I have followed same guide for LG LCD TV. Its pretty good guide.
The learning curve was finding out some codes are slightly different for the LG7000 series TV inputs, need to use xb instead of kb and had to convert the binary to HEX values. Some of the legacy codes still work for inputs 1-6 using kb, but to get the HDMI inputs you really need to use the correct xb command.
Best thing to do is connect your cable and test from the konsole
/usr/pluto/bin/TestSerialPort -p /dev/ttyS0 -P N81 -b 9600 -t "ka 00 01\r"
this should at least power the TV on. and you get a result 01 OK01
Now my problem is it works from konsole, but from LMCE im still getting error
Ruby was unable to handle the command in reasonable amount of time <0x40800950>
I have set the video pipes etc, but MD not powering on TV,
If anyone has suggestion, would appreciate it.