I use a TS820
http://wiki.linuxmce.com/index.php/TS820 and a Gyration Ultra Mouse (which I found in a trash can at work last week - Nice). They are both RF and Plug and Play for the Left and Right mouse buttons only. Left is accept/select and right is cancel. So I had the same problem as others - when watching a movie I could not get the menu back up do anything. So I did the following:
For the TS820 (available from Techstyle UK Ltd. www.techstyleuk.co.ukBTW)Goto the KDE desktop, at a console window I typed 'xev' and enter. a small box comes up, I moved the cursor into the box. Press the buttons that do not work, look at the console for the output "Keycode XXX". and write down what they are.
I then adapted the instructions on
http://wiki.linuxmce.com/index.php/Using_the_Gyration_Remote_GYR3101US_%28Non-Fiire_Chief%29 changing out the keycodes for the ones from this device.
Now the TS820 has Accept/Select, Cancel, Menu (F7), Ambience (F8), Channel/Chapter FFWD/RWD/PAUSE menu (F6) and as a bonus, page up/page down (on the side) will work as scrolling for the media menus.
For the Gyration Ultra MouseGoto the KDE desktop, at a console window I typed 'xev' and enter. a small box comes up, I moved the cursor into the box. Press the buttons that do not work, look at the console for the output "ButtonPress event, .... button X". and write down what they are.
I followed the directions in this wiki page for setting up the extra buttons
http://wiki.linuxmce.com/index.php/Use_Additional_Mouse_ButtonsThe Gyration Ultra Mouse has only three buttons so I set up the middle button as F7
I will create a WIKI page for the Gyration Ultra Mouse and update the Wiki page for the TS820 soon
Also we are out of stock of the TS820, more are due in in 2-3 wks