Is there possibility to write event handler in Ruby (like in gsd) ? It would ease such programming a lot....
Thanks in advance,
Hi Rob. Right now you cannot write an event handler in Ruby. An idea would be to add this feature to gsd (the ability to intercept events) and the user will be able to create a new gdb "device" called, let's say, "Event Handler" which will intercept events and then send the desired commands. However, gsd wasn't designed to support this feature and I don' think this will be implemented in the near future.
The second solution would be to use pluto-admin to configure an event handler and run a script/application via App_Server's SpawnApplication command. If you want to write the event handler in ruby, you can type there the filename like this "/usr/bin/ruby ./script/myPlutoEventHandler" and command line parameters for script in Arguments.
Hi Chris, thanks for your answer. I didnt know i had to setup a script. I dont know any of those languages. I went to Advanced- Configuration- Events; the edit command event and set appserver and then spawn application.
Hi Martin,
This is how the parameters should look:
#51 Arguments (string) = detected
#126 Exclusive (bool)
#13 Filename (string) = /usr/bin/python /usr/pluto/bin/
#50 Name (string) = PythonEventHandler
#120 Retransmit (bool)
#94 SendOnFailure (string)
#95 SendOnSuccess (string)
#115 Show logo (bool)
You can ignore the other parameters. What programming languages do you know ?
Best regards,
Cristian Miron