I have built my system on a Intel q6600 quad core processor and Asus p5q MB (which I have got working pretty much out of the box assuming you update the bios to 1004, change a couple of BIOS options, have no USB devices plugged in duing installation, and after installation of LinuxMCE manually install the LAN driver... I will post a wiki when I am happy it is stable.
I have a Nvidia GeForce 8500 based PCIe passivley cooled graphics card; works fine in Kubuntu... LinuxMCE automatically installed the drivers (although it didn't ask). and I am using UI2 without a-blending.
When watching TV (I have a NovaT500dual DVB-T card, but no media on the system yet), and (trying to) use the OSD for playback speed / volume... it appears when I press the button on the Gyration Go air mouse, but when I move the pointer it flickers, doesn't respond properly and looks generally unusable and unsightly....
the main menus work fine (vertical scroll of option selected within a single pull-up menu is seamless, horizontal scroll between pull-up menus flickers slightly).
I have read that I could install teh latest NVidia drivers, but there are no instructions that I have found about how to revert back to the LInuxMCE versions if it fails... it walso says some LinuxMCE files will be overwritten, but doesn't say if these are just driver files or much more important stuff (why would they mention it if it was just driver files)?
any ideas?