I Need Help!
In order for anyone to support me, I will try to give as much detail as I possibly can.
I have an 810 Alpha2-Latest Core that apparently has a Core Boot Drive (sda1) that has become corrupt while working. The system has been up and working without any problems for about 2 months. It is running Alpha2.24, up until now, without any glitches.
I went to my windows vista orbiter and up popped "A new Hard Drive has been found, do you want to use it?" Seeing that it was referring to my Core's primary hard drive (sda1), I knew something was screwed up. I then went to the core and the onscreen orbiter was displaying the same message and running painfully, painfully slow. Not knowing the consequences of any relpy, I selected on the orbiter, Admin, restart the core and after the orbiter took it's slow running self it said restarting the Core. After the Core shut down and restarted there was the A/V Wizard. Oh Crap, now I knew I was in trouble.
The Core now has NO Orbiter, that can be found, and just a blank screen with an arrow cursor after Kubuntu 810 starts and LinuxMCE begins to Init. No Media Directors, Windows Orbiters or my WebDT 366 can properly and completely boot from the core. There are NO Internal Network problems causing this (verified). DCERouter is running because my primary Diskless Media Director sees the Core and begins to boot all the way to Orbiter time and then ends up with the same blank screen with an arrow cursor.
Before going to the blank screen w/cursor, I managed to catch the media director finishing it's boot from the core, quickly saying, Error - Unable to connect to the MYSQL server. Evidently the Diskless Image, on the Core, can be found or the MD would not have gotten that far.
The only clue I have as to what possibly might have happened is my family was watching a movies on the MD and told me that a Blue-Screen Message popped up and said, the disk drive was full or getting full. I wasn't home so I do not have more precise error message info.
I need to try and trap the Core while booting and get to a console or KDE Desktop, to see what's going on with the Core's Boot Drive (sda1).
How do I let Kubuntu boot and stop LinuxMCE from starting on the Core? Are there any control key combinations I can use?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to avoid a complete re-installation as I have several camera logs on the primary drive, and the loss of about 190 DVD movies on (sdb1), a 1.5T drive, would be catastropic.