For all those people that are interested in the Gyration remote option (particularly now that the Fiire remotes are effectively unavailable), you may have noticed some discussions going on in another thread. The bottom line is that the Gyration remote requires more than the ordinary control path to provide all-button functionality. Some considerable development work needs to be undertaken.
On a positive note, TSCHAK/Thom is prepared to devote some of his paid development time to this development effort. I would like to say that I think this is a very good idea, will provide you with another full-feature, gryo-style remote option, and will ultimately leave an ongoing legacy to the project in which you can legitimately feel you have contributed something back.
I am going to gather the names of people interested in this effort, and then work with Thom to determine what the per-person contribution would need to be. NOTE: this is not a commitment at this stage, we just want to get a number of interested parties so that we can work out what the cost per-person would be. I will communicate that cost back to you all and ask if you are prepared to proceed on that basis.
So, if you are at all interested in this, are prepared to consider payment to assist, and in anyway feel that you would like to contribute back to a project which has already given you so much for free (there's the guilt trip!), please post in reply to this thread ASAP.