After a bit of soul searching I find myself back at the start of my journey
(seems a popular outcome from the posts I've read
I have looked at the EEEBoxes, and the Revo, and they have their pros and cons
for my application.
So I've decided to re-evaluate my requirements, as I think I've got lost in the mire!
My MDs will be located around the house and can be put in 2 categories: -
Looking at the requirements of the bedroom first, I think the Revo will be an ideal candidate,
especially considering the features it will be able deliver once VDPAU in implimented.
The living room however, requires additional features, due to the fact that this will be intensivly
used as a "Theretre" setup.
This means that the MD I select for the Living room will need to be able to output AC3 audio
either via spdif, or preferrably via optical for use in a 5.1 amp.
To my knowledge I do not recall seeing the spdif or optical ports on the specification list
for the Revo, however the EEEbox does (Via an adapter).
The main detractor for the EEEbox is the fact it has an ATI GFX unit.
Over the last 10 years of playing with Linux in one form or another I have
never had great experience with ATI by comparison to Nvidia derived cards.
So I'm back to the Zotec ION Atom (N230), It appears to have the same foundation
as the Revo, but with the added features of multiple audio/video outputs.
Presumably once VDPAU is introduced into LinuxMCE this platform shouldn't have
any issues with 1080p h264.
Is this evaluation of the options a fair one??