It allowed the resolution change but for some reason all I get is the top left of the screen stretched across my entire televsion. I did get a lock up after I used TotallyMaxed xorg.conf file but I think it is due to the screen saver issue you detailed. I need to run a diff on the xorg.conf file that was created and the one supplied by totallymaxed to see what other options were changed. I'm hoping to get to that this evening. I also need to get a remote configured.
I'll post what I find...
Edit: spelling
Yes, I had the top left screen stretch as well. I used the totallymaxed xorg.conf and finally got a good picture. Should the wiki be updated to reflect that ?
I also have had several lockups on the B202. A search of the forum indicates it could be the screensaver. Why ? Besides disabling it, is anyone working on a solution ?
Another issue I see (the same as on my M2NPV-VM hybrid) is when videos play, if there is fast movement, like in a dancing or action, around a person appears horizontal black lines until the object stops moving. it's like the graphics is trying to catch up. the faster the movement, the larger the jitter. Searching the forum on tearing talks about disabling de-interlacing, change to libmpeg2, enable openGL, sync on vert/vblank.
I'm not sure where all this happens, xorg.conf, xine,
If anyone knows this stuff in detail, can they update the B202 wiki page so its clear and concise...if they have the time of course.
I'm hoping the B202 will be my second (probably main) MD. I just ordered a DT366 from tkmedia and pretty soon, this system will have to pass the 'wife test', or else stay as my test/in-progress system.
Thanks to all the devs and contributors for the great work. I have a spare H/D so if its needed, I could try 0810 alphas and betas if the devs are short of testers.