Is it possible firefox isnt integrated with mce on my install as none of the computing/weblinks seem to work and if i drop to kde firefox isnt installed. For some reason since installing mce kde desktop is now much larger than my tv and is virtually unusable as you can only get access to the center of the desktop.
Edit: I have downloaded firefox manually and have transfered the files to a usb stick. Where is MCE expecting firefox to be installed? Unless there is a better way i am planning on just copying the firefox folder i have downloaded across to the mce location and see how that goes..
Having "poked" about a bit i have the following questions issues post mce install;
ALSA (HDMI) sound no longer works. Amarok can no longer play cd's etc from within kde.
KDE desktop no longer fits my tv screen. Somehow MCE has resized it, but according to KDE desktop settings the resolution is correct.
I have read the threads on overscan but there seems to be some confusing information. I do not think it is overscan on my tv via HDMI as before installing MCE KDE desktop was displayed correctly via HDMI with no overscan. Post running the AVwizard I now get lots of overscan when i drop to KDE desktop. Has anyone had any success with the modeline adjustments? I am confused how i can specify one modeline for KDE and one for MCE
EDIT::: Seems to be a user friendly modeline calculator. If i dont hear STOP calls im going to paste the following in tomorrow and see if it helps at all!
# 1368x768 @ 60 Hz
Modeline "1368x768_60.00" 92.16 1368 1440 1592 1864 768 769 772 824 -HSync +Vsync
# 1920x1080 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 69.42 kHz; pclk: 185.49 MHz
Modeline "1920x1080_60.00" 185.49 1920 2048 2264 2672 1080 1081 1084 1157 -HSync +Vsync
Firefox wasnt installed as part of the MCE install. (none of the shortcuts in computing work, i have downloaded firefox but need to know where mce is expecting it)
MCE seems to have "confused" my network settings within KDE (and itself!). I used itspacs addition to to allow my wifi as an external card and the NIC for the internal network. The wifi connection was working before MCE was installed (WPA key etc), but since the install if i drop to KDE btoh the Wifi card and NIC appear as "unmanaged". Within Network settings in MCE the IP addresses against the wifi and NIC seem "strange". My wifi router was the DHCP controller (external link from MCE) and the IP address against the wifi is not within the IP list available to the router. (Is it the case that i configure the wifi connection within webadmin?).
Sorry for the long list of issues, but having spent 2/3days getting this far I really want to push on and get a working system setup!
Thanks to all those that have helped this far... hopefully i am on the home straight!