Okay, so my box is up and running, with the exception of the onboard NIC. (I have the ASUS M3N78-EM).
I have played around and read posts and got to a point where I am comfortable with the LMCE environment.
So, based on the wiki page for the mobo the solution to resolve NIC is to upgrade kernel. Now, looking at page after page of documentation, mostly warnings, it begged the question as to whether or not 810 would be the best option with a fresh install.
Only thing of concern I have read are comments about the xorg.conf file under 810 not liking changes.
If it were you what would you do?
I also don't have to do this today, it's a hybrid, I have no MD's and for what I need right at the moment it works, but I am a tinkerer and will likely do one or other anyway.