i am just going through my 810a2 install of mce. I had a stable and updated kubuntu i386 install (with the latest nvidea drivers) running before going through the mce install. Once i reboot i loose signal before the AV wizard starts and as such cannot move forward!
Similar had been reported with my motherboard here
http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/ASUS_M3N78-EM but having booted to recovery mode and reinstalled the latest drives again, on reboot the same happens and i loose signal before getting the av wizard up. Is there anything else i can try to get my install moving~?
I have tried going through the number keys to switch output but nothing changes. I have just edited xconf.org to vesa drivers and the av wizard appears. Having been through the wizard and put xorg.conf back to nvidia my machine now stops after several iterations of stopping samba and restarting it. Any thoughts?
If i leave it as VESA driver then the machine hangs post avwizard at the Installnewdevice is running stage