Andrew - can I ask a fairly obvious question? Why MythTV, not VDR? I thought both CHT and Niz23 both used VDR exclusively?
Also, I think, from the nVidia documentation, that even 7000 series _integrated_ chipsets _with_ the PV feature will also support VDPAU, such as the 7050PV.
Hi Colin,
Well since last Friday we have been running some tests on MythTV 0.21 (the current stable version available for 8.10/9.04)...initially this was just out of interest to compare how it handled 'weak' or disrupted signals from part of our prep for 0810. However once we go it installed we very quickly realised how far MythTv has come since we last looked at it (probably 3'ish years ago now!). What we discovered was Myth has evolved to have;
- Full Multiplex recording (the original reason why we went with vdr)
- Very powerful and sophisticated recording timers that integrate really well with off-air EPG data
- A really well designed and easily skinnable OSD
- An equally well designed/skinnable EPG that uses all of the off-air EPG data (like 'Genre'...record all the 'Thrillers' automatically for me)
- A fully integrated MHEG interactive services engine...this means that all the UK off-air MHEG based broadcast services are now accessible to
- Excellent support for capture cards and configuration options to squeeze as much quality out of them as possible
- Excellent support for HD from DVB-S and support for the vdpau Nvidia api NOW.
So the upshot is that weare almost certainly going to transition as a company to MythTV in the very near future. All our vdr code and changes are in the svn I believe and will be part of 0810 Beta's but we will focus from now on MythTV and you will see in time any changes, fixes etc for Myth uploaded by us to the svn too.
I know this might seem a big change (and it is!) but when we weighed up all that MythTV can do now against vdr and the uncertain time we will wait for the 1.7x really was an easy decision.
All the best
PS I'm happy to discuss this in more detail here if people want to understand why we have made this decision