No prob with more info. I'd love to get something moving on this. I recently installed my first audio zone (speakers, volume and wiring) so I've begun to start implementing the software. I've read your previous posts about this but couldn't do any testing at the time. Anyway what I'm looking at is: mplayer has native jack support, so no prob there. It's just a matter of writing a plugin for mplayer with support for connectiong to whatever jack connections have been setup for each zone or adding an additional connection to an existing mplayer instance to have synced music in multiple zones. Currently I'm using an sb live so I'll max out at 2 zones (4 mono channels, 2 stereo). Eventually I'm looking at maudio hardware to handle all 8 planned zones. Mplayer and Jack are already capable of this, so all thats needed would be a plugin for mplayer, and an admin gui to configure jack. I'm not too good with C++, but with some books, google and some decent dce device howto/tutorial/documentation I'm more than willing to give this a try. I think that about sums it up. If you have any more questions or ideas/suggestions let me know.