Hey All,
Got myself a Denon AVR 2307 yesterday and was very impressed with the plug and play nature!!! (USB to RS232 cable)
I did notice some odd behaviour though - hoping someone may be able to assist.
The AVC-A1SRA (RS232) device template has some shortcomings:
Delay after Power On CommandNo commands can be sent to the receiver for 6 seconds after a power on command is sent to the device. Power commands seem to be sent to the device by the router even if the receiver is already powered on. The result is that commands seem to get delayed (or maybe lost) during this rather long wait period.
The solution is as follows:
1. Move the delay from the "Delays" portion of the template in to ruby code for the power on command and put an appropriate sleep there to allow the unit to power up before commands are sent to it.
2. In the power on command, only sleep and send the power on string to the receiver when it is off. That is, keep track of the power state and ignore extraneous power on commands.
As a side note, I'm pretty sure that this same problem plagues the Marantz SR Series template.
Audio is Interrupted Whenever an Inputs String is Sent to the ReceiverWhenever a string is sent to the receiver that selects an input, the audio is interrupted. This happens even if the input is not changed. Input commands are sent to the device by the router even if the input is not changing. The result is a gap in audio whenever media playback is started.
The solution is as follows:
In the ruby code, keep track of which input is currently selected. Only send an input selection string to the receiver when the input changes. That way a gap in audio is only heard when the input actually changes.
I have a new Denon AVR/AVC series device template that incorporates those changes if anyone is interested.