At this point, any sprinkler valve that can be controlled via a relay port, can be connected to a large GC-100-12 or -18, and be controlled in this manner. Simply connect the device, make sure that the relay port is properly configured in the GC-100's web admin pages (make sure it is enabled, and note its port #), then go into LinuxMCE, make a new child of the GC-100, of type Generic Sprinkler Valve, put it in a room, for example "Outside" and put the Port # in the channel/Port field. You should also set the floorplan icon, so you can see it on the floorplan after you place it with the Floorplan Wizard.
You should then add an irrigation scenario or two, being sure to select the Irrigation wizard from the dropdown, and pick the valves you wish to turn on/off for that scenario.
Reload your router,
The system will ask to regenerate your orbiters, and you will see in your "Outside" room, a new set of buttons for your scenarios to control your sprinkler valves, as specified.