Hi All,
Finally decided to join the forum. I've been using linux for over 15 years, My home/office is 90% Linux.
I've got a couple of Win XP instances running in VMWare server, because there are some applications that
are not yet available for Linux, but as soon as they become available, I will ditch XP altogether.
I stumbled upon Linuxmce a while back, but never had the time to put a system together. As a business
owner, I clock some serious work hours. Finally managed to get some free time a couple of months ago
Bought some hardware and built a killer core/Hybrid system. (Quad Core / 3 Gigs of Ram / 250 Gb OS Drive
500 Gb Storage and a 1TB NAS) Overkill perhaps, But I call it forward thinking, by the way, my hardware
had some issues with LMCE, but with a couple of trips to the command line, passed a few commands to Grub
and a few VGA card tweaks. I've got the Hybrid running with UI2. SWEET! After a dozen or so installs and reinstalls.
I've got a working system. My system is on 24/7 for the past month with no issues or whatsoever. I'll add
my hardware list to the wiki at some point. Right now, I've got two Laptops working as MDs. One is attached to my TV via
Svideo and the second Laptop is setup in the dining area. Will be adding light modules, IP cams and so on soon.
Also looking into the ASUS EETOP as and MD for the kitchen area. I think the touch screen would be great for
the wife to browse for recipes and play her fav shows and or listen to her fav songs while she's cooking. It is a
work in progress, needless to say, LMCE, Very Addictive!!!
Linux MCE with all it's rough edges is the best solution for HA out there by a mile. I'm hooked.!!!