Port info can be found here:
http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbersFrom what I see, the following ports are used in this way:
22 - SSH server (need it)
53 - DNS
80 - web server for the pluto-admin page. Probably want to lock it from outside by using the "Outside Access" page in the Wizard menu.
111 - sunrpc SUN Remote Procedure Call - no idea why open
123 - ntp Network Time Protocol
137 - NETBIOS Name Service - Probably should lock from outside. Not needed facing external.
139 - NETBIOS Session Service - Probably should lock from outside. Not needed facing external.
445 - Microsoft-DS - Probably should lock from outside. Not needed facing external.
2049 - Network File System - Sun Microsystems - Probably should lock from outside. Not needed facing external.
3306 - MySQL - Probably should lock from outside. Not needed facing external.
8080 - HTTP Alternate usually used for proxy servers. Probably not needed facing external unless you want to put a web page on this port.
You should be able to lock down all of it from the Advanced->Network->Firewall Rules section.