entire selection.
Also, I think one should be able to remove current song playing from the playlist then automatically save the playlist.
And Lastly, it would be nice for the O-UI to remember where it left off, so if playing several media from the same section (title/chapter/season/episode) would be easy to queue or play next one instead always having to start at the top.