Author Topic: 0 Replies Suggestion/Request  (Read 3754 times)


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0 Replies Suggestion/Request
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:26:23 pm »
Is there any chance we could have someone (with adequate linuxmce experience, I'd volunteer but I'm new) in the forum who on a regular basis could go through past posts that have 0 replies and give _some sort_ of useful reply? Even if it's merely "Read the f*cking FAQ" or "You don't make any sense, please clarify". There are times when such 0 reply posts are encountered during forum searches where the answers to such questions are of interest - there seems to be little point in re-posting the question since it wasn't answered the first time.

Some of my own posts have not been answered and they are questions posted following reasonable amounts of research. The lack of response is confusing (Did I miss something in the FAQ or Wiki? Does no one know the answer? Did I search through the forum using poor search terms? Should I keep looking or am I wasting my time? Am I trying to do something with linuxmce that it can't do?)

I think linuxmce would be much more accessible to less advanced users if this was done - I realize no one has the time as everyone is busy making linuxmce even more amazing than it already is.

I'm not trying to be whiny or demanding as I'm grateful for the many hours that have been donated to this project to date. I just thought it would be a good thing from an accessibility standpoint.



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Re: 0 Replies Suggestion/Request
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 07:35:34 pm »
Many people here already do that. If there are no replies, then most likely nobody knows the answer or they are biting their tongue because if you had searched the wiki, forum, or google, you would find the answer. This is a community project and community supported.


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Re: 0 Replies Suggestion/Request
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 07:52:59 pm »
if it is not a FAQ, it could have been missed.. any  specific threads in mind?
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Re: 0 Replies Suggestion/Request
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2009, 08:00:32 pm »
If there are no replies, then most likely nobody knows the answer or they are biting their tongue because if you had searched the wiki, forum, or google, you would find the answer.

1) In the case that no one knows the answer, the person may assume that the lack or replies is due to the information being easily available and go on a fruitless frustrating search.

2) In the case that the information is easily available the person may have looked but overlooked it. They may assume that no one knows the answer and be frustrated by the lack of support.

Either situation drives people away from the community which I think is a bad thing. I guess the way I see it, a harsh RTFF answer is better than no answer. At least then you identify that the information does exist and you eliminate the possibility that no one knows the answer.


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Re: 0 Replies Suggestion/Request
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2009, 08:15:53 pm »
any  specific threads in mind?


I've seen others but I've lost them.

Here's one of mine (mainly interested in point #1):