This is a quick post to describe how we tackle Updates & Upgrades in Dianemo S10.10 & beyond.
These can be bug fixes, feature improvements or sometimes completely new functionality. We release these through our Repos and for important ones we announce them here and via email. Each Dianemo S10.10 system has an script that you can execute at any time (and as often as you like) and it will fetch and install any Updates from our Repos and any pending updates from Ubuntu's repos too. We usually suggest that you also run as this will make sure that your Media Managers are always updated too.
These are driven by and linked too Ubuntu OS releases and their schedule. Currently we are slightly behind this curve in that Dianemo S10.10 is still built on top of Ubuntu 10.10 but of course Ubuntu 11.04 is already released. Shortly we will release an Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 which will upgrade the base OS underneath existng Dianemo S10.10 installation leaving them with the same Dianemo functionality but the updated OS. This is essentially a 'Stepping stone' update so that all installations are ready to accept being Updated to Dianemo S11.10. Then once Ubuntu 11.10 has been released we will release an Upgrade to Dianemo S11.10 to all existing Dianemo S10.10/11.04 customers. Upgrades to Dianemo SXX.XX will then mirror the Ubuntu release schedule and generally will happen approximately 4 weeks later in each case.
From Web Admin you can make a backup of your Dianemo S10.10 installation at any time. These backups can be stored on a separate system for safe keeping and can then always be used to reinstate your system to the state it was in at the moment the backup was taken.
See the Dianemo S10.10 Wiki page for additional info; I hope the above clears up any confusion in around Updates, Upgrades and backups. If you have further questions then post them here or contact me via IM here on the Forum.
All the best