While fiddling with my music collection, I was unable to apply attributes on all files in certain directories with a single quote in the filename...
Something like Greatest Hit's! would cause an error.
After seeing this a half dozen times I decided to add the addslashes() function to wherever it was needed.
Turns out to be in
I changed line 13 to look like this:
$filesArray=getAssocArray('File','PK_File','Filename',$mediadbADO,"WHERE Path LIKE '" . addslashes(@$dirData[0]['Path']) ."/". addslashes(@$dirData[0]['Filename']) . "' AND Missing=0 AND PK_File!='" . $fileID. "' AND IsDirectory=0 ORDER BY Filename ASC");
Changing the opening/closing single quotes in the SQL string to a double quote and modifying the line to get rid of the single quotes and added the addslashes() function around the Filename...
Works for me now.