I'm a little lost (Guess I opened myself up). I've had LinuxMCE up and running for some time now, not knowing a lot about Linux. I've lived in the Windows world ever since it jumped on top of DOS so I need some help. I'm on 710 (Kernel 2.6.22-14) of which I installed my core/hybrid from the 710 i386 RC2 DVD. I have a Media Director and several Orbiters also working, 1 on xp, 2 on Vista, a Blackberry Curve (8330 - Verizon) but I'm having a bit of trouble with a new MD I'm setting up. It's on a ASUS M3N78-EM platform.
I've read all of the wiki info and looked through the forums and realized that it seems the best way to take on newer products is to upgrade the kernel. Where I'm stumped is doing the package list update because I'm not that up on Linux's way of accomplishing tasks. First, Is there a newer DVD i386 image with a more recent kernel than the one I'm using (stated above)? If not, What's the best way to accomplish this. Many posted comments do different work-arounds and instead of just patching one Media Director's image, I would like to do a system update so that I can install a second, third and maybe a fourth MD and not have them all patched. I understand that newer kernels incorporate an updated components list including many new drivers.
I don't mind reinstalling my core/hybrid, Media Directors and Orbiters, if necessary. Any help on understanding the package list updating will be helpful.